Chapter 13.

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Helena was caught by surprise when she suddenly heard a pair of feet being dragged across the room, the noise startling her and almost making her lose grip on the piece of paper she was holding.

"Nina?" a droussy voice said.

The girl squinted her eyes to focus her eyesight on the person that was walking towards her in the dim room. She then saw the familiar red hair.

"What are you doing up?" Fred said through a yawn, rubbing his eyes and taking the spot on the floor next to her, crossing his legs too.

"I... I couldn't sleep."

Helena felt tired, her head already starting to hurt, begging her to go to bed and catch a few hours of rest. But she didn't wanted to have a nighmare. The same nightmare that haunted her sleep when she was younger.

"You looked a bit off today," Fred said softly, looking at her with concerned eyes. "Wanna talk about it?"

"It's just..." Nina had no idea where to start. She never really talked about it to anyone, not even her father, knowing he had his own pain to carry.

Without saying another word, Helena handed Fred the piece of paper she was holding. It was actually a photograph she always took with her to Hogwarts, the effect of it was usually a pleasant one whenever she looked at it but now, it made her sorrow.

The redhead smiled when he saw the picture, immediately recognizing one of the people in it. She hasn't changed, he thought to himself.

In the picture, there was a child version of Nina. Her long dark hair styled in pigtails, her dark doe eyes filled with joy, smiling from ear to ear and showing off her bright smile that was missing a lower tooth. Next to her, embracing the small girl in a tight hug, Fred could easily assume was her mother.

The woman was holding Helena infront of her, resting her chin on top of the child's head with a warm smile and soft hazel eyes. Nina had inherited her dark hair and kind facial features.

"She seems nice," Fred said handing back the picture.

"She was." Helena stared at it once more before she tucked in under her sleeve.

The twin gulped.

He had never wondered about the girl's mother, only having seen Nina's father last year when they were both shopping for school supplies at Diagon Alley. Fred always assumed her mother stayed at home. And now, he felt terrible.

"I'm s-sorry." Fred wasn't sure what to say to her after all these years of knowing her and just now finding out about it.

"It's alri-" Nina couldn't bring herself to finish.

It will never be alright.

They both sat there in silence, gazing at the orange fire infront of them. Helena didn't want to make the boy uncomfortable with the situation, that's the last thing she wanted.

"You have her smile," Fred said after a few moments.

Nina turned her head to look at him, a smile slowly creeping on her face for what he had said.

"And I bet you got your confidence from her, too," he added, pushing her shoulder lightly with his.

"She would always tell me to have my head held high and to stay true to myself, no matter what other people said." Helena felt her eyes water again and closed them for a second.

"What happened?" Fred's voice so quiet, Nina thought she had imagined it at first.

"I don't know," the boy looked confused and Helena continued, "I was so young and didn't know what was happening.

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now