Chapter 7.

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Detention was at the end of that week and Professor McGonagall had informed the three that they would be in the library putting books back to their shelves and that they would organize them properly after the library had been closed. And with no magic.

Helena had met up with Cedric that late evening to write a Potions essay due for next week. The tall Hufflepuff looked at her confused when she didn't bother to put her things away when Madame Pince had told them she was about to close.

"Are you planning to spend the night here?" the boy joked.

"No, I... Umm, I actually got detention," the last word barely heard. She had shrunked an inch in her seat.

"Detention? You?" Cedric asked getting a nod from her. "So... I'm guessing it has something to do with putting away all those book some second years piled up over there."

He pointed at a table near them that indeed had a mountain of books piled one on top of the other. It looked like it was the same height as him.

"Yes, have to organize the whole thing," she sighed rubbing her tired eyes and combing her hair with her fingers, pulling it up in a messy bun.

"Let me help a bit," Cedric said grabbing the books they had been reading.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to," Nina was glad that he had even offered.

Madame Pince had her back to them so Cedric took out his wand and with a flick he made the pile of books he had pointed out float away to their respective shelves. The boy winked at her before he left, making Nina's heart beat faster and her cheeks warm up as she stared at Cedric's retreating body.

"What are you looking at?" George said standing next to her from out of nowhere and following her gaze.

"Cedric Diggory, huh?" Fred said amused coming out from one of the bookshelves. "Should've guessed it. You're both total nerds!"

Nina rolled her eyes at them. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." The girl started putting away random books.

"C'mon..." George teased, nudging her arm. "We're friends now. You can trust us."

"Admit you like Goody Two Shoes Diggory, Hell!" said Fred not so delicately.

"I won't admit it because there is nothing to admit, so end of story." Deny. Deny. Deny.

The twins just grinned at each other knowing the real answer but gave the girl some peace of mind and dropped the subject to start their detention.

Nina was secretly enjoying her detention, doing so with a smile on her face whenever she picked up a book and gladly putting it back where it belonged. She couldn't understand why some students didn't bother doing it. No common decency.

                           ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On Halloween morning, the twins and Nina were to go to the Hogmeade trip together so that she would be involved with the process of the Weasley Project, as she would call it. "Zonko's is where we get some of our ideas," George explained.

They wanted to get an early head start on the day but Nina also wanted to sleep some more. "Saturday is meant for sleeping," she told them. So they had agreed that they would let the girl sleep until 9am and meet for breakfast at 9:30.

Helena forced herself to wake up and take a quick shower noticing how her roomates were no where to be found. She grabbed the first pieces of clothing that were close: a pair of dark blue jeans, white sneakers and an oversized bright red jumper.

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now