Chapter 65.

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During the small celebration they threw Harry for getting off the eye of the Ministry of Magic, Fred and George would glance at Helena every now and then as if they were trying to figure her out. They would joke around her, as usual, but the girl could catch them being serious when her attention was on someone else.

"We'll help mum with the dishes," said George to the rest of the teenage group as they were heading upstairs to call it a day after having dinner.

"Yeah, we'll only not use magic this time to do it," Fred sniggered, rushing everyone to leave after Hermione reminded them to not drive Mrs. Weasley crazy with their magic. "A-ha! Where do you think you're going, Hell?"

Fred had grabbed the girl by her shoulder, stopping her from going any further up the staircase.

"Care to explain something?" George intervened, gathering next to the other two.

Helena knew exactly what they were talking about. They both looked like they wanted to ask about it after it happened but she herself could not explain it. In the end, she thought it was best to just let her thoughts on the subject out. That way maybe the twins could help her.

"Not here. C'mon," Helena whispered, not wanting to be overheard by someone from the Order at the moment.

She guided them to one of the rooms that had been completely cleaned over the summer, closing the door behind her and pointing her wand at it, saying "Muffliato" to not be heard by eavesdroppers. 

"You're probably wondering how was I able to know what you were going to say earlier today. Believe me, freaked me out a bit, too," Helena started the conversation, looking up at the twins. "I'm not a hundred percent sure about this, it's only a theory but... I think if I touch someone's hand, I can see an immediate future."

The twins shared curious looks with each other, then turned back to look at their friend as she continued to explain her theory, having their full attention.

"The same happened that night of the Yule Ball when I accidentally touched Professor Moody's hand and-"

"Fake Professor Moody," the redheads said in unison.

"Fake Professory Moody's hand," the girl corrected through gritted teeth as she remembered the man who kidnapped her. "Anyway... When I touched his hand, I had a vision of this dark room with a man in it. At the time, I didn't know I was going to be the one inside the room as well. I thought it was a vision of something happening in the far future, like with Cedric's vision, but that one came true in a matter of minutes."

Fred and George felt uncomfortable remembering the time their friend went missing for months, not knowing what had happened to her during that time. They pushed back that thought to focus on what Helena was explaining to them.

"So... You're saying that you can see an immediate future when you touch someone's hand?" Fred asked the girl.

Helena nodded.

"I think so," she confirmed. "Although, it seems to happen involuntarily. As I said, I can't control when I see something. If touching someone's hand triggers a vision of an immediate future, I need to be able to do it on command."

"What do you mean?" asked George, making the same question Fred was thinking. "You want to control when you get visions?"

"Yes, I do. It would be one bloody ability to develop and a pretty useful one, too." Helena had suddenly felt a rush of excitement and determination. She had to have another vision like the one she experienced with Fred in order to confirm her theory, but she was certain it could be of use to the Order if she could learn how to have visions of the future when she pleased. "Just think... If I could see the future whenever I want, I can help determine You-Know-Who's next move!"

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now