Chapter 20.

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a/n Holy Moly!! Tbh I didn't think I would write this far. Ok on with the story...

His voice came out raspy, as if he hasn't talked much over the years down at the heavily guarded prison.

Sirius Black stepped out of the shadows, revealing a gaunt man with torn and hanging clothes on him. His rugged appearance would have scared anyone at first sight.

The person whos face was splattered all over the wizarding world, holding his number plate and yelling like a madman, seemed to be a totally different one than the one before the three teenagers. He was calm, smiling at them as he were expecting their arrival to have some tea.

Helena was drawn to his intense eyes that clearly have not known a good nights sleep in so long, dark circles under his eyes. She expected to see madness in the man's stare, but there was something else in them.


"I have to say," Black crossed his hands behind his back, "I'm impressed you found this place."

"W-Where are we?" Nina accidentally stuttered. She did not want to go down as a weak person, but right now it was hard for her to remain collected.

The room they were currently in was almost completely dark, with only the moon light coming from a window.

But Helena could still see the dust-filled wooden floor they were standing on; a four poster bed on the far right corner of the room that was absolutely smashed, its covers ripped and feathers from the pillows spread all over. She also noted how the paperwalls were slashed, like the portrait of the Fat Lady.

The room was a complete disaster.

"This," said the man, spreading his arms to the sides, "is the Shrieking Shack." Black smiled at them, showing his deteriorating teeth.

"How did you know about the secret passage?" Fred asked firmly, his wand pointing at the prisoner escapee.

Sirius Black glimpsed at the parchment that was peaking out of George's pocket, laughing loudly to himself, freaking out the fifth years.

"The same way you did. The map," he said casually.

"Wait," said Helena taking a step forward, "you know about the Marauders map? How?"

The three Gryffindors stood there perplexed, wondering how a man who had spent the last twelve years locked inside a prison, with no way to know about the outside world, could be aware about the existence of the map only a handful of people knew about.

"I helped create it," said Sirius, taking a seat on a near by chair, resting his hands on his knees. "I am one of the Marauders."

They all had their jaws dropped, the news hitting them right in the stomach.

Fred and George looked to have taken the information much harder than Helena, for they have never thought in a million years that Sirius Black would be one of the people they so lovingly praised and thanked every time they used the map.

"You're lying," George muttered, his hand tighter around his wand.

"I am a lot of things, but not a liar." Black stared at George menancingly, his dark hair covering part of his face making him look scarier. "And I know how to make that map go blank... two words my friends and I would say right after being done with it...

Mischief Managed."

The twins were definitely shocked to say the least, standing very still and wide-eyed, not knowing what to think of this whole situation.

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