Chapter 17.

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Both Fred and George had signed the Christmas card that came along with the present, but Nina could not help but smile as she read the nickname Fred had given her many years ago.

She liked it now that they were friends, even if the redhead would still use the name to tic her off. It didn't bother her anymore.

Helena read the card from the Weasley twins again when she was in her room that night, still wearing the yellow sweater they gave her, trying not to laugh as she did...

Dearest, Hell

We were initially going to get you a book but that was too boring (sorry!), so we asked our mother to knit you a Famous Weasley Knitted Jumper™ (I added the tm -F) and we hope you like it!

Your idiots, Fred and George

P.S. We know Diggory probably sent you something but our gift is better.

A noise that came from her window drew her attention away from the card and got up from her comfy bed, opening the white chiffon curtains to get a better view.

"Alfie!" Nina let the brown owl in, closing the window once it did.

Hermione had asked to borrow the girl's owl before she left to catch the train to London, promising she would send the owl her way once it sent a letter to her parents.

Nina agreed, of course. And she was glad her feathery friend was back with her.

"Long trip?" she asked, stroking the owl who hooted in response. "Want a snack?"

The fluffy bird nipped at her hand in excitement at the mention of food.

"Ow! No need to get agressive there, Alf!"

She gently rubbed on the red spot that was now showing on her skin, reaching for some treats in her drawer and feeding the bird.

During the winter break, Helena found herself talking about the Weasley twins to her father more than she would like to admit, but she would remember things they said or did right in the middle of a conversation.

Her father was happy she had made some close friends, even if they were the school's troublemakers. Nina obviously enjoyed her time with them, a glint in her eyes when she mentioned them.

"... And they were teaching you how to catch the what?" the man asked, not fully understanding how Quidditch worked but was still interested.

"The Quaffle... because I suck at it! Remember how I tried out for the team last year and didn't make it?" Nina reminded him, her father nodding in response. "Well, if I get the hand of it, I'll try out next year!" she beamed.

When her father had offered her some tea that same evening, the man suddenly yelled in pain while he was in the kitchen preparing the drink.

Nina ran to the scene, wand in hand.

"Are you okay?" she scanned the room quickly for any sign of danger, panting a bit from the run she made from her bedroom.

"Yes," the man turned around, a hand covering his nose, "but this thing just hit me!" he dangled a cup at her, holding it with two fingers and staring at it confused and afraid.


Six days before Christmas, inspired by the Nose Biting Teacups that sell Zonko's, Helena had bewitched two of the cups from their kitchen to make them slap with the handle whoever got their face close enough.

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now