Chapter 28.

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Bumping into Harry and Hermione was not in their plan. Helena figured that the third years had gone to visit Hagrid as well, before the hipogriffs execution. Though she found it odd that Ron wasn't with them.

Nina made to go and walk up to them to ask where the other Weasley was, but the twins stopped her.

"We can't go with them, Rosemund," said George, dragging her back to their hiding spot. "The less people we involve, the better."

"Yeah, Hell. And we are supossed to be in detention, remember?" said Fred. The redhead gave a quick glance ahead and sighed, turning back to the two. "Okay, we can go around without them seeing us. C'mon!"

They sprinted to the side, just far enough so Harry and Hermione could not see them and then went up the hill, passing the courtyard with the transformed cauldron pots. The twins looked at Helena expectantly, waiting for her to say that they needed to complete their detention, knowing she would not bare to leave them unattended.

"I will use magic to clean them, but just this once!" she whispered, pointing her wand at the flowers, turning them back into the dirty cauldrons they were and then said, "Scourgify!" magically cleaning them.

"Admit it, Nina. You love breaking the rules," teased Fred, poking her cheek as they entered the castle.

"I'm not going to answer that," she said pushing away the boy's hand from her face. "Now, you two go look for Ron in the Great Hall, and I'll go up to the common room. We'll meet back here at the entrance."

The Weasley twins saluted her and then parted their separate ways, Helena bolting to the staircase and up to Gryffindor Tower, wishing to bump into Ron on her way there just so she would not feel out of breath when she got to the common room.

Climbing the last two steps, she stood infront of the Fat Lady only to see Neville Longbottom get up from the floor and smile at her with relief.

"N-Nina... I'm so glad you are here! Do you remember the password? Everyone else is eating dinner and I forgot to give Trevor some food, gets really jumpy when he's hungry," the boy chuckled. "One time in first year he--"

"Hold on a sec," said Helena, holding a hand to interrupt him. "You said everyone is having dinner? Even Ron?"

"Well, I'm not sure about Ron," Neville replied, "Last time I saw him, he was with Harry and Hermione down at one of the corridors. Come to think of it, I think they skipped dinner."

If he's not with them, where is he?

"Thanks, Neville!" and she turned around to head downstairs.

"Wait! Nina... the password!" Nevilled cried out behind her with desperation.

"Scurvy Cur!" she shouted, already down one flight of stairs.

Helena arrived at the agreed meeting point at the same time as the Weasleys, who almost crashed into her, looking like they had scurried away from someone, panting with pleased smiles on their faces.

"Well," began George, "no one in Gryffindor has seen Ron--"

"--But apparently, Malfoy got his face punched by Hermione! So... that's good news!" laughed Fred while George did a dramatic representation of a knocked out Draco holding his nose and crying.

"That is actually good news," Nina smiled with delight, wishing she could have been there to see it happen. "Anyway, Ron isn't upstairs either. Maybe we should ask Harry and Hermione where he is."

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