Chapter 1

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In the middle of the night, when most people would be sleeping to prepare for yet another day in their lives, there was a girl wide awake learning how to cast a Patronus Charm that she so eagerly wanted to master.

Think happy thoughts. She reminded herself for the tenth time in her dark room.

It was the day before she would head to Hogwarts to start her fifth year in the magical school. Helena Rosemund sometimes still couldn't believe she was capable of doing magic. When she got her letter, she was quite confused. A school about magic? Helena or Nina, as she would prefer, was a muggleborn. So when she got a visit from one of the school's very own teachers, Professor Flitwick, everything was explained.

C'mon, brain. Give me something happy. She closed her eyes, furrowing her brows trying another memory. But her wand barely produced a twinkle.

"Ugh! Well, at least I know the Ministry won't come busting through my door for producing underage magic." She chuckled at herself.

Helena had received a letter from her friend Hermione Granger explaining how the danger-prone Harry Potter made his aunt blow up and float away like a balloon. Hermione of course thought Harry would be in trouble for doing such but then said that he only got a warning from the Minister himself. Being Harry Potter has it's advantages, I guess.

When Helena found it hopeless to try and come up with a decent good memory, she decided it was best to get some sleep.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I shouldn't have stayed up so late. She groaned on the way to King's Cross Station, her father driving her there.

Andrew Rosemund was a science man, as he would describe himself. He loved learning how things worked and he especially enjoyed astronomy documentals. When he found out his daughter was a witch he was in shock. But not because it had frightened him, but because his knowledge of the world he knew was only one half of it.

And now, his daughter would marvel him with stories about the magical part and wanted to know everything.

As Hermione had put it, Helena's father was the muggle equivalent of Mr. Weasley.

"Excited for the new year, kiddo?" They had stopped walking when they reached the usual wall that would take Helena to platform 9 and 3/4, her trunk and owl beside her.

"I have O.W.L.s this year, so that will be interesting." She wanted to get top marks, that's why she decided to get a head start on studying in the summer.

"Those are the test thingys, right?" Her father asked while trying to stroke Nina's dark brown owl, Alfie, who was ready to nip at her father's finger in annoyance.

She chuckled. "Yes, the test thingys." Helena noticed how fellow students were walking much faster to get to the platform than they did 5 minutes ago. "Dad, we better go. Don't want to miss the train, yeah?"

Helena got in the beautiful red train that would take her to Hogwarts after saying goodbye to her father and luckily found a compartment with Luna Lovegood. People often labeled Luna as, well, weird. But Helena found her company rather enjoyable. Luna would talk about the most unusual things and creatures, and Helena liked learning new stuff.

Nina saw the snack trolley pass by their compartment and suddenly felt hungry.

"I'll be right back!" she said to the blonde girl who was reading a book about mermaids upside down.

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