Chapter 60. Part II.

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The boy on the ground was pale, his empty eyes were staring at the night sky. He was sporting a yellow and black long-sleeved jersey in the representation of his house and Hogwarts. He was just lying there on the hard ground with no sign of life.

It was a shock for the Gryffindors. Helena felt as if someone had opened up her chest and stabbed her heart directly. 

Did I not run fast enough? Those times I stopped to catch my breath, is that why I didn't get to him in time?


The voice was distant to her.

You're a Seer and you knew what would happen.


Almost inaudible.

You're useless. You couldn't do what you were supposed to do. You couldn't save him.

He's dead. 

Because of you!

"HELL, SNAP OUT OF IT!" Fred's voice interrupted her from her dark thoughts as he shook her by her shoulders, hoping to get a reaction from her. The redhead was stricken with fear, for Helena had her eyes completely shut while standing up, and her eyelids twitched uncontrollably.  "WHAT THE... NINA, THIS ISN'T REAL! THAT'S NOT CEDRIC!"

The girl woke up from her daze, revealing her eyes. She tried to remember what Fred had yelled just now and analyzed the situation.

The spot where she had seen Cedric's body was now replaced with George's.

What's going on?

"It's a Boggart, Nina!" Fred yelled, standing in front of her as he tried to keep his eyes away from his brother's corpse. "It's just a stupid, bloody... Boggart."

He was trying not to let the image get to him, wiping a few tears away to get his head straight.

"A Boggart?" she asked, staring confused as they saw how the body in front of them was constantly changing between George and Cedric. 

As she was making the question, she noticed a green flash of light in the distance, slowly diminishing until it turned into a small green orb, a light mist around it illuminating the silhouette of a man pointing a wand at the body on the ground.

"Can you also see the..." Helena drifted off. Could a Boggart make such a complicated scene for the person in front of it? Or was she seeing things only she could see? Either way, sighting the man that stood there with his wand in hand had resolved any questions revolving around the vision she had at the start of the school year: The green light in her vision, Cedric's lifeless body on the ground, the man with a wand. A green light could only be cast with one single curse... 

The Killing Curse. 

"Why would they put a Boggart here?" she asked instead.

"I... I don't think they did," Fred said as he recovered himself. "It must be the Boggart that George and I were supposed to take care of in detention with fake Moody. It must've followed us."

"I see," she said quietly, raising her wand and pointing it at the transforming body. "Riddikilus."

Nothing happened, and Helena was not surprised. She couldn't think of anything silly to make it go away. Even if it were a Boggart, the image was too real for her to think of something clever. The Boggart had decided to stay as Cedric.

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