Chapter 26.

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It was a perfect day for a Quidditch game. Barely any wind, clear skies that let some sunlight in, making everyone in a good mood and with high hopes of winning.

Nina was waiting for the Gryffindor team to arrive at the Great Hall for breakfast, nervous for her friends who were going to be facing Slytherin in an hour. Her legs started to bounce impaciently under the table a bit.

"You're cute when you worry," said Cedric, who was sitting next to her.

Most Gryffindors had already gotten used to seeing the boy show up at their table from time to time lately.

"At least I look cute and not like a maniac," Nina laughed.

An just in time to put her at ease, the Gryffindor team entered the Great Hall to enormous applause, even both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were applauding. The Slytherins just scowlded in their direction. The Weasley twins making the most of it and waved at them as if they were the Queen. Fred took it a step further and blew kisses at the Slytherins.

"They look like they want to kill you," Nina told the redheads, glancing at the death glares the Slytherins were sending their way.

"It's not our fault if we are more attractive than them!" they said in unison, high-fiving each other.

"Er... I think you are missing the point here. But okay," Helena let it go and continued to eat her plate.

Twenty minutes before the start of the game, Oliver took his team with him and lead them to the pitch, with the rest of Gryffindor house behind them, cheering them on for support.

Helena and Cedric found a pair of seats in the last row, high enough to see the packed excited stadium, a cool breeze hitting their backs. Nina quickly pulled her hair up in a ponytail to avoid the hair tangle disaster that would surely come by with any gust of wind.

There was a tidal wave of noise the second the Gryffindor team walked onto the field, three-quarters of the crowd supporting them, wearing or waving something scarlet. Others had made banners with "GO GRYFFINDOR!" and "LIONS FOR THE CUP!" written on them.

The game started with the sound of the whistle and a roar from the crowd erupted as fourteen brooms rose into the air.

Angelina Johnson scored the first goal in no time.

"Oh, by the way," said Helena, reaching for her pocket, "I saved these from Honeydukes for an occasion like this!"

In her hand were small yellow hard candy balls, that looked more like pebbles. She motioned for Cedric to take one and she did the same, both biting on the sweet at the same time. The moment they opened their mouths to say something, a defying roar of a lion came out, startling a lot of students that were close by.

"These are brilliant!" Cedric laughed amused, taking some more from Helena's hand.

Marcus Flint was not going to let Angelina enjoy her moment, and decided to smash into her. A moment later, Fred took a swing with hid Beater's club at the back of Flint's head. Madam Hooch called for a penalty shot for both teams.

It was one of the most stressful games Helena had witnessed as a student in Hogwarts.

Both teams were definitely giving it their all, zooming in and out from one end to the other.

After quite some time, Gryffindor were still in the lead by eighty points, Slytherin with twenty, which meant Harry was now desperately heading for the Snitch before the other team could score.

Malfoy was closer to the golden ball and it seemed impossible for Harry to catch up, even less to fly ahead of him.

"Harry is right behind Malfoy!" pointed Cedric.

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