Chapter 23.

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"What did you call her?!" Cedric's strained voice was heard as he turned a corner in a hallway and walked their way, standing infront of her to face the Slytherin.

"Calm down, Diggory," said Marcus, "I was just leaving a message for one of her friends."

"For your sake, Flint... you better leave." Cedric said firmly, his hands forming fists beside him.

The two boys held their glares at each other for a second before Marcus walked back inside the castle, muttering to himself.

Helena was astonished by the Hufflepuff's protective character. Cedric Diggory was always smiling and very friendly towards other students, even if he didn't knew them. He was genuinely a kind person. And to see this protective side of him, made Nina like him even more.

"You're ok?" he asked her, softening his face when he turned.

"Y-Yes." And she wrapped her arms around the boy, resting her head over his chest on the soft black coat he was wearing. "Thank you, Ced," she cooed.

"Anytime, Nina." Cedric hugged her back as group of Ravenclaw second years passed with disappointed and sad looks at the sight of the two. He then grabbed her cold hand in his, "C'mon, let's go get some seats!" he beamed.

The two of them ran off towards the Quidditch pitch, dodging the people who were taking their time and walking on a slower pace. Helena was short out of breath by the time they got to the stands, but mostly because she couldn't stop laughing on the way, Cedric almost colliding with other students on several occassions, with Helena behind him.

"You almost... knocked that Ravenclaw's... hat," Nina said between breaths, stretching out her legs while sitting.

"The word being almost," the boy smiled cheepishly without a drop of sweat, unlike Helena who, under all the layers of clothes she had, made a mental note to take a quick shower after the game.

A few minutes passed and the stadium began to fill up with the audience once both teams had arrived and headed for the locker rooms. The weather was completely different from the first time Gryffindor played. Today had a clear blue sky, although chilly but still, perfect Quidditch conditions.

"So, I was thinking," said Cedric in a hushed voice, scooting closer to the girl with a smirk on his face. "Our date could be on the next Hogsmeade trip. If that's ok with you."

"Absolutely! I mean as much as I love books, we can save the library for a second date," chuckled Nina.

"Already agreeing to a second date, huh?" the tall brunette teased. "Gonna have to talk to Madam Pince about the possibility of shutting the library for us, but maybe she'll do it for-- what did you call me the other day? Hufflepuff's Golden Boy?"

Nina wanted to bury herself in a ditch topped with Flobberworms so no one would get near her and see her burning face.

"Oh, shut up!" she snickered, giving Cedric a light nudge as they both laughed.

The thunderous applause along the crowd meant that the teams have walked out on to the green grassy field, Ravenclaw in their blue robes and Gryffindor in red. Helena thought Harry's shiny new Firebolt stood out even more compared to Ravenclaw Seeker's, Cho Chang, Comet Two Sixty.

Nina remembered Oliver mentioning the fact over and over again to Harry, saying the other Seeker was pretty good on her broom but that Harry would be better.

Madam Hooch blew on her whistle to start the game and in a blink of an eye, Harry zoomed higher and faster than any other player and did not waste time, flying around in search of the Snitch while the commentary was provided by Lee Jordan.

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