39. the one back in Finland

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It had turned out very quickly that in a small town like the one I was from the news travelled fast. And even though I wasn't even close being anything in F1 the amount of people stopping me and asking if I could say this to Carlos and maybe send them a signed cap was unbelievable. I had never thought that someone even followed Formula 1 here but apparently everyone did. After I had already left the track last week, we had gotten information telling that Seb had been disqualified, which meant Carlos had gotten the P3 after all.

I had been hiding most of the time on sea and in our cottage middle of no where just visiting the city when I wanted to train. I had missed doing cross fit during the time in Italy. I mean I had trained but it was nothing compared to this. Being able to take your friends and head out to the gym where we could train outside as the weather was still really nice for Finnish weather.

Right now, I was driving back to home as I had promised to spend the evening with my family. They were back to work already so they were staying in city and me and Vik on the cottage for the most of the time but he really didn't know how to stay put.

I had also found out that he had stayed very much in touch with everyone he had met in UK. He and Max were talking all the time. Like now, we were driving to city and his phone rang. It was connected to car so I could hear the very enthusiastic "Hey mate" from the other end.

"Hi Max" I jumped in before Vik had a chance.

"Sof?" he asked surprised.

"The one and only" I told him with a laugh. "Missed me?"

"Sure" he laughed.

"Ouch" my mouth dropped open. "Just talk to my brother" I told the laughing guy.

The call went on with all three of us catching up. Well, I was pretty much the only one catching up as the two seemed to know everything of each other already.

"So you two dating or some?" I asked little amused interrupting the two.

"Shut up, you just wish you had this great friend" Max shouted to the phone.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. "I think you too would make a cute couple" I added. There was nothing that made these two puffing their chests more than doubting their masculinity. I mean they were both amazingly open minded all that but it was in their genes.

I really missed Max. He was a great guy and fun to be around and it had been a while I had got along anyone just like that. So it was nice to hear his voice. We did keep in touch but I think both of us were pretty bad keeping on the online friendship knowing that we wouldn't be able to meet like ever. But I knew that once we did we would just continue right where we had ended last time, so I counted on that.

"Hey you're in Greece" I suddenly realized.

"Yeah, I wondered how long it would take you to realize" he laughed.

"How is it?" I asked him excited. Also knowing that certain someone was there with him.

"It's been fun, I mean it's a beautiful country, but I'm sure Lando has filled you in" I could hear the grin on his voice.

"I haven't actually talked to him since the day after the race" I told Max holding in the sigh that was about to escape my lips.

"Oh, really?" he sounded surprised.

"Yeah really"

"Okay, sorry I didn't know" he said regretting his words.

"Hey don't be, it's fine" I laughed.

"Oh it is?" I could tell he was puzzled.

"Yeah, just tell him I said hi" I said nodding.

"Me too" Viktor shouted to the phone next to me.

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