another taste, with some spice..

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Hey, I'm sorry there hadn't been an update on anything, but I can tell you this much:

I have two new stories on the way. This is the other one of them while you can find the other from the chapter before. These were probably the two most wanted and I've been trying to work on them as much as I've been able. Please note that this is the unedited and poorly checked version of what it is going to be, so if the storyline or my grammar is failing it's probably because of that...

I can tell you that the first of the two is already under editing, so it's nearly done, waiting a while before I can get back to it. In the mean time I'm already 20 chapters in in this one too. 

I hope that I can offer you two more stories (these) as soon as possible, but I had planted my final deadline in the end of this year. So at the latest when the year turn to 2023, you have two completely new stories. Still I'm hoping to get the first one out in a months time. 

Thank you :)



Chapter one - the one where you get to know a bit about me

Who am I to tell you what love is, I haven't really gotten to live it yet, so I wouldn't possibly imagine what it feels like to love someone, would I. I mean, I've seen my grandparents in love, I've seen my best friend in love, but me... I just apparently am not able to fall in love.

It's not like I haven't tried. I've watched all the rom-coms, I've had sex, if that's something you're wondering and I've read books, watched telenovelas, tried dating, still am, but no one makes me feel "butterflies" or "fireworks" and I want that.

Especially after reading and watching all that romance, how could I not.

What I can tell you is that this is a romance. Well, the story of my romance, it's going to take a while, so I need you to be patient, but once I get there, it is so going to be worth it. So, I guess, what I am trying to say, is that no matter what, don't give up on love if that is something you desire.

"Earth to Luna" There was a hand going back and forth in front of my face and I snapped out of my thoughts. I had been daydreaming again – wondering how I would start my romance novel if I'd wrote one.

I'm not an author or writer, nor I want to be. But it's fun to be in my mind. Which was tragic in a way, how I always wrote love stories in my mind after the fucked-up life I had had and the idea of love it had left me with.

I wasn't lucky in love, never had been. That was something I got from my mum for sure, alongside of my dark curls and brown eyes, even though another one of them was a gift from my absent father, a bright green spot that covered the other half of my left iris giving me a unique look. I hated it. It was a reminder of a man that had left my mother a wreck leaving me keeping her together.

All I am, is a big-time daydreamer, who right now was seated in a family dinner. 

I felt all eyes on me as the hand was still trying to wake me up from the introduction going on in my head. To make things more awkward, I could tell you that the table full of people wasn't even my own family, even though I sometimes had hard time to remember that from the way they treated me.

The thing was: I'd known my best friend since we were in school. At least I was in the school, but we'll get to that later. And since then, we've been close, like real close. I dine with their family, and he crashes with me every now and then, even though I'd be on other side of the world or country and vice versa.

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