3 Like The Strokes?

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Arabella's pov
I got up from my bed, after my dog woke me up, wagging his tail and licking my face. I grabbed the first pair of pants I found: black sweatpants, and put a hoodie on. I just had to go for a quick walk with my dog.
I wasn't expecting to see anyone I knew and in fact I didn't, but someone knew me. A girl wearing a neon pink tank top, with a full-textured afro hairstyle approached. «Sorry...» she shyly said. «are you Arabella? From Major Mess.»
I nodded surprised.
«Can we take a pic together?» she smiled.
«Sure,» I said. «I look like shit, I'm sorry.»
«You kidding me?» she asked. «You're beautiful.» she said standing next to me, to raise her smartphone and take a picture. «Thank you so much, I love your music.» she then said.
«Aw thank to you, you're so sweet.» I smiled.
A couple of day before Evie got stopped by a group of people for pictures and autographs.
After a quick talk with the girl, I rushed home, hoping to not meet anyone again. Back in my apartment, I got my dog rid of the leash and took clean clothes and a shower.

In the afternoon, we had an interview. They made us sit on metallic chairs they prepared for us, whilst the interviewer, sat in front of us. He was a man in his thirties, with hair in the air as after an explosion. «Welcome,» he said after they told him the cameras where recording. «first of all, I wanna thank you for being here.» he said.
«Thank you for having us.» Evie smiled.
The interviewer introduced himself: Frank. He then looked at the questions he wrote down and looked back at us. «So, you guys are now big, you've had now your tour in north America and recently you played in Netherlands,» he said. «how does that feel?»
I looked at my band mates, who were sitting next to me: Chase on my left, then Evie and then Jess, who was the furthest from me. They weren't going to respond so I did. «Well it's obviously a big step for us, and personally, even after all those shows, I still feel kinda nervous when getting on stage-»
Frank didn't let me finish that started speaking, so I let him talk. «Really? You seem very confident to me.»
I stretched my lips in a fake smile. «That's what I want you to think, but yeah, after the first song I get more comfortable and less stressed.»
«You have your debut album, but there this unreleased song, but more specifically the intro you do in live.»
I knew that question would have arrived at some point and since I wrote the song, I had to be the one to answer. «I'll explain why we put that intro,» I said. «last year Evie dated this guy, who was a complete asshole, the type that makes you question why such a talented and beautiful girl would date him,» I started explaining, while Frank seemed so interested. «I'm not the type of person that thinks watching porns is cheating, but he watched porn instead of spending type with Evie, she also told me he wasn't even that good so-»
He again interrupted me. «It's a very fun song.»
I nodded. «It's not even a good one, the whole song was just a way to insult him, so yeah, I thought it would have been fun to play the Porn Hub intro before the song, especially the first time we played it, that no one expect it.»
«Are you planning to release it?» he asked.
«No,» I said. «it doesn't deserve to be released.»
The interview continued, with more question to me, which always annoyed me, just because I was the lead singer, didn't mean they couldn't ask questions to the other band members, so I tried to let the others continue the answers.

In the following days, we focused on practicing and working on new songs, but we still didn't pressure ourselves and kept it a fun thing to do together.
Around noon, when everybody was awake, we had to practice. «I had an idea for a song this night,» I said.
We were in the room we used to record and practice. I was standing with my guitar, between Chase and Jess, with respectively, their bass and guitar, all of us, in front of Evie, sat with her drum kit. «I wanted to start it as like a ballad, so slow, and then the music stops and it drops faster and louder.»
They all nodded. «You got the lyrics?» Chase asked.
I pulled out a crumpled paper sheet, with nicks at the edges. «Kept it with great care.» Jess sarcastically said.
We played for hours and joked around; we took a break when door bell rang, it was the doorman, giving us the mail. I distribuite them: bills to Chase, who understood them more than us, fashion magazines and a copy of the newspaper to Evie and other types of magazines to Jess, which I didn't wanna know what were about.
There was only a paper bag left and since the others were to busy reading their mail, I took it. A yellow post-it was stuck on it, with a very nice looking handwriting saying: "Congratulations". I frowned and sticked my hand inside the paper bag, feeling a magazine inside. When I took it out, I saw a picture of us: I was standing between Jess and Chase, meanwhile Evie had her arm on Chase's shoulder, where she rested her head.
I instantly looked at what was saying in capital letters above our picture. "What if The Strokes had a girl as a drummer and a female lead singer? The answer is: Major Mess". My eyes and mouth widened in shock, I couldn't believe. «No way,» I said, making everybody turn towards me. «no fucking way.» I repeated.
Chase looked at Jess and Evie, to then look back at me. «What?» he asked.
«We're on the front cover and they compared us to The Strokes.» I said still smiling.
«Read what they said.» Evie encouraged me.
They all approached to read, even if they were standing at the other end of the table, in front of me and couldn't read upside down. I found the page and raise the magazine in my hands, to read it. «"Major Mess, the new Rock band, with their debut album made a perfect and enviable entrance in the world of music. Their direct, hooky sound, reminds the American Rock band, The Strokes."» I said bewitched.

Alex's pov
I was sitting on the sofa in the record studio, reading some magazine I found on the coffee table. My attention got stolen from a magazine cover, showing the lads that played after us, in the Netherlands. I read the title and got interest enough to read the entire article. «Matthew,» I called my friend, who was sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. «listen to this: "Major Mess, the new Indie band, with their debut album made a perfect and enviable entrance in the world of music. Their direct, hooky sound, reminds the American Rock band, The Strokes.",» I read out loud. «Like The Strokes? Perfect and enviable entrance in the world of music?» I asked incredulous.
He smiled. «I'm happy for them, they deserve it.»
I frowned. «You kidding me?»
«You wanted to be likened to The Strokes, didn't you?» Jamie giggled, reading a magazine about newborns. «Did you know that babies are born with the ability to swim?»
I sighed annoyed.
«C'mon mate, they're young and talented, you should be happy for them.» Matt said.
«Aren't they too young? How old are they?» I asked.
«They're just three years younger than us, mate.»
«They basically started legally drinking yesterday.»
«Yesterday you played one of their riffs and pretended like you came out with it, you can't say you don't like their music.» Jamie said.
«I didn't know they created it first.» I threw the magazine back on the coffee table and waited for Nick to arrive, since he was the reason I was getting bored sat in that room.

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