13 Habits

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Alex's pov
The first hour felt like a couple of minutes and I didn't realise, until she stood up and I looked at the digital clock near the television on the wall. «Break time, I need a cigarette.» she said, passing in front of me, going towards the table.
I sighed and placed the guitar besides me and stood up as well. I looked in my pockets for a cigarette, but the pack was empty, so I groaned and insulted Jamie in my mind, since he was the one that took the last cigarette, telling me there was still one in the packet.
Arabella was smiling, trying not to laugh in my face.
I sighed annoyed. «Can I have one?» I asked.
She nodded still giggling. I followed her on the balcony and she took one cigarette that she sticked between her teeth and another one that she handed me. I took it thanking her and placed it between my lips. I looked at the packet she left on the glass-made parapet. «Organic cigarettes?» I asked surprised.
She handed me her lighter. «They only had these,» she said. «no wonder why.» she added.
I softly smiled and she looked at me puzzled. «Every time I look at you, you're smoking.»
«Yeah it's called a habit.»
Again, I was smiling.

The sun sticked out of the clouds for the first time since we arrived. It was pretty hot and there was a high level of humidity, that was noticeable whenever we went out of the hotel.
She didn't seem to be bothered by the silence between us, but I was. «How's your wrist?» I asked.
She looked down at her arm, resting on the parapet. «Doesn't hurt, but the splint is annoying.» she said.
I nodded even if she wasn't looking at me. I knew she wasn't going to talk, so I let it go. I got back inside, practicing the song she made me learn, whilst she finished her second cigarette.
After a couple of minutes she got inside and as I heard the door closing, I stopped humming the words of the song. I heard her chuckle, tossing her cigarettes on the coffee table. I looked at her wondering why she was laughing. «The heartthrob rockstar Alex Turner is scared to sing in front of me?» she said between the giggles. I touched my molars with my tongue, trying not to smile again. «You like the song huh?» she said sitting next to me.
«It's... quite catchy.» I lied. The song was actually really good, the lyrics seemed like a poem, but played and sang in an angry Rock way. I couldn't get those words out of my mind, as the riff and power chords played on repeat in my ears.
«Don't lie, I know you love it,» she smiled. «what can I say, I'm an incredible songwriter.» she shrugged.
«Enough with giving yourself airs,» I said. «teach me the next one.» I said pointing at the song wrote on the paper sheet.

Arabella's pov
«I already asked the others and they're with us.» Matt said, standing in front of me, as I was leaning on the doorframe of my room.
«Where did you say you were going?» I asked.
«Oh we don't know yet, we'll find a place.»
I nodded. «I'll get change and I'll join you.» I said.
He smiled. «Great,» he said. «we'll wait you in the lobby.»
I put a pair of black denim shorts, over a pair of fishnet and a grey tank top, which was enough to go out with my friends and Matt's friends. I grabbed my phone, the room's key and my wallet, so that I could join my friends.
After walking around the streets of Adelaide, we found a diner near the sea and quite far from the hotel. It was small and a little crowded, but we still managed to find a booth that fitted all of us.
The music came from an old jukebox, fitting the atmosphere.
We sat down and started chatting, whit the menus in our hands. It didn't take much to decide what we wanted to order, so we only had to wait for a waiter or waitress. «Can we play the game you played on the plane?» Jamie asked.
I smiled and looked at Jess on my right. «Go first.» I said.
He waited a couple of seconds for thinking a word. «I got it.» he then said. «Sports... Meat... Round... Roll... Hairy...»
«Jess you're disgusting.» I said giggling.
«Say it.» he encouraged me smiling amused.
«I'm not gonna say it.»
«Say it.» he repeated.
«Jamie,» I said. «you say it.»
He smiled and shook his head. «You know it, say it.»
«C'mon say it.» Jess said.
«Balls.» I said, causing a big laugh from both Jess and Jamie.
«Who let them sit next to each other?» Matt asked.
«Who let them meet each other.» Nick corrected him.
«After this horrible and not funny joke, I need a cigarette.» I said standing up.
«What if the waitress comes?» Chase asked.
«Don't worry,» I said, taking out a cigarette from my pack. «she won't with you.»
«And you say my joke was bad.» Jess complained.
«It really was,» I said with the cigarette between my teeth. «but by the way, I always order french fries.»
I walked away and waited to be outside to light up my cigarette.
When I got back, after a couple of cigarettes, I joined the conversation they were having. «We should go to the beach.» Matt said.
«Yeah,» Chase said. «before we leave.»
We were normally talking to each other, when Jess's eyes widened as he looked around shocked. «Guys,» he said. «this is weed day's year.»
Our eyes popped out of our eyelids; we looked at each other shocked. «Oh my God he's right.» Evie said.
The Arctic Monkeys frowned. «What's that?» Matt asked.
«Weed day it's on February 29th, we smoke as much as we can in a closed place, and then we wait, the first person that can't resist munchies, pays the food for everyone.» I explained.
«Last time Chase lost,» Evie said. «he'll probably loose this time too.»

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