55 wedding

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Arabella's pov
I woke up by the sound of the alarm, that kept torturing my ears. Alex didn't even move when I left the bed; I grasped my underwear from the floor and headed to the bathroom, to quickly wash my face and then get to my room.
My eyelids were still very closed to each other, therefore I had to go by memory, to find the bathroom and click the light switch. I rubbed my hands on my eyes and throw ice-cold water on my face to waste me up. With a towel, that sanded my skin, I dried my face and finally opened my eyes.
My stomach dropped when I saw my reflection in the mirror. «Shit,» I said under my breath. I ran to the bedroom, where Alex was still peacefully sleeping. «Alex,» I called him shaking his shoulders. He groaned and mumbled something. «I have a big problem.» I said.
He opened his eyes a couple of times before actually keep them open and looked at me. Instead of freaking out like me, he viciously smirked.
«Che cazzo ti ridi?» I said raising my voice as I started panicking. «This is bad, I can't go out like this.» My neck, collar and the inner thigh, covered with hickeys, dark and evident. «My dress will show them.»
«Well you left me hickeys too.» he said.
«But you can cover them, I can't.»
I picked up my top that was still on the floor and quickly put my skirt around my waist. «Where are you going?» Alex asked me confused.
«Maybe Evie can help me.» I said with the doorknob in my hand.
I left his room and went straight to Evie's, picking the skin off of my fingers.
Luckily she was already awake, to prepare herself, in fact, when she opened the door, she had her hair clipped with the hair clip she used for makeup. She took a second to look at me. «You and Alex are back together then?... It was Alex, right?»
«Of course it was, can you let me in? I need to cover them before the ceremony.» I told her hastily.
«Calm down, get in, sit down, I'll ask room service.» she said.
«Room service?» I asked confused.
She nodded closing the door. «I need a silver spoon.» Evie approached the phone on the bedside table and dialled a number, to call the reception. She asked for a silver spoon, but clearly they get her intentions wrong. «I don't do drugs, my friend is covered in hickeys and I need a cold spoon to make them disappear.» she said.
The scene was quite funny, especially when William walked in, with the breakfast he got for him and Evie and saw her girlfriend screaming at the phone. «She hit you?» William asked me confused.
«No, these are not- Yeah, she hit me, several times.» I nodded.
I was sitting and Evie was looking around, when she saw the inner of my tights. «Also on your tights?» she asked me laughing. «Yeah, she has hickeys also on her tights.» she repeated to the receptionist. «Oh, so near it.» she said like the receptionist was her best friend and I wasn't sitting right in front of her.

The wedding took place on the beach, Jess's mom cried and Evie got emotional. Chase was Jess's best man, therefore we were basically facing each other.
Once Jess and Chloe kissed, and everybody started cheering for the spouses, me, Chase and Evie walked towards them. Chase bent to make his shoulder get to Chloe's knees and pick her up on his back; meanwhile Evie and I pulled Jess from his arms and we all brought them closer to the see, so that Chase could throw Chloe in the water and me and Evie made Jess fall. We then get in the water too and as little babies, we started splash each other.

For the after party, all the bridges could change their dresses and since mine was soaked in water, I changed into a blush pink dress.

Alex's pov
The after party was in a wide room, with circular tables with white tablecloths and table center with the names of the people that would have sat in it, and a dance floor in the middle.
Jess and his wife did not arrive right after, they had to change into dry clothes and in the mean time, everybody found their seats. I sat with Matt, Nick and Jamie, and their partners, in a table that had a name tag saying: Arctic Monkeys.
Arabella arrived with Evie and William, that sat at their table, named "Major Mess", where then Chase and her girlfriend joined them.

Arabella was as beautiful as always, with a long dress and her hair gently falling on her back, almost reaching her elbows. To look more formal, she hid her septum piercing by pushing it inside her nose and took off her nose ring. Her new tattoo, that I noticed the night before, a small butterfly between her breasts drew in fine lines, was hard not to stare, as it showed perfectly with her dress.
When she saw me, she left her table and approached, greeting all of us.
People were all asking things to her just because she spoke Italian, even if the waiters could perfectly understand English.
I stood up and followed her once she walked away. «You're not gonna say hi to me?» I asked her.
She stopped and turned around. «I did and by the way, I expected you to say hi to me.»
I put my hand on her cheek and pulled her face closer to mine to kiss her. «Darling, you're glowing.» I said looking at her with a smile.
She started smiling and hiding her face on my chest.
I kissed her head. «I missed you.» I whispered.

After lunch and numerous toasts, the music started and all the guests went on the dance floor, as well as Matt and Breana, and Jamie and Katie.
I was finishing my drink, with the unfinished cake still in my plate, when Arabella approached me. «There is a photo booth, wanna get some pictures?» she smiled.
She grabbed the unfinished cake and we went towards the photo booth. Once one of Jess's tall cousins exited with his boyfriend, we got in.
We started with a normal photo, then one with Arabella trying to eat the cake, then one where I kissed her and one where I played stupid, just to make her laugh.
The booth gave us two copies of the photos and I kept mine like some sort of precious diamond as she said she would have use it as a bookmark.
Looking at the picture I convinced myself, that The Ultracheese, the song I wrote for her, was not as stupid as I thought.
It was in moments like those, where I remembered how much I loved that girl and how I wanted to spend every single minute of my life with her.

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