46 The Singer (before)

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Arabella's pov
After a jam session, with Evie, Jess and Chase, we decided that we should have tried to cover a song. «We should try to find a song that we all know.» Chase said.
«Yeah but who's gonna sing?» Evie asked.
«Any of you know how to sing?» Jess asked. Both me and Evie and me shook our heads. «Then we should find a singer, but first,» he said. «we need a song to cover.»
«Something basic... Smells Like Teen Spirit?» Evie asked. «You guys know how to play it?»
«Who doesn't?» Jess said.
«Great, let's try it without the voice.» Evie said.
Me and Jess had to start first, at the same time. «You ready?» I asked him.
«Yea'» he answered.
I started counting. «One, two, three...»
I kept my head down on my guitar strings, shyly scared to make a mistake, while Jess, who was dripping with confidence, moved his head on beat. Evie joined and then also Chase.

Playing with them was fun and at the end we cheered for ourselves and Jess whistled like middle aged man during a football game, shattering my eardrum.
It sounded kinda weird playing the song without the voice, so we split up, knocking at every door of the dorm, to find someone that knew how to sing.
Evie found a girl: Stephanie. I saw her frequently in the hallways, she had straight blonde hair, that she always kept in a low ponytail; green eyes and some freckles on her cheeks. «I take singing lessons since I was five.» she told us.
It was great, someone that knew how to sing. She bought herself a microphone and a mic stand; we connected everything with the speakers and we were ready to play. «The only thing we tried is Smells Like Teen Spirit,» Jess said. «you know it?»
«I don't know the lyrics.» she said.
«Here.» Evie said, handing her book with every lyrics of Nirvana, that she used to learn them all when she was younger.
We didn't waste time and started playing, but Stephanie didn't seem to know when she had to sing or not. «It's you.» Jess told her as we kept playing the same part.
«Oh, right yeah,» she said seeking for the words. «Load up on guns, bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word»

She had a great voice, but she didn't know the song, which was pretty odd, but we pretended to not notice.
She kept looking at me, like asking for help, so I approached and whispered the lyrics to her, so that she could at least get how it should have sounded. «Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low» I softly sang.

She followed my lead and I let her sing. «Great, right?» she said once we finished. «Call me again if you need me.» she said, to then leave the room, like she was some sort of celebrity.
«How is even possible that she doesn't know Smells Like Teen Spirit?» Evie asked us shocked.
«She has a great voice... but I don't really like her.» Jess said, marking the word "her".
«Who's gonna sing then?» Chase asked.
Jess looked at me. «You know the lyrics, sing it.» he told me.
«Also Evie knows the lyrics.» I said.
«I can't play and sing.» she said.
«I can't sing.» I said.
«C'mon, it's just the four of us, do it until we find a singer.» Jess begged.

They had to ask numerous times before I accepted, and first I was very shy, whispering the words, but then I got comfortable with them and stop caring.
Stephanie kept asking us if we needed her, but we told her we would have played without a voice and jammed all together. She forgot about her microphone, so we use it. Jess called it a win, since we didn't have to pay for the microphone, but Stephanie always tried to stay with us. In a matter of months, she moved in another college and the problem was gone.

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