45 02 Arena

466 10 5

Arabella's pov
A cameraman arrived to my hotel room at seven in the morning, like Mark told me. Knowing I would have had to expect it, I woke earlier and took a shower and dressed up, with a Led Zeppelin shirt and a pair of flared jeans.
When I opened the front door, the camera was already rolling, like the man behind the camera told me.
I had to talk, explain and tell what was going on. A black car with tinted windows was parked in front of the hotel. That night, we would have played at the 02 Arena; the tickets were sold out and that was the biggest crowd we have ever sold.
The camera followed me into the car and as the driver drove away from the hotel, I started speaking to the cameraman. «It's seven in the morning of the September 19th-» I started saying. «no that sounds like a video diary. Tonight we are gonna play at the 02 Arena and we are gonna bring you with us... and for us I mean me, 'cause the others are still sleeping.» I said.

In a couple of minutes we arrived at the arena, where Mark was waiting for me. He was happier than usual: he greeted me with an hug and brought me inside the place.
After a quick tour with Mark, he left me in my dressing room and disappeared to do something, telling me to go on stage and wait for Jess, Evie and Chase.
I was still with the cameraman, that followed me the whole time. «Okay so, Mark told me to go on stage,» I said to the camera. «but I actually have no clue where it is, so I'm just gonna hope to find it before noon.» I said. The man was so quiet that I felt like I had to say something. «Also Led Zeppelin played here six years ago, which is why I put this shirt.» The man holding the camera followed me without saying a word and I wondered if he knew where the stage was, but didn't tell me to not ruin the video. «It's quite creepy the fact that you're not talking.» I said to the cameraman, looking around, seeking for some kind of signal that would have told me where the stage was. «Do you have a name I can use?» I asked him.
«Joe.» he said.
«Great, nice to meet you Joe, I'm Arabella.» I said, without stop walking.

After walking through several hallways like in a maze, I finally found the stairs that would have took me to the stage. There, I found Jess, Evie and Chase. «It's eight thirty,» Jess said. «it took you thirty minutes to find the stage?»
«Well yes, the place is big.» I said approaching.
Evie was sitting on a speaker, Chase was eating Hot Cheetos sat on the floor and Jess was playing with a tennis ball, that only he knew where he found it. Around them, there was a cameraman for each.
«What are we doing here?» I asked sitting next to Chase, that extended his arm to offer me his Cheetos, but I kindly declined the offer.
«We have to decide the set list, then we have lunch, then sound check, then we get ready and then we have the show.» Evie said, reading from a paper sheet that Mark gave her.
«Right,» I said. «can't we use the same set list as the Glastonbury one?»
«The Glastonbury one was fifty minutes long, this show is gonna be an hour and forty minutes.» Evie said.
I nodded. «Does anyone have a pen?» I asked. Jess looked around and found a pen on the floor, that handed me. «We have about forty minutes, counting the time we take between the songs and everything.» I said.
«Let's choose a couple of songs and then we can have each one of us a solo.» Chase said.

After we had done the set list, and choose who was gonna solo in which song, ate lunch and rehearsed the show, the cameraman followed me as I was going to my dressing room, but I didn't really know why. «Now I'm gonna get ready for the show,» I said placing an hand on the door handle, waiting for the cameraman to stop recording and leave. «so I'll see you lat-» I couldn't finish the sentence, when I saw a bouquet of an hundred yellow daffodils, placed in the middle of the table in my dressing room. I was so shocked that I had to take a couple of seconds before realizing what I had in front of me. I approached to read the note that came with it:
"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there, we're still in Philadelphia. Hope this can make you a little happier.


I smiled looking at the card. The cameraman then left the room and I understood by then, that he just wanted to record my reaction.

For the night, I wore: a white tank top, low-waisted flared jeans and my usual red Converse.
I left my hair naturally curly and put my usual makeup on.
I was ready to go out and sing in front of twenty-thousand people, I actually wasn't, not even a bit, but I played cool.
Out of my dressing room, I found Evie with William, Jess with Chloe and Chase with a girl named Rose, who had blonde hair, rosebud lips, ripe apple cheeks and the body of a super model; she was instead an actress and Chase and her met during the Victoria's Secret show, but he didn't tell us until then, to not let us be sneaky about it.
Alex wasn't there with me and I felt kinda awkward, staying with those couples. «You're out in ten.» a man in a black t-shirt told us, to then run away.
I felt the anxiety coming and I started ripping the skin around my nails. «Stop it,» Evie said slapping my hand. «It's been three years now that we perform, you can't always be nervous.» she said. I put my hands down and tied them behind my back. «Alex won't be here?» she asked me. I shook my head no. «I'm sorry, honey.» she said caressing my shoulder.
«It's okay, we'll play and I'll wait until his tour will be over.» I said.
We all spoke together, trying to release tension, when then, we had to get on stage. The adrenaline was to the stars, my heart was pounding faster than ever and my throat felt dry. I closed my eyes for a moment, before the lights turned on.

At the end I had so much fun that it seemed like a minute. Bras, flower, food, letters and other things covered the stage and as we thanked the audience, the crowd cheered even louder. I couldn't be happier as I was going down the stairs that took us to the stage.
I was taking to Chase about the show, when I saw him looking straight in front of him and smiling, I followed his gaze, to then lay my eyes on Alex. My cheeks started to tingle and they extended into a smile. «You made it.» I said exited.
He opened his arms and I ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck and tidying my legs around his waist. I held him tight and then I kissed him. «I was here since the begging of the show, I just wanted to make you a surprise.» he said. My feet slowly touched again the floor and I kissed Alex again. «Also the lads are here.» he said pointing behind him.
I looked over and saw Jamie, Nick and Matt, talking to Jess, Evie and Chase. «I'm so happy you're here.» I said. «Did you see the whole show?»
«Yes and you were amazing.» he said. «I was on your left, I'm glad you didn't see me or it would have ruined the surprise.»
I gave him another kiss, before going to greet his band mates.

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