50 Radio

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Alex's pov
I was driving, on a sunny day of April in Los Angeles, when I heard a familiar name coming from the radio, that stole my attention in a second. It has been so much time, that it almost felt weird hearing her name out loud. «Arabella gave us this beautiful tune with The Weeknd.» a man said.
«Yeah she proved us that she's not just a great guitarist, but also an amazing singer.» a woman said.
«This is Stargirl (Interlude).» the man said.
The music started and I turned up the volume, to hear better Arabella's voice, after almost two years.
«I had a vision
A vision of my nails in the kitchen
Scratching counter tops, I was screaming
My back arched like a cat, my position couldn't stop you were hitting it»

Her voice was sexy, soft and emotive, it gave me goosebumps and made my mind fly to another dimension.
I held her tights in my hands as she spread her legs, with her palms on the marble kitchen counter, behind her.
As I pushed inside her she arched her back, throwing her head back with a deep exhale, a loud moan. Her fingers became claws on the counter as I went deeper and deeper. I was kissing her neck, softly biting her skin, that smelled like something very sweet, leaving hickeys to colour her collar.

«So what do you think?» Miles asked me.
I snapped out of my memories and looked at my friend sitting on the passenger seat for a second, before looking back at the street. «I don't know.» I said. The best answer to use when I didn't hear the question.
«I mean, I like the buzz-cut, but maybe I should let it grow,» he said. «like the old times.»
I got he was talking about his hair, but my mind was somewhere else. «You've got your whole life to decide, mate.» I cut short.
As if I wasn't torturing enough myself, with the thought of Arabella, after almost two years from our fight, even the radio reminded me of her, like the thousands of songs I wrote about her weren't enough, to tell me what I have lost.

Arabella's pov
«Okay we'll take a little musical break,» the woman said to the radio listeners. «we'll be back after this beautiful love song by The Last Shadow Puppets called: Sweet Dreams, TN.» The lady pressed a button and took off her headphones. «Want some water?» she asked me.
I nodded, June's hot weather made everyone always thirsty. She smiled and walked away.
I waited for her to come back, listening to the song. The voice sounded particularly familiar, but I was sure to be wrong, it couldn't be him, that wasn't the way he was used to sing, I wasn't even sure if he could sing like that.
«And all my pals will tell me that I'm crazy
You bet I'm loopy alright!
And I just don't recognize this fool that you
Have made me,
I haven't seen him for a while» the beautiful voice sang.

I pulled out my phone and made a quick research about The Last Shadow Puppets members and who was its singer. I stared at my phone's display when I saw his name on it.
«And as you're shrinking figure blows a kiss
I catch and smash it on my lips
Darling I can't seem to quit
Completely falling to bits
I really might be losing it
The idea that you've existed all along's
I don't know what to say»

I was completely shocked, I didn't know he had another band and I wasn't ready at the idea of him dating another girl, even if it has been two years, since the fight that got us apart.
«Baby we ought to fuck seven years of bad
Luck out the powder room mirror
Could I have made it any clearer?»
The drums' crescendo made my stomach tingle, but most of all, Alex's voice did.
«It's love like a tongue in a nostril
Love like an ache in the jaw
You're the first day of spring with a septum piercing
Little Miss Sweet Dreams, Tennessee»

Those words got stuck in my brain; perhaps the song was about me, or he was dating a girl named Tennessee, with a septum piercing, like me.
«And here we are, back with Arabella from Major Mess.» the lady's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
I didn't even noticed that she brought me a bottle of water, that stood on the table, right in front of me.
I shouldn't have been so surprised that he wrote a song about me, since I've written too many for him and yet, I couldn't believe it.
«Last year you worked The Strokes and Eddie Vedder on the cover of Mercy, Mercy Me,» the girl said. «and you're such a big fan of both, so how did it felt?»
«I was freaking out, I grew up having a huge crush on Julian and Eddie,» I said. «Josh Homme, who also produced the song, knew it and it's... kinda of my friend,» The only reason why I knew Josh Homme, was due to Alex. «so he just put me in. I didn't want to be the crazy fan girl, so I just tried to play it cool and hide my tattoos, 'cause you know if Eddie saw I have him and the rest of Pearl Jam tattooed on my hip and torso he would have think I'm crazy wouldn't he?» The woman laughed. «But yeah, no they're amazing, it was a pleasure working with them.»
«And what can you tell us about working with Gorillaz?» she asked. «Damon Albarn announced a new character and a featuring with on the coming up album... is that right?»
«It is yeah,» I nodded. «I also been such a fan of Gorillaz and Blur and when Damon asked me to work with him I couldn't believe it. I asked if I could have a character and they allowed me to. It's called She's My Collar and I don't know if I should have say that but anyway, that's the name, I'll expect to be yelled at.»
She smiled. «You can say to have achieved your dream, considering that one of the first performances of the band was with Chris Cornell, playing Like a Stone, and know you two have a song together. How is that like?»
«Well, the show with him has been a big coincidence.» I said. «We were in Seattle and somehow our manger got me to meet him, and he actually offered to sing with us. We then had other chances to see each other, and we decided to work on a song together.»
«So, you're friends now?»
«I would say so, I mean we do hang out together and he's not only been an inspiration for my work, but also a guide.»

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