37 Vicotria's Secret

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Arabella's pov
During the show, gorgeous models walked from our right to then disappeared back in the backstage on our left as we played at the beginning of the runway. I told Jess not to stare at the models, like Bruno Mars or Justin Bieber, because I found it disrespectful, since they were almost-naked.
We played after Rihanna, that opened the show, Bruno Mars and then Justin Bieber; after our two songs, Bruno Mars got back on stage to sing his second song, whilst in the backstage, me and Evie spoke to Rihanna.

Once the show ended, we changed ourselves, to go to the after party. I was wearing a black pantsuit, as the models wore short and tight dresses. «Sorry,» someone said behind me. I turned around to see one of the models, with long blonde hair, dark and thick eyebrows and blue eyes; wearing an electric blue dress. «do you have like a tampon or something?» she asked me.
I nodded. «Yeah,» I said. «I've got one.»
I pulled out the small menstrual product from my purse and handed it to her. «Thanks.» she said, to then walk away.
She went to the bathroom and I saw her knocking, waiting and then sneaking the tampon in the small slot that the person inside the bathroom created, to then grasp it.
The blonde girl approached again. I looked at her with an empty glass in my hand. «Thanks again,» she smiled. «my friend really needed it.»
I smiled back. «No problem.»
«I'm Chloe by the way.» she introduced herself.
«Arabella.» I said.
«I loved your performance,» she said. «in the backstage we all enjoyed your songs, some of us even danced to it.»
«Thank you,» I said. «you all look incredibly beautiful.»
I chatted a little with Chloe: I discovered that she was born in London, she became a model at the age of sixteen and that she was considered short by modelling agencies, because she was 5'7. «What about you? What's on your mind?» she asked me. I frowned, I was surprised by how she noticed I was lost in thought. «I lost count on how many glasses you've had while we talked,» she smiled. «and it's the same champagne, so I don't think you're some sort of sommelier.»
I softly chuckled. «It's just- I don't know things has been weird lately.»
«Love?» she asked. I didn't answer and she smiled. «I knew it. Well, I'm not really a relationship person, so I wouldn't know how to help you.»
«Oh no, that wasn't a relationship... I guess.»
«You seem more confused than me, darling.» she giggled. «You better keep drinking.»

Once Chloe left me to go to the bathroom, Jess approached, like he was waiting for that moment. «Did you just talk to Chloe Duke?» he asked me stunned.
I looked at him puzzled. «Yes?» I said confused. «Why?» I asked him curious.
«She's perfect.» he said amazed.
«You don't even know her.»
«Well, I want to,» he said. «and by the way, she walked past me during the show.»
«She walked past me as well, dickhead» I said. «like every other model did.»
«I tried to talk to her, but she seemed to not care... is she gay or something?»
«Just because a girl didn't fall in love with you immediately doesn't mean she's gay.» He grimaced, as to tell me I wasn't right. I shook my head no.
«Can you help me?» he begged me.
I sighed. «I can try... but don't just fuck her and leave her, she's nice.»

I arrived at the hotel around five and found a text from Alex, and since he was in Los Angeles and I was in New York, I was three hours ahead him:

from Alex band guy 2:00 am
How's New York?

When are you coming back?

I replied his texts while I was in the bath:

from You 5:11 am
Sorry if I'm replying just now

I'll be back next week, we have some shooting and interviews to do

from Alex band guy 5:12 am
Next week??

It's too much

from You 5:35 am
It's just five days

By six I was under the covers of the big bed I had in my hotel room, knowing very well that I would have had to wake up at eight and go around New York for the whole day.
Even if I was tired, I didn't fall asleep quickly; I kept thinking about the situation with Alex: after not speaking for five months, everything was going as before; he might have took that time to think about what he wanted and I did too, but I still didn't know what I wanted and he probably did.

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