29 Misadventures

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Alex's pov
I stood next to Arabella, putting my hand around her waist, since Jack took off his as he saw me approaching. «Oh hello,» Jack said. From closer, I could see he had green eyes, bright smile and the dimples that appeared every time he stretched his cheeks. «I'm Jack.» he said extending his hand.
I shook it. «Alex.» I said. «I just came here to help Arabella with the beers,» I lied looking straight at Jack. «I thought you were struggling since you took so much time.» I said looking at Arabella.
«Oh no, I just bumped into Jack and I stopped to chat.» she said. «Mind if Jack join us?» she asked me.
Obviously I didn't want him to join us, but I didn't want to sound rude or anything. «No problem.» I said.
I took two of the three beers, Arabella had ordered from the counter, as she took the other one. Evie stared at Jack sitting at the table without blinking. «Everleigh,» he said with a smile. «long time no see.»
«It's still Evie,» she said irritated. «best two years of my life.» she whispered.
I was sitting next to Arabella, facing Jack. «So Alex, you're in a band, right?» he spoke. «What is it? Atlantic Monkeys?» he said.
It was clear he tried to say the wrong name, but again, I didn't want to be rude. «Arctic Monkeys.» I corrected him.
«Right,» he said smiling. The most fake smile. «odd name.»
«Jamie- the guitarist,» Arabella started saying, remembering that since he played the part of the uninformed, she had to explain everything. «decided it, I think it's cool and particular.»
I inadvertently started smiling. From under the table, I let my hand crawl to Arabella's tight, so that she interlocked her fingers with mine, to then use her other hand to fondle the back of my hand with her thumb, forming little circles on it.
«How was England?» Arabella asked to Jack.
He placed his beer on the table. «Great,» he said. «it was hard to settle in, but after the first month everything was perfect.»
Arabella forced a smile. «Good, I'm happy for you.» she said softly nodding. «And what are you doing here in Los Angeles? Shouldn't you be in England... or Seattle?»
«After all that cold I wanted to spend my free time with Los Angeles's weather.» he said. «I'm so lucky I met you.»
«What a coincidence.» Evie sarcastically said.

Jack kept bringing up old memories and Arabella was laughing and smiling the old time, until I was tired of Jack voice. «I'm going out for a smoke.» I said.
«I'm coming with ya.» Jack said standing up as well. «So I'll get know my new pal better.» he said putting his arm around my shoulders.
I tried to kindly get out of his grip, to then walk out of the pub.
I already knew that would have been the worst cigarette ever. I quickly took it out of the package, lit it up and took a long drag of it. I hoped for him to stay silent, but he started chuckling; the type of fake chuckle that seems like a mockery. «You alright?» I asked him.
«Yeah no,» he said smiling. «just thought it's funny how overprotective you're.»
I raised an eyebrow. «Me overprotective?»
«Yeah I mean,» he shrugged. «I was just talking with Arabella and you arrived, with your leather jacket and all.»
«As I said: I just wanted to help her with the beers.» I repeated with the most calm tone.
«Yeah right.» he said. Clearly not convinced.
«Believe what you want,» I said as the smoke came out of my mouth. «I don't really care.»
«Are you and Arabella a thing?» he asked.
Honestly, I wondered the same question to myself. I didn't know what to answer, since I didn't really talked about it with Arabella. «Why?» I asked.
«Just asking.» he said. I let it go, hoping for him to stop talking, but he didn't. «I saw how you too hold hands and everything, you like her touch don't you?» he said. He didn't let me answer that he spoke again. «'Cause I do too.»
I had to realise the fact the he didn't use the past tense and he clearly wanted to imply that he wanted Arabella back. «Mate, what is your problem?» I asked him throwing my cigarette on the ground.
«Just making a conversation, why are you so nervous?» he teased me, taking the last drag of his cigarette. «I'll take note of the fact that you don't like other people to talk about Arabella... what is she? Yours or something? Did you two have sex? Don't feel special, we had a lot of sex together.» he said patting my shoulder.
«Don't touch me.» I growled.
«What the fuck it's your problem?» I said raising my voice. «Why are you acting like you're five? You fucking left her and now you demand to have her back like nothing happened? Like you didn't treat her like shit?»
He squinted his eyes and I saw his right shoulder going back and then, a punch arrived to my face. He was as strong as he looked and when I touched my face, where his hand landed, I had blood on my fingertips. The ring he was wearing cut my lower lip.

Arabella's pov
I was nervous about Alex and Jack alone together, but I wanted to pretend like everything was completely normal and fine. «It's been like... ten minutes, they can't take so long.»
«Go and see what they're doing.» Evie encouraged me.
I stood up and walked out. Even from inside I could hear two voices yelling at each others, so I walked faster. Once I was outside, I saw Alex's back and Jack in front of him. As they heard the door closing behind me, they turned around. Alex had a cut on the corner of his lower lip and blood came out of it. «What happened? Jack what did you do?» I asked him, approaching Alex. «Did he hit you?»
Alex didn't answer me, he kept staring at Jack, clenching his jaw.
«Jack, you're a fucking child,» I said. «I don't know what the two of you said, but you're a fucking asshole.»
«Why does it have to be my fault?» Jack asked. «Maybe he hit me first, I just came here to stay with you.»
«Well you're late.» I said. I turned to face Alex. «We should tell Evie we're going.»
«Where are you going?» Jack asked.
«Away,» I just said. «and you should too. Go back to Seattle, make a girl fall in love with you, leave her and disappear for two years, then come back since you like doing this thing.»
He stood silently, not knowing what to say.
I took Alex by his hand and without looking at Jack, we walked to his car. I quickly texted Evie that we were leaving and she didn't respond in a second, I understood she found something to do... or someone.
Alex sighed, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger. «I'm so sorry,» I said looking at his lower, that was still bleeding. «he is a sick dick, I shouldn't have talked to him.»
«It's alright,» he said. «it's not your fault.»
«I shouldn't have invited him to join us, I just wanted to be kind...» I turned in his direction. «and now you're bleeding.»
«Yeah it's nothin'.» he said shrugging.
I sighed and we stayed quiet for a second. I slowly sneaked my hand into his and rested my head on his shoulder. I didn't know what was on his mind, but he seemed lost in his thoughts.
I felt his hand on my jaw and as he turned my head towards his direction, I saw him approaching, feeling his lips on mine. «Doesn't it hurt?» I asked him an inch from his lips.
«It's worthy.» he said, pulling me back to his face.

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