14 Schiaccia Sette

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Alex's pov
Like the day before, I had to go to Arabella's room, to learn the last songs of the set list. I made my way to her room, which was particularly far from mine and knocked at the door. «You're late.» she said as soon as she opened. She was wearing a black shirt, that perfectly fell on her curves; it had something written on, but I was too busy looking at her figure, to read what was it about. «You should have been here two hours ago.»
I stepped in and closed the door, since she sat on the settee. I sat next to her and grasped the guitar. «Where do we start?» I asked.
She pointed at the third song of the set list. «It's very easy, it's the same progression throughout the whole song.» she said with an annoyed tone.
She continued telling me step by step what I had to do. I played the sequence she told me, that slowly became a rhythm. Like she said, it was very easy and in a couple of minutes I knew it.
«Next song,» she said. «this has many changes,» she said. «this is the lyrics, but it's doesn't follow the music rhythm-» She interrupted herself when she heard me chuckle. «What?» she asked.
«You spelled "through" wrong.» I said pointing at the lyrics she hand wrote.
If a gaze could kill, I would have been disintegrated by her brown eyes. «Yeah right, sorry if English it's not my first language and moreover, not the only one I speak.» she said irritated.
I felt bad when I saw her getting so upset. «Sorry,» I said. «I wasn't criticizing you, I just-»
«Okay, play this now.» she cut short.
I nodded and looked at the paper sheet.

Arabella's pov
It was ten at night, outside it was dark and my eyes felt heavier every minute I spent listening and correcting Alex. «Can we stop?» he asked stop playing. «I'm hungry.»
«Order room service, that would be your break,» I said. «then we'll start again, I'll go out for a smoke.»
I stood up and took my cigarettes, heading to the balcony. I rested my eyes by closing them every drag I took. After three cigarettes, I got back in, along with the smell of smoke on me and my fingertips. I found Alex already playing the song, checking every chord on the sheet after playing it. I smiled and hid it before sitting next to him. He was a fast learner and when he was halfway through the song, someone knocked at the door. He got up carefully laying the guitar on the settee. In a minute he came back with his food. «I didn't know if you wanted something,» he said. «I got you french fries.» he said handing me a plate with a pile of fries.
I smiled again, this time I didn't even try to hide it. «Thanks.» I said.

We ate while talking about music. «How can you say that?» he said swallowing the bite he took from his food.
We were sat at either end of the settee, facing each other. «Overplayed doesn't mean bad,» I said. «indeed there is a reason why they're overplayed.»
He nodded while chewing. «Still feels wrong to say overplayed,» he said. «makes it look like it sucks.»
After the break, we got back to practicing, but my eyes felt even heavier than before, I couldn't keep my eyelids open. I closed my eyes and carefully listened to him play. «Again.» I said.
«Why?» he asked stopping.
I kept my eyes closed. «You played it wrong.»
«I thought it was right.»
«Start again.» I repeated.
I heard the same melody over and over, until it stopped, so I opened my eyes. I saw Alex writing on a black notebook, with my guitar on his tight. I felt daze, but I could keep my eyes open. «Why did you stop?» I asked.
He looked up from whatever he was writing. «'Cause you fell asleep.»
My eyes widened. «What? Really?» I looked over the clock that struck two. «Why didn't you wake me up?»
«You were tired,» he said. «and annoying.»
«So you just stayed there?»
He nodded. «I used your guitar.»
I sighed. «You can go if you want, we'll finish the other songs tomorrow.»
He closed the notebook with the pen still between the pages, to then stand up and head to the door. «'Night.» he said, opening the door.
«'Night.» I said.

When he left, I didn't even try to tidy up the room, I just took off my pants and sank in the bed.
I was too tired to stay awake, but I had enough energies to not fall asleep, so I started thinking, while staring at the white ceiling. I instantly thought about Alex, I wondered why he didn't left when he saw me asleep, but I thought it was sweet, couple with when he ordered food for me. I was finally changing my mind about him.

Alex's pov
Since the sun was shining and burning in the sky, we went to the beach, along with the guys from Major Mess. We found a place that wasn't too crowded, so that we could enjoy a day for ourselves. I watched Nick and Jamie play rackets, while laying on my towel, holding myself up on my elbows. «Stop throwing it so hard Jamie.» Nick yelled.
I chuckled seeing the two of them argue on who was throwing too hard or too softly. Behind them, coming from the water, I saw Matt approaching.
His skin was covered with drops of water and with a smile on his face he ran towards me. «Al,» he called me. I looked up squinting because of the sun, even if I had my black aviators on. «come with us, the water is lovely.» Matt said.
I looked at the sea not too far from me. «I'm good.» I said.
«C'mon,» Matt insisted. «Jess and Arabella are waiting for you.»
I looked behind him and saw the two friends, trying to push each other in the water. Jess was into shape: with big biceps, six pack and big shoulders; Arabella had curves I hadn't noticed before, her red bikini showed them all, a little too well. Her hair was sticked to her back, being darker and less curly than usual.
I sighed and took of my aviators, I groaned as I stood up, trying to make Matt feel guilt ridden, but instead, he just rushed back to the water. Goosebumps covered my skin as soon as my feet touched the cold water. Matt dived in without any problem and I watched Jess, surrounding Arabella with his arms, to then throw her underwater. «Fucking asshole.» she said smiling, while taking off the hair that sticked to her face.
«Oi mate,» Jess said when he saw me. «ya've taken you' time.»
I slowly approached, with the water getting deeper and deeper, reaching my hips. «I was watching that gripping game of racket.»
He smiled. «I'll be watching when they start fighting.»
Matt came back from his fast swim and rubbed his eyes to take off the water.
«Jellyfish.» Jess screamed pointing near Arabella.
«Jess I swear to God the time there's actually a jellyfish I'll throw it to your face.» she warned him.
Matt and I both sneered seeing how serious she was and how Jess didn't seem to believe her.

Evie brought a coloured beach ball to play and forming a circle, Arabella thought us a game. «It's called "Schiaccia sette" and if someone tells you it's called "Sette si schiaccia" make fun of them.» she said.
«What does it mean?» Matt asked.
She frowned. «Spike seven?» she said unsure.
«You sure you can play with your wrist?» Matt asked.
«The ball is not heavy, I can lift it just with my breath.»
«Go with the rules.» Evie said.
«Okay so,» she started, holding the inflatable ball. «we have to throw the ball to each other, with volleyball hits. The first player has to shout "one", but the others can't say the following numbers aloud, or you'll be eliminated, you'll be eliminated even if you don't say "one". The seventh person that is going to touch the ball, tries to hit somebody with a smash. The person who is hit is eliminated, but if the ball hits nobody, nothing happens, instead if someone catches the ball with two hands, the spiker is eliminated.»
Everybody nodded and Evie started first.
Arabella was very struck with the rules and I discovered how competitive she was. We played until sunset, to then get back to the hotel.

No. 1 Party Anthem// Alex TurnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora