28 England

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Arabella's pov
To actually spend some time with Alex, seeing how the last time went, we decided to watch a film together. Sat on the floor I was looking at all the DVDs I owned. «What about American Psycho?» I said standing up, with the DVD in my hands.
«American Psycho? Really?» Alex said, sat on the couch.
«You've already seen it?» I asked.
«Who didn't?»
«Me?» I said. «You mind watching it again or you wanna watch something else?»
«No yeah, no problem.» he said.
The movie started and I sat next to Alex, with my legs crossed. In a couple of minutes I ended up with my head on his lap and a blanket on my legs. «It's hot outside.» Alex said.
«But I like blankets.» I said as it was the most obvious thing.
As the movie continued, both me and Alex commented every minute of it. «He has a better skincare routine than Evie.» I said watching the first scenes.
«Is it just me or the way he takes the shower is so satisfying?» Alex said.
«That's called homosexuality, honey.» I joked.
Alex chortled. «I mean it's relaxing seeing the shampoo running through his hair.»
«Yeah, of course, it's not Christian Bale's attractive back.» I teased him.
«I should be the one to worry about it.»
I giggled.

At the end the movie wasn't as traumatising as people told me, it almost bothered me. «I hate this film.» I said turning off the TV.
«Why?» Alex asked me.
«He killed the dog.»
He let out a soft chuckle. «What about the people?»
«Who cares about them, he killed the dog.»
He shook his head smiling. With his index finger and thumb, that placed on my chin, he pulled me closer to kiss me. I approached straddling him. He gently placed his hand on my face and I put mine on his chest. From his lips I started kissing his neck and when I was about to take of my shirt, my phone started ringing. I sank my head on his shoulder, sighing in annoyance. «Every time.» He softly chuckled and I elongated my arm to grab the phone. «What?» I answered Evie's call.
By her voice I could tell she was sad. «Can you come here please? My date didn't show up.»
Alex started spreading my neck with soft kisses, that didn't make me concentrate. «I'm with Alex right now.» I said to Evie, stopping Alex with my hand on his mouth.
«He can come too,» As my hand was covering his mouth, he licked it. «just don't leave me alone please.»
«Grow up.» I whisper-screamed as I pulled my hand away. He chuckled. «We'll be there.» I said.
«Thanks, Bel.» she said.
«No problem, see ya.» I hung up and looked at Alex. «We have to join Evie to a pub.»
«All reyt.» he said.
Like he didn't hear me, he started kissing me again and I had to pull him away. «Now.» I said, looking at him straight in his eyes.
He smiled. «Just another kiss.» he begged. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and stood up, but he pulled me by the arm, to sit again straddling him. He cupped my face with his hands, kissing me and sucking my lower lip, biting it softly. «That's a kiss.» Alex said once he pulled away. «Now you can go.» he said with a smile. I tried to stand up again, but he pulled me again in another kiss. «That was the last one I swear.»
I giggled and walked away, to change myself, since I was wearing too-short shorts that I only wore in my house and a Nirvana t-shirt. «Is it too much?» I asked Alex, showing him my outfit. I was wearing a black mini shirt, a short sleeve fire-red crop top and my red converse.
He looked at me and smiled. «No, you look amazing. Won't you be cold though?»
I looked at myself. «Isn't it warm outside? It's June.»
«But it's night.»
«Nah, I'll be okay.»

Alex's pov
We entered the pub and Arabella kept asking me if her skirt was too short; indeed it was: it ended right where her butt ended, but she was in front of me and I would have lied if I said she didn't look breath-taking. «You want my jacket to put around your waist?» I asked her.
«No, thanks, I'll just sit.» she said.
She was seeking Evie among all the people and I got closer to her ear to whisper to her. «I really wanna kiss you right now.» I said.
«Me too.» she said, without taking her eyes off of the people.
We both wanted to maintain... whatever was going on between us, between us and not let paparazzi and fans see us, to then follow a possible relationship like some sort of animals at the zoo. I just couldn't keep the secret.
«There she is.» Arabella said happy.
I followed her and we arrived to Evie's table, where we saw three empty bottles of beer. Arabella sat in front of her, so I just sat next to her.
«Thanks for coming,» Evie said. «that dick didn't show up and I felt stupid to drink alone... did I interrupted anything?»
Arabella looked at me hiding a smile. «No, just watching a film.» she lied.
«Of course,» Evie smiled. «this round is on me.»
«I'll take the beers.» Arabella said standing up and fixing her skirt.
I stayed with Evie as Arabella walked away. «We never really talked.» Evie noticed. «Except that time Arabella was mad drunk and you told me she was with you 'cause I couldn't find her.»
«Yeah, we didn't really have the chance-» My attention got caught by a tall, muscular, blonde bloke, talking with Arabella. Evie turned around and with a "oh God" she turned back to face me. «You know him?» I asked her.
She nodded. «That's Jack, Arabella's-»
«Ex-boyfriend.» I finished her sentence, with a bit of hatred on the tip of my tongue.
«She told you about him?» she asked surprised.
«Yeah, he moved to England, right?» She nodded again. «Then what the hell is he doing here?»
«Don't know, but it's not good. She didn't tell you everything... 'cause she doesn't know everything.»
I frowned. «What didn't she tell me?»
«Well, he never really supported her with her music... and the England thing? Wasn't necessary, he could have kept his job in Seattle, he wouldn't have earned any more money or get credits and for the person I love, I would have stayed.» Evie explained. «I think he also cheated on her... but I don't have actual proofs or anything, he seems like a good guy, but he is a snake.»
I nodded as I carefully listened to Evie. «He's getting a little too touchy.» I said standing up, as I saw Jack's hand on Arabella's hip while they were laughing.

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