9 Money (before)

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Arabella's pov
I was particularly irritated after a long day at work. I rushed at home, to get the money we've saved for a long time, for important things, such as the reason I was looking for it: to give it to a record label, so that we wouldn't have had to record our music with Chase's old microphone and his slow computer.
The money was in a tin box, right under my clothes in my part of the wardrobe. I tossed my things onto the floor, to get the money. I dug in the pile of t-shirts, ransacking the drawer, until I felt the tinplate, collide with my knuckles. I grasped the box and positioned it onto the floor, to then open it. As I lifted it I felt it lighter, but I didn't mind, I understood why, only after I opened it. «What the fuck?!» I yelled.
Evie and Chase walked in the room, curious to see why I screamed. «What is it?» Chase asked, with his arms wrapped to his chest.
«The money,» I said. «is gone.» I looked at my friends.
Their eyes widened as I said the word "gone" and looked at each other, to check if they heard well, and looked back at me. «How?» Evie said nervously. «We put twenty bucks just yesterday and it was full.»
«It's empty.» I said turning the box upside down, to let them see it was empty.
«Fuck,» Chase said bringing his hand in his hair. «I needed the money for my bass strings.»
«We also needed the money for the label, they want them by today.» I reminded them.
We looked at each other silently, waiting for someone to draw out a treasure chest filled with gold, until Evie tilted her head as she frowned, looking straight in front of her. «What is that?» she asked.
Me and Chase followed her gaze, to see what she was looking at. We looked at a brand new electric guitar:
a Fender Jaguar, in all its beauty. «No,» I said standing up. «no no no,» I repeated. «Jess!» I screamed, walking past Evie and Chase, to get to the kitchen, where he was eating a sandwich. «Did you fucking buy a new guitar with the money we kept aside?» I said with my voice filled with anger and disappointment.
He continued chewing his food and swallowed calmly. «Yeah, I needed a new guitar.»
«No you fucking didn't.» I said raising my voice. Meanwhile Evie and Chase arrived behind me, to assist the fight. «Chase needed new strings for his bass, and we all needed to work with that label.» I said gesturing more than usual. «You fucking selfish piece of shit,» I said looking directly in his eyes. «you spent three thousand dollars on that guitar? Where you out of mind?»
«That costed two thousands bucks.» he shrugged.
«So you have the other thousand?» I asked.
«Then how did you spend them?» I asked resting my arms on my hips. He didn't answer, so I had to understand by myself. My mouth slightly opened. «Don't talk to me ever again you fucking drug addict.» I said with clenched teeth.
I walked away without looking at anyone, I took my keys, earphones and walked out of the apartment with my dog.

I should have thanked Jess for what he did, if he wouldn't have spent all the money, we would have payed the label and maybe didn't get the life we wanted, instead, I didn't speak to him for weeks, living at my boyfriend's house, until we decided to publish our music on our own.

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