42 Glanstobury

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Arabella's pov
«You guys are invited at Glastonbury this year.» Mark said.
Chase, Evie and Jess looked at each other happy and exited. «Is it something important?» I asked.
«You kidding?» Evie asked.
«Listen I come from a small town in Italy, I discovered this year what Coachella was.» I said.
«Let me just tell you,» Jess said. «that The Rolling Stones will be there.»
My eyes widened. «What?» I said in disbelief.
«Exactly.» Jess nodded.
«Also Tame Impala will be there.» Chase said.
«Okay I'm in,» I said. «I wanna meet Kevin, can I meet Kevin?» I asked Mark.
He shrugged. «I guess.»

Months later, more specifically on June, there we were, at Glastonbury festival. It was six in the evening, when I was rushing Alex. «C'mon I don't wanna miss it.» I said.
«What time is it?» he asked me, passing his comb through his hair.
«Six, asshole,» I said. «we have five minutes to get there and find a good spot.»
«I'm ready.» he said.
I grasped his hand and dragged him through the festival. «Keep up, you're so slow.»
«You're fucking running.» he complained.
«I'm just a fast walker.» I said.
«What's the stage?» he asked me looking around.
«The other stage.» I said.
I was zigzagging through the people, as Alex tried to follow me. «Which one? There are so many.»
«It's called 'other stage'.» I said.
Even if we were late, because of Alex, we manage to arrive before the show started and even find a spot not too far from the stage.
I couldn't stay still from the excitement, as I was waiting for Kevin Parker to come on stage. «You're the only one who likes Tame Impala from the band?» Alex asked me.
I turned around to face Alex. «Not really,» I said. «Evie and Jess know a couple of songs, just because I made them listen to it, but we can consider Chase a fan.»
«Why he is not here then?»
«He's probably rehearsing the show.» I shrugged.
«Shouldn't you do the same?»
«I still got time,» I said. «we'll play in an hour and fifteen minutes after this show is over.» I said.
Before Alex could say anything, the cheering crowd caught my attention. I turned to face the stage and saw Kevin Parker, walking to the microphone. «Yo.» he said, to then grab his guitar.

I sang every single lyrics, form every song and when I heard the begging of Feels Like We Only Go Backwards, I started jumping on my spot, trying to see Kevin better. «I love this song.» I said to Alex.
«D'you wanna get on me shoulders?» Alex asked me.
My face lightened up. «Really?» I asked exited.
He smiled. «Of course,» he said. «c'mon.»
He leant over on squat; I placed my thighs on his shoulders, so that he could held them. He first asked me if I was ready, to then stand up. From that height, I could perfectly see the stage and luckily, the song was just at its begging.
I waved my arms, sang along and cupped Alex's face with my hands, to give him small kisses on his head.
Sadly the show seemed to finish before I could expect it and finishing with Half Full Glass of Wine, Kevin thanked the crowd.
«I wanna meet Kevin.» I said to Alex.
«You can't,» he said. «you have to go on stage.» he said taking me by the hand, to pull me away.
«I hate you.» I said.
«I love you more.» he smiled.
I smiled as well and gave him a kiss on the lips.

I had an hour to get ready, I dressed up with Evie: she wore a pair of black lace up leather pants, with a black bustier with a square neckline and wide straps; I wore a black crop top, with red pants and a short black penny lane coat. «Boots or Converse?» I asked Evie.
She looked at the shoes and then at me, for various times. «Boots.» she said, turning around to face the mirror.
A knock on the door got our attention. I went to open the door, since Evie was so busy with her makeup, I, instead, was already done: I put black eyeliner on the top and bottom lid and made them meet at the corners; Applied black eyeshadow on the top lid, fading as it reached my brow bone; then I applied a little black eye shadow under the eyeliner on the bottom lid and smudge them together a bit. To finish the makeup, I applied black mascara to both the top and bottom lashes. A makeup I saw on Skins and made it my everyday makeup, especially on stage.
Behind the door, I found Alex in front of me, that gave me a kiss as soon as I opened the door. «You look amazing.» he said.
«You too.» I smiled.
He looked the same as I saw him before: jeans, random white t-shirt and a black leather jacket; but I still thought he looked amazing.
«That's not how I'm gonna go on stage though,» he said with a cheeky smile. «you'll see.»
«Now I'm curious.» I said.
«But you'll wait,» he said. «now, you need to meet my parents.» he said.
My stomach dropped and suddenly I felt my throat dry. «What?» I asked shocked.
«Yeah, they came to see me,» he said. «and you.»
«Of course. Now come on,» he said. «they can't wait to meet you.»
I felt my heart beating faster as he grabbed my hand.
«Maybe I should change,» I said as I followed Alex. «cover my stomach... or take off my piercings... or take off my makeup.»
«Are you really so scared to meet my parents?» he asked me softly chuckling.
«Yeah 'cause usually parents hate me for having a septum piercing and a nose ring; also because I "dress like a whore".» I said, quoting my ex-boyfriend's mom.
«They really told you that?» Alex asked me.
«Yep.» I said.
«Well my parents won't insult you, and if they do, I'll tell 'em to fuck off.»
I giggled. «Yeah sure, because mommy's boy will tell her to fuck off.»
«Mummy's boy?» he smiled.
«You always smile when you talk about your mom,» I said. «it's cute... and hot, somehow.»
He smiled and we kept walking, until I saw a couple of people: the man looked exactly like Alex, just older and with white hair.
Alex instantly opened his arms to hug the lady, that with a big smile, held him tight. I smiled watching them. «Say hi to your father,» the lady said, with a stronger accent than Alex, which I didn't think was possible. «I wanna see her.» she said pushing him away, in a joking way.
«Thanks mum,» Alex said. «lovely to see you too.»
He went to his dad, who patted him on the shoulder and said something I couldn't hear, since I had Alex's mom in front of me. «Hi darling,» she said. «you're so pretty.» she smiled at me.
«Thank you.» I just said, I got anxious and forgot how to breathe.
«I'm Penny,» she said, with an hand on her chest. «this is David.» she said as Alex and his father approached.
«Hi.» David said nodding.
«We're so exited to hear you play tonight.» Penny said.
«What about me?» Alex said.
«Can you shut up for a moment?» Penny said looking at him. «Alex told me you're very good.» she said turning back at me.
«Well- No- I- I just have fun with my friends.» I stuttered.
«When are you going on stage?» David asked me.
«In...» I tilted my head to look at Alex's watch, around his wrist. «fifteen minutes, my manager will come here and yell at me 'cause I'm not already there.» I said, smiling to realize the tension.

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