40 Happy Birthday

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Arabella's pov
November 18th, the day before my twenty-third birthday. Me and Alex were at my house, cuddled up under a blanket on the couch, watching Mrs. Doubtfire, after having dinner together. «Are you exited for your birthday?» Alex asked me, as the closing credits appeared on the television screen.
«I think so,» I said. «Mark prepared a big party,» I had my head resting on Alex's chest, as he caressed my arm. «it's probably just to invite famous people and stuff, but I still appreciate the fact that I don't have to be the one to organize it.»
Alex smiled and left a gentle kiss on my lips. «Wanna go to sleep?» he asked me.
«Sleep?» I asked him surprised, since it was just ten at night.
«You know what I mean.» he said with a smile on the lips.
I stood up. «Let's go.»
In my room, we started kissing and taking off our clothes in the mean time. The desire grew and grew as we pressed our bodies onto each other's, wearing just our underwear. With featherweight, Alex touched my hip, going up and down with his index finger, giving me goosebumps; his hand climbed my back, reaching the back of my bra, that he unlocked. I let the straps ran through my arms and I tossed the bra on the floor. Alex slowly pushed me to lay on the bed, where he got on top of me.
His breathing was heavy and short, like after a marathon; I catcher my breath when Alex started kissing my neck and then my chest.
He took off his boxer and slowly slid my knickers down, until they were off, on the floor. Starting from my bum, he slid his hand on my leg, to help me cross them around his waist.
I unintentionally tried to close my legs as he was inside me, but with his hand on my inner thigh, he kept them as open as he wanted. We covered our moans between our kisses, until I, arched my back against him. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes.

I woke up with the sound of a door getting opened. Before I could open my eyes, I heard a group of people walking in the room. «Happy birthday to you,» they sang. «happy birthday to you,» it got closer. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and got sit to look: Evie was holding a red velvet cake, with a candle in the centre, flanked by Jess on her right, Chase on the left and Alex behind. «happy birthday dear Arabella,» they continued as they approached. «happy birthday to you
With a sheepish smile and tired eyes, I looked at them. «You do know I'm naked, right?» I said holding the bed sheets to my chest.
«You received your birthday present, uh.» Jess said smirking.
«Blow on the goddamn candle,» Evie said. «I can't feel my arms anymore.»
I giggled and blew on the candle. «Now dress up so we can eat the cake.» Chase said.
«Someone already did.» Jess said, pointing at Alex behind him with his thumb.
They left the room, but I could still hear their voices in the kitchen. Jess made a loud burp and a sharp sound, that was clearly a slap from Evie, followed it. «You're disgusting.» she said.
«I heard you burping last week and I thought someone was watching Jurassic Park.» Jess said.

When I got into the kitchen, wearing a Led Zeppelin's oversized shirt and a pair of black knee socks, instead of shorts, I saw Jess with a knife, attempting to cut the cake. «I should be the one cutting it,» I said and they all turned around to see me. «and eat the first slice.»
I grasped the knife from Jess's hand hand cut the cake. «You know Mark planned a party for you tonight, right?» Evie asked me.
«Yeah,» I said licking my finger, as it had some frosting from the cake on. «why?»
«He is basically inviting strangers.» she said.
«If there's alcohol, let him be.»
I gave dishes for everyone with a piece of cake, that we ate around the kitchen counter.
«I wrote a song,» Jess said. «it's about Chloe.»
«Wait what did I miss?» I asked.
«We're... kinda dating I think, but that's not the point.» Jess said. «I'll give you the honor to be the first one to read it.» he said seeking for something in the back pocket of his jeans.
I licked my fingers to clean them by the frosting of the cake. «That's my birthday present?» I asked. «Money would have been just fine.» He handed me the piece of paper. «Kept with great care.» I sarcastically said.
I started reading his almost-unreadable handwriting: "Open up your eyes, shut your mouth and see
That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me
I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth
And there's nothing I can do about it
Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door
I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor
Couldn't you take home to mother in a skirt that short
But I think that's what I like about it
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
I must admit I thought I'd like to make you mine
As I went about my business through the warning signs
End up meeting in the hallway every single time
And there's nothing we can do about it
Told it to her brother and she told it to me
That she's gonna be an angel, just you wait and see
When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets
And there's nothing she can do about it".

«I don't think it's complete, but we can work on that.» he said.
«I love it Jess,» I said. «you need to let me hear how you wanna play it.»
«I was actually thinking that since I'll be singing it, you can create your guitar part.» he said.
I smiled. «That's great.»
«That's the real gift.» he said, handing me something wrapped in a yellow wrapping paper. Just by feeling it in my hands I could guess what it was and when I opened it, I saw a t-shirt that had written on: "I kissed the lead singer".
I smiled and hugged him thanking him, as I told him I would have wore it on stage.
«I also have a gift for you,» Alex said. «it's in my car.»
He left the house to go to his car and I stayed with Jess, Evie and Chase. Alex came back with a rectangular box, not very thick. «Al, what did you do.» I said as he gently placed the box on the floor.
«That looks expensive and I don't want it.»
«Just open it.» he said.
I got on my knees and reached out the box, with a knife I cut the tape that closed the box. «You did not.» I said as soon as I saw the gift.
«What is it?» Evie whispered to Jess, not too quietly.
«Jimmy Page's guitar, a Sunburst 1958 Les Paul Standard.» Jess said.
I picked it up gently, like it was made of crystal. «I thought you could have use it to write your new album, but it's already done,» Alex said. «so I guess you can use it for the next one.»
I hugged and kissed Alex numerous times and then, I got to try my new guitar.

That night, we all went to my birthday party, that wasn't even planned by me. There, I saw many celebrities and rich people that I didn't even know, but there was music and alcohol, so I didn't mind.
Also Matt, Jamie, Nick and their girlfriends came to the party, such as my brother, who was trying new jobs as deejay, around Los Angeles.

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