48 Tour

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Alex's pov
It was June, a bit more than a year since the beginning of the AM Tour; due to that, it was hard to see Arabella, or even talk to her, indeed the last time we saw each other, was in London, on February, for the BRITs Awards. We talked to each other almost everyday, when we could, I told her about my shows and she told me about the music she was writing.

Major Mess had to be in Nashville, for a shooting; fate wanted us to meet, since we were also going to be there, to play for our tour. So there we were, both in Nashville, Tennessee.
Arabella and Chase came to our show, while Evie and Jess couldn't. They were near the stage and I instantly spotted them.
After Why'd only call me when you're high?, we were about to play Arabella. I approached the microphone as Jamie played the riff. «I'm gonna tell you about a girl,» I said. «her name is not Arabella, I wrote her this song,» I said smiling to Clara, who was giggling in awe. «because Arabella's got some interstellar-gator skin boots» I transitioned from talking to signing and the crowed followed me singing along.

The show was ten times better, knowing that Arabella was in the crowd and that I would have saw her right after. Sometimes I spotted her, taking pictures with fans and the camera even recorded her on the big screen and people screamed, knowing that she was in the crowd. At some point she even blew me a kiss and I, again, pretended to catch it and press it on my lips, it was almost a thing we were used to do.

Given that we both preferred to stay at the hotel, rather than being assailed by paparazzi and strangers, I was with Arabella, playing my guitar as she was reading a book; even if we were doing two different individual things, we still enjoyed the time spent together, just with our presence for each other. «Well we were kissing
It was secret
We'd had to sneak beyond the kitchen
Both well aware that there'd be trouble
If the manager should find us
You'd got a leaning tower of pint pots in your hand
You can carry much more than I can» I softly sang.

The song was clearly about our relationship, but Arabella was too focused on her book, that she didn't even hear me; whenever she was reading, she was in another world and the rest was shut.
«And a wicked gale came howling up through
Sheffield City Centre
There was palm tree debris everywhere and a Roman Colosseum
Isn't it boring when I talk about my dreams»

I stopped singing and kept writing on my notebook placed on my tight.
«Can I borrow a shirt? It's freezing.» she said.
Outside it was particularly hot, but the air conditioner was lowered to a freezing-cold temperature.
I nodded and started playing the song again, with the changes I made. I had enough time to play and replay it five times, when I started worrying why she hasn't came back. «Love,» I called her. «you alright?» I asked.
I gently rested my guitar on the settee and stood up. I still didn't receive any answer. I walked to the bedroom, where there was the wardrobe in which I put my clothes; I saw her from the back, kneeled on the floor, facing the open wardrobe. I couldn't see her face, but she abruptly wiped her hand on her face, loudly sniffing up with her nose.
I started to worry even more. «Darling, you alright?» I asked again.
She stood up and turned around. Her nose was red, so were her eyes and cheeks; with tears hanging on her dark lashes, she pressed her lips onto each other, trying not to keep crying. Suddenly my chest started hurting.
She had something in her hands and when I saw it, my eyes widened. My stomach dropped, like when a teacher called your name and you weren't listening. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out of it, if not a loud inhale, that I kept in my lungs. A taste of venom mixed with my saliva filled my mouth.
She looked down at her hands and back at me, with her brown eyes filled with tears. «You're doing cocaine now?» she asked with her broken voice.
I didn't answer, it was almost like I couldn't control my own body, but perhaps it was better, I could have made things worst.
«You know how much I hated when Jess did it,» she said. «now you?» she sniffled. «I'm not gonna ask you why, 'cause it's a stupid question, but I'd like to know for how long has this been going on.»
I swallowed the lump in my throat, with effort, before speaking. «When- when the tour started.» I said scratching the back of my neck.
Tears kept marking her cheeks and I felt even worst, knowing that she wasn't use to cry, especially in front of people. She bit her lower lip trying to quell her crying.
I tried to approach to hug and comfort her, but she stepped back. «I'm no one to tell you what to do with your own life,» she said. «but I don't wanna go through the same shit I went through when Jess was into it
«I'm not into it.» I said, slightly irritated by that term.
She nodded and it was clear she didn't believe me. She gently threw the plastic bags she was holding on my bed. «Yeah, right.» she said, passing her hands on her cheeks, to dry them from the teardrops.
«I just take a little to have some fun.»
«Yeah, and I said to myself I would have smoked a cigarette just when I went out with my friends,» she said. «now I smoke almost two packages everyday.»
«See, everyone has their bad habits
She raised her eyebrows. «You're comparing smoking with doing drugs?» she asked me. «You're already out of your mind.»
«You compared them.» I raised my voice.
«Not in that way.» she said.
«Why do even care?»
«Because I love you, that's why I care,» she said. «but if that's what you wanna do with your life, then do it,» she said. «but I'm not gonna be a part of it.»
Everything was happening so fast, that I wasn't thinking and my mouth spoke before my brain. «You're being so dramatic and treating me like some kind of addict.»
The tears in her eyes reformed. «I don't wanna receive a call from the hospital because you died of overdose.» she said, trying to not break her voice as she was talking. Before I could say something else, she continued. «And the fact that you didn't tell me,» she said with anger in her voice. «weren't you the one that didn't like lies?»
«We talk about lies now? What did you want me to say? "Hey you know I started doing drugs?"» I said.
«You're right, because I would have still told you to go fuck yourself.» she said.
«Then tell me,» I said teasing her. «tell me I'm a fucking addict and you don't wanna see me again, if that's what you want.»
She swallowed the lump in her throat and took a big breath. «Goodbye, Alex.» she said.
I looked at her incredulous: she walked away, picked up her book and left the suite, leaving me alone.
I didn't follow her, I wasn't sure why, but I just didn't.
I thought that she would have just needed some time for herself, so I waited, but once again, we didn't speak to each other for a long time.

No. 1 Party Anthem// Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now