53 Narcisi

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Alex's pov
I walked to the table I shared with Matt, Nick and Jamie and their girlfriends; I was particularly happy and I didn't even noticed the silly smile I had on my lips, until Jamie pointed it out. «You alright?» he asked me raising an eyebrow.
I sat between Matt and Katie. «Yeah.» I said.
«Was that Arabella, the one you were talking to?» Katie asked me.
I nodded. «You were talking to Arabella?» Breana asked me surprised.
I tried not smile again, otherwise Jamie would have made fun of me. «I thanked her for what she did and asked her out.» I said. Everybody froze in a silence, staring at me. «She said yes.»
They let a sight of relief and kept eating their breakfast.
«I wanna get married in Italy too,» Breana said. «I was thinking about Rome.»
«Another wedding?» Jamie groaned annoyed. Breana looked at him with a deadly stare. «I'm kidding,» he said. «I can't wait to be there.» he said and filled his mouth with food, to avoid the conversation.

Arabella's pov
«I just love Italy so much,» Evie said for the umpteenth time. «I can't get why you dressed like shit, with all these beautiful shops.»
«Everyday is a new day to insult my clothes, isn't it?» I said.
She giggled. «So what are you gonna wear tomorrow?» she asked me.
I shrugged. «Don't know.»
We kept walking through the crowded streets, filled with tourists. «How? You should.»
«Well, I don't.»
«I'll help you,» she said like I asked her to. «where are you going?» she asked me.
I shrugged. «He didn't tell me.»
«Great,» she ironically said. «is it a date?» she asked me.
«He just told me he wanted to make up for what happened.» I said.
It couldn't be a date, it has been almost two years and out of nowhere he asked me for a date? Nonsense.

After another exhausting day of shopping with Evie, we met with Chase and Jess, to have a dinner together, just the four of us.
«It's definitely a date.» Chase said.
«Of course it is,» Jess said. «after shagging her for what was it? An year? More? It would be awkward to be just friends.»
«You're always so elegant Jess,» Evie sarcastically said. «I love it.»
«Now you have to keep it down ladies,» he joked with a smirk on his face. «I'm getting married.»

In a heartbeat, it was six of the day after and I still didn't know what to wear. I should have been ready in two hours and it stressed me out.
The only thing I could come up with, was a red crop top, a very short black skirt, black knee socks and my black boots. I looked at myself in the mirror, not convinced.
I got out of my room, to get to Evie's. After a couple of knocks, William opened the door. «Evie, Arabella is-» he started saying, before I interrupted him.
«Do you think this is good for something that I don't know if it's a date?» I asked him.
He looked at me and examined my clothes. I kept staring at him for an answer. «I don't know.» he said.
I sighed. «It took you that long to tell me that you don't know?» I asked him.
He just shrugged and called Evie. «It's perfect,» she said. «you're not elegant, but you're not even inelegant.»
I smiled unsure. «Thanks... but I already wore it, remember the time at the pub, where Jack showed up.»
She raised an eyebrow. «You really think he remembers what you wore two years ago?»
«You're right.» I said.
«I know.» she smiled. «Tell me everything after.» she said kissing my cheek.
I walked away, but Evie didn't close her door yet.
«And stop picking the skin off your fingers.» she said and shut the door.

Alex's pov
Around seven, I was ready, but first I had to find a florist. I rushed to the lobby and asked the receptionist if she knew anywhere where I could get flowers, she told me I would have found them not so far from the hotel, near a book shop.
I walked in the street lost, looking around like a kid in a supermarket. Every sign looked like gibberish to me, I never wanted to understand Italian so bad, before that very moment.
It took me twenty minutes, to find the florist and when I thought the fatigue was over, I was wrong. «Good Evening sir,» I greeted the old man in the small shop with coloured flowers everywhere. «can I have a bouquet of daffodils?» I asked him.
He looked at me puzzled. «I don't speak English.» he said, with the thickest Italian accent.
I groaned, it was getting late and I was twenty minutes from the hotel. I didn't know how to ask for daffodils in Italian, so I just kept looking around, hoping to find someone that spoke Italian.
«You're Alex from Arctic Monkeys?» a girl asked me smiling.
My face lightened up, as the thought that she knew Italian. «You speak Italian?» I instantly asked her. She nodded. «Can you tell him I wanted a bouquet of daffodils?» I asked her.
She nodded again and talked to the man for me. "Narcisi" was the word she used.
The man disappeared in the shop and I took a picture with the girl and thanked her for helping me. I had five minutes to get to the hotel, so as soon as the man's handed me the bouquet, I payed, thanked him and walked away.

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