5 Cheetah Print Coat

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Arabella's pov
It was the beginning of December, we all went out to go shopping which was something we could do once in a while, keeping track of the money and the prices.
After hours trying to find the right clothes, we decided to stop by the thrift store where we were used to go when we were broke, for the old times' sake.
«Look at this coat.» I said to Evie, holding in my hands a cheetah print coat, that had a length that almost reached my knees.
«That was probably owned by an old lady,» she said. «an old rich lady.» she added after looking closely. «Totally fits your style.» she sarcastically said.
I looked at it once again. «It's warm though.»
She looked at me surprised. «Wait, are you seriously gonna get it?»
«Why not?» I asked.
She shrugged, letting me decide. At the end: I bought the coat, Evie a once-very-expensive purse, Chase a couple of hoodies and Jess a shirt that said 'I love hot moms' with a red heart instead of the word 'love'.

«This is sick.» Jess said, as soon as we stepped in the club.
'Major Mess', as well as many other celebrities, were invited to a fancy party, that took place in a very famous club in New York, that had been emptied for the night. Many producers and famous labels were there, so it could have been a great opportunity for our music.
The place was broad, but there was hardly some space to move, since it was so crowded. The music was so loud, that I could feel my eardrums shake and my heart following the beat of the song playing.
A man in a suit approached to take our coats, indeed it was particularly hot. I gave him my cheetah print coat and remained with my tight red dress with a big neckline, that Evie said it made me look like a celebrity, with some silver jewellery encrusted with diamonds. She no longer spared the expense.
I looked around, trying to find something to do. Coloured lights were painting the room, there were lights in the floors; behind the DJ's console, you could find cages and poles, where almost-naked women were dancing; on the other side of the club, there was the open bar, with six bartenders surrounded by a counter where many people were waiting for a drink; between the open bar and the DJ's console, there was the dance floor.
«Oh my god,» Evie said next to me. «that's Lindsay Lohan.»
I followed her gaze, to see the actress chatting with her friends. «Go talk to her.» I said.
Evie looked at me like I said the most stupid thing in the world. «And what should I say?» she asked.
I shrugged. «Just go there, it's what people do: approach and then go in the conversation.»
She took a big breath before leaving me with Jess and Chase. I looked at her approaching Lindsay Lohan; she camouflaged perfectly with all those rich and famous people, with a very expensive black dress she bought and her perfect make up, with a clutch as expensive as her shoes.
Jess, who was next to me, tapped my shoulder. «I'll go find some chicks.» he said.
I nodded, I was alone with Chase. «We should get something to drink.» I said.
Both him and Jess were wearing a black suit, without a tie; we were far from anything we actually were, or at least I was, Evie seemed to be her true self, but I felt out of place.

Alex's pov
The heat of the room was driving me crazy: I felt like I couldn't breathe, like drowning in the stale air.
I ordered a margarita, to get the party started. I was alone, sat at a table with an empty stool in front of me. There were shutterbugs going around with their cameras and taking pictures, and even if their flash could make someone go blind, in comparison with the other lights, I couldn't even notice if they already took the pictures or didn't even press the button.
I looked around like it wasn't what I did for the past thirty minutes. People dancing, people taking, people getting drunk; every time the same, but I kept looking, again and again.
After the billionth time, my attention got stolen by a brunette girl in a red dress. She was taking a drink from the open bar and her red lips moved in a "thank you". I looked at her, she looked familiar, which was plausible, since almost everybody in that club was famous. I kept looking at her sat at a table, trying to figure it out where I saw her and who she was. Long hair, a nose ring on the left nostril and a septum piercing, It seemed strange I didn't remember such a girl.
At some point, she looked up and saw me staring at her; her gaze made me feel weak, so I looked away for a moment, hoping that she would have looked away as well, but when I checked her again, she was still looking in my direction, with a smirk that stretched her lips to one side. It seemed like her brown eyes were inviting me to approach, like they were screaming "come on". I couldn't stand her stare anymore, so I swallowed the lump in my throat and grabbed my drink to approach.
I made my way to her table, were she was alone, after another guy left, and I made sure he wasn't with her, since he left her to go dance with a girl.
«Can I join ya?» I asked.
She smiled and nodded. «Thank God, it was very difficult with all the lights and the people passing by.» she said.
I frowned in confusion. «What?»
«Oh, I thought we were having a staring contest.» she said in the most serious way, to then smile and take a sip of her drink, trying to hide her giggle.
I smiled and nodded, as I looked down. «Right.» I said sitting in front of her.
«I have a question for you:» she said and I nodded.«do you ever blink? 'Cause while you were staring at me you didn't even once.» she teased me.
«Are you gonna make fun of me throughout the whole night?» I asked.
«Yeah sorry,» she said softly chuckling. «I'm a little tipsy and I become talkative.»
I nodded looking at my drink, I didn't really know what to say. «Do I know you?» I asked, just to get the ball to roll.
«You know we already met, right?» she asked. I tilted my head to one side. «Lowlands Festival?» she said hoping for me to have a clue, but I didn't. «At the pub?» I bit my lower lip. She scoffed when I didn't answer.
«I was probably too drunk to remember.» I framed an excuse.
«Right,» she said. «I'll see you around-»
I stopped her before she could walk away. «Wait,» I said. «I'm sorry, but now I'm not drunk. Stay a bit.»
She sighed and sat back at the stool in front of mine. «I'm Arabella,» she said. «presume you don't remember my name.»
She flipped her tongue against the gums of her upper rows of teeth, thrilling the 'r' to pronounce her name. She didn't do it before.
«Wait where are you from?» I asked.
«I'm Italian.» she said, running her thumb around the edges of her glass.
«Real Italian or I-have-an-Italian-distant-relative Italian?» I asked.
«Born and raised in Italy.»
«And what brought you here?» I asked curious.
«The hatred I feel for my family.» she said calmly.
She was so calm when those words left her mouth, that I didn't know how to react. Luckily she continued the conversation.
Whilst we were talking, two guys around my age approached Arabella. «No way, Ed,» she exclaimed. «it's been ages, what are you doing here?» she said hugging the blonde guy.
«Darling, me and Tom run this place.» he said pointing the guy standing behind him.
«Are you serious?»
«After college we found this place, and you know Tom is really good with socials and stuff,» he spoke while I was hoping he would have left. «he made this place popular. We have plenty of people every Friday and Saturday and we also do this type of events.»
They talked for several minutes, about college stories and music, so I left to take two other drinks and when I came back they were still talking, so I waited.
«Sorry, they're friends from college.» she excused herself once they left.
I shrugged. «It's okay, I ordered you a margarita, hope you don't despise it.»
«Oh no, I love it, thanks.» she said taking a sip of the drink.
As the glasses on the table increased, also our conversations did. She kept talking and I listened everything she said, even if she added small details that weren't important, but somehow had something to do with what she was saying.
My wondered face made her worry. «What's wrong?» she asked me. «Can you understand me?»
I smiled amused. «Why shouldn't I?» I asked.
«I don't know I'm always afraid people can't understand me 'cause of my accent.»
«I didn't notice you were Italian until you said your name, I thought you were from Seattle.»
She smiled like a little girl happy to have a balloon of her favorite colour. «So, what's wrong?» she asked again. «You look confused.»
«You want another drink?» I asked.

No. 1 Party Anthem// Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now