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Arabella's pov
The first week was gone and we only had done three songs so far. «I wrote this,» Jess said, handing me a paper with some words on. «I don't know if you wanna put it in the album.»
«Honey it's not my album,» I said. «if you wanted it you can decide.»
Chase got back in the room, putting his phone in the pocket of his sweatpants. «Got a call from Mark,» he said. «there is a party tonight.»
I sighed. «Weren't you the party animal of the group?» Jess asked me.
«I'm just a bit down.» I confessed.
«A party wont hurt.» Evie said.
Jess nodded. «Indeed, it'll do you good.»

Alex's pov
I was already annoyed by the party, when then Taylor kept asking me to dance with her. «I'm not really in the mood, sorry.» I politely said.
She kept nagging. «Come on baby.»
I sighed. «Taylor, please, I really don't want to.» I said exhausted.
She gave me a bad look and disappeared in the dancing crowd, probably wanting me to follow her, beg her for her forgiveness and then dance with her, but I didn't.
«You're so into her.» Matt sarcastically said.
«I just don't like dancing, alright?» I said annoyed. «Why are you all so pressed about it?»
Matt and Jamie gave each other a surprised look, by my irritated tone.
When I thought the party couldn't get any worse, my eyes met a very short leather black mini shirt, under a white button up shirt, that was almost covering the skirt since it was so short, and a pair of black knee socks. I stared at her, her curly hair falling on her back as a waterfall. Then I noticed who she was talking to. He was tall, long blonde hair, masculine and looked like Jack, but I was sure it wasn't Jack. «Any of you know that lad?» I asked.
«It's her boyfriend,» Matt said. «they've been spotted around LA a couple of times.» I looked at him surprised, raising an eyebrow. «Seriously mate, it's everywhere.»
«I met her ex-boyfriend,» I said. «they're the same: tall, muscular, blonde and light eyes.»
«She also said she had a crush on Robert Plant growing up, she clearly has a type.» Nick said.
«And you're not it.» Jamie said with a smirk.
«Thanks Cookie, always so nice.» I ironically said.
«Why do you care? You're with Taylor now.» Matt said.
I nodded as I sipped from my drink. Matt seemed to care more about my relationship with Taylor than me.

Arabella's pov
The night was finally over for me, that I left earlier, and after getting out of the club, with flashing lights and screaming paparazzi, I got home, took a long and relaxing bath, changed into my pajama, which was just a band t-shirt and shorts, to finally get some sleep.

I was about to put my phone in charge, on my bedside table, when from the dark black screen, it changed into an incoming call, from an unknown number. It was three in the morning, I didn't know who it was and I had a eerie feeling about it.
I reminded myself I wasn't Casey Becker from Scream, therefore I answered. «Hello?»
«I'm sorry,» a male's voice said. In the background I could hear people chatting and laughing, with some music on. «I swear, I didn't want it to end like this.»
«I'm sorry, who's this?» I asked.
«Al, give me that phone you're high,» another male's voice said, that was deeper compared to the first one. «leave her alone.»
The call finished like that and I had to take a second to realize: it was Alex calling, the number was unknown since I delete it from my phone book and the other voice was Nick.
I was confused. Everything happened so quickly, that my brain couldn't process it.
I was with my mouth slightly opened and my phone between my hands. I decided to call Evie, who I was sure was still up. «Alex just called me.» I said after she said: "what's up?".
She stayed silent, waiting for me to tell her if it was a good or a bad news. «I think he's still at the party... or somewhere else with people.» I continued. «He said he was sorry and that he didn't want to end things like this, but then Nick took his phone and I heard him saying something like "you're high" and "leave her alone".»
Again, there was silence for a moment. «I can't tell if it's a good or a bad thing.» she said.
«Me neither.» I truly said.
She clicked her tongue. «You two are a mess,» she said. «maybe take some time to think about what you want from him... or with him... or whatever, clear your head.»
«Right.» I said with my nail between my teeth, as I bit it. «Thank you, I love you, good night.» I said.
«'Night, I love you more, see you tomorrow.» she said before she hung up.
She was right, we were a mess.

No. 1 Party Anthem// Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now