18 I Wanna Be Yours

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Alex's pov
I moved closer until there was only a couple of inches between us. I could feel her breathing burning my lips, like she was waiting for me to continue the action, so I did. My lips met hers, soft and sweet.
In that moment, I realised how shitty were all the kissed I have had throughout my whole life; I couldn't find the right words to the describe the handsomeness of that kiss, but I was sure that it had to do with galaxy, something still not fully known to the humans and beautiful enough to make you want to explore it better.
Our mouths opened underneath each other's. She tasted like tobacco and tequila, flavours that somehow merged perfectly with the taste of her palate. I felt her hand on my knee, as she approached even more, making me move backwards, as she was almost on me. Her other hand came to my face and I felt her soft fingers tracing the line of my jaw.
She started giggling on my lips. I pulled away confused. I didn't have to say anything, she understood herself seeing my confused face. «Sorry, it's funny 'cause I was pulling your ears and then we kissed.» she said laughing.
«God, you're pissed.» I smiled looking at her.
«No, I'm not mad.» she said confused.
I softly chuckled. Everything seems hilarious when drunk. «I mean you're drunk.» I said, bringing a lock of her hair behind her ear.
She nodded. «My head is spinning like a...» she started saying but stopped. «what's something that spins a lot?»
«I don't know maybe a-»
She interrupted me. «Propeller, like your song.» She started laughing, staring into space, lost in her thoughts. «That song is funny.»
I just smiled and kept looking at her.
She stopped laughing and I almost started worrying why. She frowned and looked at me. «Opposites attract,» she said. «that's a big bullshit.»
I chuckled, from how random she was. «Why's that?» I asked.
«If you're so different from someone you will never get along,» she said, grasping the point of her boots, as she sat back besides me. «when I say opposite I mean two completely different people, not just a couple of things different.» she explained. For a moment she didn't say anything, to then look at me. «Or maybe it's right, whoever said it, opposite attracts but it had nothing to do with love, maybe I'm not the first one to think about it.» She didn't take much to start speaking again. «Giuseppe Ungaretti it's a genius,» she said. I didn't even know who he was, but I didn't ask her, I knew she would have explained it. «I mean he wrote four words, to express an inner sensation that reconnects it to the sense of vastness.»
I might have been too drunk, but everything she said blew my mind.
«"M'illumino d'immenso."» she said. «I remember when we studied this the teacher asked how Ungaretti explained the feeling and I said with the period and she was so proud and I felt so smart.»
I was amazed from how she could talk about anything and I would have listened without getting bored. I was almost scared to say anything, because I knew it wouldn't have been as mind blowing as whatever she said.
«It's weird that they made us study this type of stuff in middle school, I mean immagine an eleven years old reciting a sonnet made by Dante.» she continued. She laughed and looked down. «I still remember "Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare".»
I frowned. «What is it?» I asked with a smile.
«Jeez, why am I talking about this?» she said sinking her head in her hands. «I'm sorry, I talked too much, I didn't mean to bore you.» she said. I wanted to tell her that I would have stayed hours listening to her talking, but I didn't. «I think it's time to go.» she said, slowly getting up.
I did the same and she walked towards the door and I followed her. Once we were inside, I lost her immediately and before I could look for her, Ian stepped in front of me. «Where were you?» he asked yelling, since the music was still loud. «We have to go, it's four in the morning, flight tomorrow is at nine.»

Arabella's pov
I felt the effects of the hangover the following day on the plane. I wore sunglasses to cover my eyes from the sunlight, since it was aggravating my headache.
I didn't have enough energies to talk, I wasn't tired enough to sleep and even the slightest noise made my head feel like exploding.
After many glasses of water, I started feeling better: my head stopped hurting so bad, the sunlight wasn't a problem anymore, but the sense of nausea stayed with me.
Me and Alex hadn't talked about what happened the day before, I wasn't brave enough, or maybe drunk, to do it and he just didn't, for some reasons.
Chase, who was sitting next to me, was sleeping, as well as Evie and Jess. The plane was particularly quiet, so I looked for something to read in my backpack.
I knew I couldn't concentrate enough to read a book, so I decided to read some poetry.

Alex's pov
After Jamie shushed me, to let him listen to his music, I looked around, for something to do. Matt and Nick were sleeping next to each other, as indeed everyone else on the plane, since the flight was particularly long.
Arabella was almost next to me, we only had the corridor between us, she was reading something, so I tried to look over, to see what was it.
She soon perceived my gaze and looked at me. «What are you reading?» I asked.
She looked back at the page and then back at me. «"I wanna be yours" by John Cooper Clarke.»
I raised my eyebrows surprised, I remembered that poem from school. «My teacher read it in class doing an impression of John.»
«And do you like it?» she asked me.
«The poem?» I asked. She nodded. «Yeah, you don't?»
She closed the book, with her thumb between the pages, to not loose the mark. «Of course I do, I love it, I love that he used a lot of metaphors to claim how he want to be like various inanimate objects, in order to signify his feelings for his lover. It's brilliant.» she said. «Immagine loving someone to such an extent that you even want to be an object. It's the best way to let a person know how much you want to be theirs.»
Again, she blew my mind. When my teacher read it in class, I laughed, I thought it was funny, but she changed my point of view. I stared blankly at the floor, rethinking about what she said and she was right. From that moment, I started appreciating that poem like she did.

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