23 Kristen

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Arabella's pov
«You guys are finally back in Los Angeles,» the woman in front of us said. «how does that feel?»
I looked at Evie, Chase and Jess, who were sitting on my left. «Great, I loved Europe, but we needed a break.» Chase said.
The woman nodded. «I heard that there's gonna be an album,» she said looking at me. «are you working on some songs? What can you tell us about it?»
«Well, I've got three songs now, ready to be recorded-» I got interrupted.
«Are those the one you played at Coachella?» she asked me.
I nodded. «Yes,» I said annoyed. «as I was saying, I'm not sure about... anything actually.» I said.
«So you're not giving us a date?»
«I don't even know it myself,» I said. «so no, but I'm working on it.»

The interview didn't take much of our time and shortly after, we were free to leave. My phone started ringing and once I took it out of my pocket, I saw the name "Mark" on the display. I groaned and answered. «What?» I instantly asked.
«Sour woman, the best type.» he said.
I scratched my eyes annoyed. «What do you want Mark?»
«Did you read my texts?» he asked me.
«I stopped reading your texts about a year ago.» I said, getting in my car.
«Well, I asked you if you could download Instagram,» he said. «many people wants you on social medias.»
I sighed. «And what should I do? Let everybody know what I eat and do all the time?»
«Pretty much.»
I clicked my tongue. «I'll think about it.»
«Thanks Arabella, it's really nice of you.»
I then said goodbye to him and hung up. I didn't even get away from the parking lot, that I got another call. I answered and left the phone on my tight on speaker as I was driving. «Bel, you free tonight?» Jess asked me.
«Yeah why?» I asked him.
«I want you to meet my girlfriend,» I frowned confused, I didn't expect him to say something like that. «can we stay at your house? And can you invite Alex?»
«Why?» asked even more confused.
«Just do it... for me.»
I sighed. «I'll ask Alex.»

Alex's pov
With a flower in my hand, I was standing in front of the door of Arabella's house, waiting for her to answer. She took longer than usual and when she opened the door, I saw her head popping out. «Oh Al,» she said with a smile. «you're early,» she said surprised. «I don't know what to wear, I'm in a crisis.» she said. She then walked away, leaving the door slightly open, making me push the door by myself. Once I stepped in her house, a black Labrador ran towards me, wagging its tail. «Oh, hello there pal.» I said as it rubbed on me.
«That's Ozzy,» Arabella shout from another room. «don't mind him, he likes to greet everybody. You don't hate dogs or something, right?»
«No no, love 'em.» I said petting the soft fur. «Ozzy as in Ozzy Osbourne?»
«Yep.» she answered. «Such an inspirational singer and if I imagined Ozzy Osbourne as a dog, he would have definitely be a black Labrador.»
The minute after, she came back, wearing a velvet black dress, that went no longer than her butt, with short sleeves. «Can you help me?» she asked.
She turned around in front of me, holding her hair up. As I was pulling her zip up, I stared at the tattoo on her bare back: a daffodil along her spine, drew in fine lines that made it look like a sketch.
«Thanks.» she said once the zip was up, putting her curly hair down. She turned around with a smile and when she brought her gaze to my hand, I remembered about the flower I was holding.
«This is for you.» I said handing it.
She smiled, not only with her teeth and lips, but also with her eyes. «A daffodil,» she looked at the flower. «it's my favorite flower.»
She looked up and I smiled. «I know.» I proudly said.
She titled her head to one side. «How?» she asked.
«The tattoo.» I said, pointing at my back.
She nodded. «Right.» She walked away, to her kitchen and found a vase to put the flower. «Thanks, it's very sweet of you.»
I followed her into her kitchen. «Can I ask why it's your favourite?»
She was filling a glass made vase with water from the sink. «It's one of the first perennials to bloom after the winter frost.» she said. «It's a spring flower and spring it's my favorite season, 'cause it's all colored and fun.»
She dived the flower in the vase and place it right in the middle of the counter.
«What a poet you're.» I joked.
I followed her into the living room, where there was a big couch in front of a TV. The coffee table, was filled with papers and garbage.
«Sorry for the mess,» she said badly folding a blanket. «he's a messy dog.» she said looking at the dog in his bed.
«Right, so Ozzy ate chinese food and left the rubbish on the table?» I asked.
«I know, he's very irresponsible.» she joked.
«Was at least good?»
«Yeah, you want some...» she approached to the paper box. «nothing 'cause I finished it all?» she then said.
«I'd love to but I just ate.»
She smiled and threw away all the rubbish.

The doorbell rang and the dog suddenly ran to the door. «Why is everyone early today?» she asked, following her dog.
Once she opened the door, Evie and Chase stormed in. Evie was wearing a coloured Bohemian flowy tiered skirt, with a purple bandeau top, whilst Chase had a white shirt and black jeans. «It's bad,» Evie said. «it's really bad.»
«What?» Arabella asked.
«Hi Alex,» Evie distractedly nodded at me. «his new girlfriend, we just found out her name, guess it.»
Arabella frowned. «Are you seriously judging someone by their name? That doesn't mean-»
Evie interrupted her. «Kristen.» she said.
«Oh God.» Clara said bringing a hand to her mouth.
I was so confused that Chase noticed it. «Kristen was Jess's girlfriend.» he explained me.
«He is dating his ex-girlfriend?» I asked.
«No,» Arabella said. «while we were in college, he dated this girl, Kristen, he fell so hard for her and then she... had a car accident, for months he couldn't get over it, that's when he started with drugs and one night stands.»
I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet.
«We are scared he likes her just because she reminds him of her.» Evie said.
«Maybe we are wrong.» Arabella said, not even convinced a bit of what she said. We stayed all shut for a couple of seconds, until Arabella looked around. «Chase can you put some music please?» she asked him and he instantly went to the CD player and the record player in a corner of the room. «Al, mind doing some margaritas?» she asked me.
«Yeah, no problem.» I nodded.
«Evie and I will set the table.»
We went to the kitchen and she told me where I could find all the things I needed, meanwhile her and Evie prepared the room for the guests.

Arabella's pov
I was putting chips and snacks on the coffee table, whilst Evie was placing the napkins, when I saw her trying to hide a smile. «What is it?» I asked her.
«Nothin'» she shrugged.
I kept staring at her not convinced by her answer.
«Just you and "Mr. Loverman"» she smiled folding the black napkins in a triangle. «He brought you the daffodil, didn't he?» I didn't answer, but she didn't need any answer. «Why don't you just go with him? You like him and he clearly likes you too.»
I rippled my upper lip. «I don't know,» I said. «I'm really busy with our music and everything.»
«Bullshits,» she said looking straight at me. «you always say this with everyone you like, then they find someone that takes initiatives.»
After minutes of intense study, Chase put a Judas Priest's CD. «Great choice Chase,» I said sarcastically. «really fits the atmosphere.»
«What did you want me to put?» he asked.
«Not a hard rock CD, maybe?.»
«That's the music you have,» he complained. «I could have put Mayhem, but I didn't.»
«Because I put Metal and Hard Rock there, look over.»
He groaned and proceeded to change the music.
The doorbell rang and as always my dog, Ozzy, rushed to the door. I followed him and opened it, to see Jess, with his arm around the shoulders of a dark haired girl. She had a small nose, a narrow chin and mono-lid eyes. The straight and short hair could remind Jess's ex, but most of all, the bangs did. «Hi,» I said, not really knowing what else to say. «come in.» I added stepping aside to the door. Evie was faking a smile, whilst Chase was just looking away and Alex was in the other room. «You can seat on the couch, Alex is making margaritas, he's very-»
Kristen interrupted me. «Oh but I don't drink alcohol.» she said.
I stared at her for several seconds. «Bel,» Jess snapped me out of my thoughts. «she doesn't drink alcohol.» he repeated thinking I didn't understand her.
I sighed. «I'm gonna tell Alex.»
I left the living room and dangled to the kitchen. He looked at me confused. «Something's wrong, darling?» he asked me.
A smile formed on my lips as I heard "darling" coming out of his mouth. «Fucking Kristen,» I said opening the fridge. «she doesn't drink alcohol and that's basically all I have.» The only thing drinkable in my fridge, without alcohol, was RedBulls or tomato sauce. «You drink RedBull?» I shout form the kitchen, holding the fridge's door open, as I waited for an answer.
«An energy drink at night? It's also full of calories.» she said.
I groaned and Alex softly chuckled. «You drink water or that has too many calories?» I asked.
«What?» she asked.
«I said if you want water.» I repeated.
«Sure... only if it's still.»
I sighed closing the fridge. «I hate her already.»
«Is she so bad?» Alex asked.
«Did you fucking hear her? When I'm at someone else's house I'd drink toilet water if I have to.»

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