8 She's a Mess

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Chase's pov
«Come one.» I begged Evie.
Jess soon helped me. «We can't go alone.»
«Yes you can, we already said we weren't coming, they expect you two.» Evie said, tidying her desk.
I scoffed. «Thanks, now we are late.»
«It's not my business.» she shrugged.
«Come on mate,» Jess said, resting his hand on my shoulder. «let's just go.»
I sighed and followed him out of the apartment.
Arabella was still upset with Alex Turner, but mostly, with interviewers and paparazzis, so she decided to take a break from interviews and go out only when camouflaging herself; instead, Evie just didn't want to do an interview, so she said she had something else to do and the people at the radio believed her.
We called a cab and arrived to the building where we would have had the interview.
As I imagined, after a couple of questions for me and Jess, the topic became Arabella. «How would you describe Arabella?» the young interviewer asked.
«She's a mess... she's the mess.» I said, marking the word "the".
«Right,» Jess agreed. «she's not just messy but really-» he stopped himself for a second like he had a flashback. «I remember once, during our days in college, she rushed in our dorm out of breath, tossed her books on the floor and handed me a wrinkled paper sheet and she told me to read it» he started explaining, gesticulating. «and I started reading psychology notes, but then, one sentence wasn't complete, 'cause it started the lyrics of a song.»
«Yeah I remembered that,» I said softly chuckling. «she was taking notes during her psychology class and suddenly she got an idea,» I clarified. «a normal person would have waited for the lesson to be over, or would have used another paper, but she just stopped taking notes to write the song.»
«The song went good actually,» Jess spoke. «but she did not at her test.»
«So she's a major mess.» the man in front of us said.
Jess fake chuckled at the horrible joke. «Yeah she sure is.» he said, to make the situation less awkward.
«And what can you tell me about playing with the Arctic Monkeys?» the man with big headphones asked.
I looked at Jess confused, and he was frowning.

Arabella's pov
«No,» I repeated for the fourth time. «I don't even wanna see Alex.»
«Why?» Mark asked.
I took a big breath, trying to relax. «We just don't get along.»
He sighed. «Can't you understand it's a great opportunity for you? Arctic Monkeys' fans will listen to you, like your music and buy your music,» he said. «it's a great opportunity.»
I pinched the bridge of my nose, with the urge to smash my phone onto the wall. «Well we can do it without the Arctic Monkeys, tell Ian we won't do it.» Mark stayed silent and I knew exactly why. «You already signed for this, didn't you?» I got no answer, so I sighed, rubbing my hand on my face. «You're our manager, not our puppeteer, you should ask us first.» I said raising my voice.
«You'll thank me when you'll be drinking champagne in your jacuzzi-» he said.
I couldn't stand him any longer, so I hung up.

Alex's pov
«I found the opening band for the tour in Australia,» Ian said, fidgeting with a pen among his fingers. «the tour will start on January 2nd.»
«Who it is?» Jamie asked.
I looked at him and then at Ian. «Major Mess.» he said.
I brought my hand to my face and rubbed my eyes. «Why?» I asked.
«They're new, need some fame and being on tour with you can be a chance, is there a problem?»
«Yes?» I said more as a question.
«Is it about Arabella?» he asked.
«Clearly.» I answered.
«Then I don't care,» he shrugged. «what happened and will happen between you two needs to stay between you two,» he said pointing a finger towards me. «you needed a opening band for your tour and I found it, they need more fans and that can help, everybody is happy.»
«I'm not.» I whispered in a sigh.

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