49 Room

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Arabella's pov
With heavy steps and my sight blurred by the tears, I arrived in front of my room, ready to insert the card that would have opened the door, but instead, I turned around and walked to the door in front of mine, Chase's room.
I knocked impatiently, I didn't want anyone to see me cry in the hallway. Picking the skin around my finger, I looked at the door and waited for it to get open. Finally the squeaky sound of a knob being turned, got followed by the opening of the door. Chase's figure revealed behind the door, wearing a white t-shirt and pink shorts. Suddenly he frowned. «Arabella, what happened?» he instantly asked me.
I felt like it was hard to talk, but I still tried. «Alex-I just- I didn't know that-» my unfinished and stuttered sentence got interrupted by a deep breath. Crying didn't help my asthma.
«Slow down,» he told. «D'you wanna come in?» he asked me.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.
I looked down to my feet as I walked in, but once I looked up, I saw Rose on the settee, with a worried face.
I looked at her shocked, I forgot she was with Chase. I looked at Chase and back at her. «I'm sorry I didn't know you were- I'll leave.» I said.
I turned around and walked to the door. «Wait,» Chase said. «you're not interrupting anything.»
I didn't listen to him and inserted closed the door behind me, walked those couple of steps to insert the card and open my door. Chase got out of his room to stop me, but I was already inside.
I turned off my phone and laid in my bed, hugging one of the extra pillows of the hotel.
I started to think about what happened: maybe I was overreacting, it's his life, I can't tell him what to do; on the other hand I was just worry for his health; maybe we were both wrong, or we were both right.

Fact is: even if we didn't tell each other, at some point we realized that our relationship was over, and I was slowly dying inside, cause of it.
Every single song I performed on stage, even if it wasn't originally written for him, I felt like talking directly with him and sometimes my eyes became glossy as I was signing, but I always controlled myself and suffocated my urges.

For Chase, Evie and Jess the topic "Alex" and everything related, was like a minefield, they were always afraid that I would have burst out in tears just at the mention of his name, but I wouldn't have had, or at least I would have, but not in front of them.
They all tried to not make me feel alone, inviting me with them and their partners, but that just made me feel sadder and lonely, but I couldn't tell them.
I tried to concentrate on my music, perhaps I would have slowly forgot about him, but at the end, every song was about him.

I was in Chase's house, as he was playing his piano. «Sing it again.» he asked me.
I took the notebook on the couch and read the words I wrote not longer after what happened in Tennessee. «Every now and then, it hits me
That I'm the one that got away
But I guess bein' lonely fits me»
He then played a couple of chords, that fitted the song perfectly.
«That's not really our style though.» I said.
«We can use some effects and let Evie play the drums,» he said. «I really like it, you should continue it.»
I looked at the notebook. «I actually have another line,» I said. He looked at me like to encourage me to sing it. «Everybody knows
You and I are suicide and stolen art» I softly sang.
«I love it,» he said. «do you have anything else?»
I shook my head no.
In an hour, we finished the lyrics of the song, that we called: Bitches Broken Hearts. Chase helped me through it and with his piano skills, we made a beautiful song.

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