39 Similarities

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Arabella's pov
My phone buzzed and as I saw Evie's name on it, I remembered me and her, with William, had to go out for dinner. «You mind going out with Evie and her boyfriend?» I asked Alex.
He shook his head. «No, it's alright.»
«Let me just change, 'cause my clothes are soaking wet.» I said, going into the bedroom where I had my suitcase.
Alex, who had his leather jacket, wasn't so drench, so he didn't need to change himself. Running out of imagination, I picked a pair of low waisted black leather pants and a white tank top, to then wear my boots, giving that wearing Converse wasn't the best idea, since it was raining.

I walked back in the living area, I saw Alex leafing through the pages of my notebook. «Who gave you the consent to read it?» I said taking it from him. «It's personal.»
«I already know most of the songs you wrote.» he said.
«Well,» I closed the notebook and put it in the desk near the door. «some are private.»
He smirked. «Like the tons about me?»
«See? That's why I don't want anybody to read it.» I said.
«'didn't know you thought I was an "Italian Renaissance sculpture".» he grinned.
I scoffed folding my arms to my chest. «Who said I referred to you?» I asked.
He took it as a challenge. «"dark eyes reared light".» he quoted.
I raised my eyebrows. «Could be anyone.» I lied.
He smiled and then stared at me squinting. Confused I took my arms down and looked at how I was dress, to check if something was wrong. He chuckled. «"Fuck me I'm famous"?» he read out loud.
I smiled. «Jess keeps giving me this kind of shirt because he knows that Evie wouldn't wear them.»

I put on my cheetah print coat and arm in arm with Alex, we arrived to the hotel lobby, where Evie and William were waiting for us. «You took your time.» Evie said, once she saw us coming out of the elevator.
«Aren't you gonna say hi to Alex?» I asked her.
«Honey, we've been talking for days, I told him where the hotel was.»
I looked at Alex, who was smiling and then back at Evie. «You knew he was going to be here?» I asked her shocked.
She nodded. «We talked about it.»

Alex's pov
After eating dinner at a random restaurant, we decided to end the night in a pub.
«Jess is still trying hitting on that model.» Evie said.
«Really?» Arabella said surprised. «I thought it was just something momentary.»
«He seems very into her actually,» Evie said. «I'll be back.» she said standing up.
Arabella left to take another round of drinks, meanwhile Evie was in the restroom.
I was looking over Arabella at the counter. «Who's that guy?» I asked to William next to me.
He shrugged. «Don't know, but he stared at Arabella since she walked in.»
I stood up with the chair making a scrapping sound, as it dragged on the floor. I worked my way through the crowded pub, to get to the counter, where the guy was making Arabella laugh. I stared at him from head to toe. He was as tall as me, buzz cut, brown hair, brown eyes, straight nose, full lips, silver nose ring, crosses as earrings and an eyebrow piercing. He was wearing an oversized grey hoodie and black sweatpants, as he looked slander underneath. Coming from under the sleeves of his hoodie and arriving to his hands, he had tattoos: coloured and black-and-grey.

Arabella's pov
Alex joined me with the perfect timing, resting his hand on my hip. His jaw seemed sharper than usual. «Adesso hai anche un fidanzato?» Lorenzo asked me.
I didn't answer and just smiled. Alex was confused as he couldn't understand Italian. «Lui è Alex,» I said introducing him. «Alex, this is Lorenzo, my brother.» I said.
His jaw relaxed. «Didn't know you 'ad a brother.» he said.
«You didn't talk about me?» Lorenzo dramatically faked a shock, with his hand on his chest.

Alex's pov
Unlike Arabella, you could tell Lorenzo was Italian, and not just by his name: he didn't have the stereotypical Italian accent, but you could still hear his origins a little, from the way he pronounced the "r"'s and "th"'s.
«He's also in band.» Arabella said to Lorenzo, talking about me. She looked at me. «He listens to other music, he doesn't know anything about rock.» she said to me, like everyone should know who I am.
«I thought he was some guy trying to flirt with you or sommat.» I said.
«And as the good boyfriend you are, you protected my little sister.» Lorenzo said wrapping Arabella's neck with his arm and pulling her onto his chest, suffocating her. «Now you don't need me anymore, huh?»
She tried to escape him and had to struggle. «I never did, he used to tell me that if someone ever bullied me, instead of fight them he would have bullied me with them.» she said smiling, remembering the old times. «He was also the same person that told me that I sucked at playing the guitar.»
Once I knew he was her brother, I saw the similarities between them: same straight nose, same full lips, same smile and same eyes.
They decided to talk to each other in English, so that I wouldn't have felt intruding. «How's Ozzy?» he asked her.
«He's doing great,» Arabella smiled. «now he's with someone else though, because I was never at home, but I still see him whenever I can.»
«Fuck, I wanted to see him, it's been a while.»
«You can come to Los Angeles and see him.» she said.
«I can't, I don't have enough money.» he said looking a bit sad.
«I can give you some money,» she said. «you can move to Los Angeles and maybe you'll get some recognization there.»
«We'll talk about it later.» he said, probably to not bore me. «You've changed so much,» Lorenzo said. «look at you, you finally got the septum piercing and the nose ring you wanted.»
«I got my septum piercing when I was fifteen, but I hid it, I never told you 'cause I knew you would have told mom and dad once you were angry at me.»
Lorenzo pointed at Arabella and looked at me, with a shocked face. «You're dating a rebel, are you aware of it?»
I smiled. «Yeah, one time she was one minute late, very rebellious.»
«Jesus, she's a freak about that.»
We got the table and Lorenzo introduced himself to William and then to Evie, who knew about him, but never actually met him. «You're a deejay and producer? That's so cool.» Evie said.
«Mostly a deejay, I get to sleep during the day and have free drinks, so it's the dream job.» Lorenzo smiled.
«I think you'll get so many opportunities in Los Angeles, immagine how many clubs needs a deejay.» Evie said, trying to convince him to move with her sister.
«I'm thinking about it.» he said.
«You could also be our producer.» she said.
«Not a chance,» Arabella said. «I'm not gonna work with him.»

Arabella's pov
Me and Alex arrived to my room around three; he brought his suitcase, that he asked to the reception if they keep it, so that he could make the surprise he wanted to do, without the unwieldy of the luggage.
I sat on the bed and left myself fall on my back. Alex followed me and approached, to then sit next to me. «Are you tired?» I asked him.
«No,» he said. «slept on the airplane. You?»
«Not a bit.» I said.
I got back sitting and looked at Alex, he looked at my shirt and smirked. «May I?» he asked.
I smiled and straddled him, as he put his hands on my bum and I put my arms around his neck. I leant to kiss him; our mouths opened and I teased him by gently sucking his lower lip. He pulled away just to take off his shirt, but in a matter of seconds, his tongue was back in my mouth.
As the kiss grew deeper and more passionated, I slowly pushed him to get his back on the bed sheets.
«I want you hard, darling.» he said in a sigh.
I kissed his burning skin everywhere: from his cheeks to his neck, to his chest, to his abs. I unbuttoned his jeans and he raised his waist, so the at I could take them off and then take off his grey boxers. As I took it in my mouth, his eyes widened a little, whilst he dropped his head back and faced the roof. My head moved with a rhythm he seemed to enjoy, as he placed his hand on my shoulder stopping me. «Arabella,» he moaned. «it's my turn.» he said between his heavy breaths.
I took off my shirt and I didn't have anything underneath it; I quickly tossed on the floor my leather pants and crawled back on top of Alex. He gently pushed me from my shoulders to get switch the positions and get on top of me. He started kissing my neck and in the mean time, he took of my slip. He wore the condom he had taken from his pants before taking them off and before I could expecting, he was inside me, kissing my neck and sucking it a little. One of my hands was on his shoulder bale, whilst the other was on nape of his neck. My lips parted in a sigh, that turned into a moan; with a cocky smile he got back to kiss me, while I felt my neck tingling from his love bites.
He tilted his head back with his eyes closed, as a moan came out of his throat.

I felt better knowing we were a thing and no longer something unsure, that we were hiding.
The following day the magazines were already talking about us:
"Monkey business!
Alex Turner can't keep his hands off rocker girlfriend Arabella as they put on a very romantic and amorous display in New York.
The pair were seen kissing under the rain, outside the Tribeca Grand Hotel."

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