19 R U Mine?

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Alex's pov
She kept reading and I stared at her. The way she frowned every time she didn't understand something, the way she annotated her thoughts with a pencil and how she brought her curls behind her ear, filled and decorated with different earrings all around it, knowing that they would go back in her face the second after. «What?» she asked looking at me. Not in a rude way, more like she was scared she had something on her face. She felt me staring and the attention made her giggle.
I was thinking about what happened the day before and I was wondering why she hadn't mention it.
Since she kissed me, I wanted to kiss her again and again, in any moment, but I thought that I couldn't, she should have been mine to being able to kiss her every time I wanted and If only I haven't had to fight a stronger force that was preventing me to talk, I would have asked her: "Are you mine?". I wanted to know, but those words seemed to be stuck on my tongue. I thought about that question over and over, until I grabbed my notebook and a pencil from the backpack I had with me. "All I wanna ever say is, Are you mine?"
Well, are you mine?" I wrote.
She was frowning confused. «Are you okay?» She asked me after seeing me staring at the floor and then quickly grabbing my notebook.
I smiled. «Never been better.»

After the flight, I haven't seen her for a while and I thought that maybe it was kind of a sign from the Universe, telling me that when I kissed her, I exaggerated since I was so drunk and the thought of that perfect kiss made me be obsessed over it. I still finished the song and I liked it, even Matt, Nick and Jamie liked it.
After writing over and over "are you mine?" I decided to change it into "R U Mine?" at least just for the title.

Arabella's pov
My life faced many changes after the tour in Australia: our European tour was announced and we would have left not so long after; I moved in Los Angeles, in a villa I couldn't even immagine to afford, with a big garden just for my dog. I could reach Chase's, Evie's and Jess's house by foot, since they were so close and for the first weeks, we ate takeout all together at my house. «The Monkeys released a new single,» Chase said, with his mouth full of Mexican food. «with a music video on YouTube.»
Evie, instead, swallowed before talking. «We should watch it, so we can tell 'em.»
Chase nodded and stood up, leaving his food on the couch. He walked to the TV and grasped the remote control to turn it on. «You got YouTube here, right?» he asked me.
«Don't know,» I said, moving the food in my plate with a fork. «I never used it since I'm here.»
«There it is.» he said shortly after.
The video started and shortly after, also the music. I looked at Alex, wearing black aviators, a black shirt, that wrapped his torso perfectly, showing perfectly the shape of his pectorals. I almost didn't noticed Matt sat next to him. «It's fun,» Jess smiled. «I like the song.»
Thence I started paying attention to the lyrics, without taking my eyes off of Alex, that at that very moment, stood up, moving out of the frame, showing his tattoo on his forearm: "I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be"
I wondered if he wrote it for one of his ex girlfriends, if it was just a random song, but deep down, I wanted it to be for me, I didn't know why, but I hope it was written for me and not for one of the models he dated.
Alex got back in his seat, staring at the camera and lip syncing: "And satisfaction feels like a distant memory"
«God Alex's jaw his mad sharp.» Evie said, looking at us.
She reminded me of when I kissed him, how I traced with my finger his jawline and I wanted to do it again. «Who's that girl on the left?» I asked. I knew on the right was Nick's girlfriend, then there was Nick and then an unknown girl, with full lips and a fairly-marked jaw.
Evie shrugged. «Don't know.» she said.
I almost forgot about her, until she appeared again and stayed unlit the end of the video. She clearly wasn't some random girl and I knew Matt's girlfriend, as well as Jamie's and Nick's and she wasn't none of them. I let it go though, I knew I shouldn't have daydreamed about the song being about me, because I would have only felt sad, after I would have received the confirm that the song wasn't about me, but about that gorgeous girl in the video.

It was still a mystery to me how people discovered where we moved in Los Angeles, but somehow the interviewer did. «So are you enjoying living here?» the man asked us.
«Not bad so far.» Jess said.
Keep talking we arrived to the topic tattoos. First Jess talked about his, then Evie and Chase said their only one was the band's one, that the four of us had. «And you Arabella? You have plenty of tattoos, what's your favorite?» the interviewer asked me.
«I don't know if it's my favorite, but I like the placement and I like it in general,» I said and raised a little my t-shirt. «probably this one, it's the cover of Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.»
I showed the tattoo going from my right hip, to my ribs. «You must really like Pink Floyd then.»
«I just have a big place in my heart for Classic Rock: Led Zeppein,The Who, Aerosmith, The Doors... you know.»
The man nodded. «And you have other tattoos for bands, right?»
«Yeah I got the four symbols of Led Zeppelin in the back of my shoulder, the In Utero angel on my forearm, Call It Fate, Call It Karma by The Strokes on the other forearm, the Foo Fighters logo behind my neck, Korn's logo on my lower back and Black Sabbath's devil on the left of my belly button.»
«And how many are there in total? Also counting the ones not for bands.»
I took a moment to think about it. «Probably more than ten, I'm not sure how to even count some.» I said.

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