27 Hospital

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Arabella's pov
I missed Alex so much that I had invited him over, greeting him with a big kiss on the lips.
We talked about our week, all the things we did, arriving to kiss on the couch. He was over me, passionately kissing me, with the background sound of a film I was watching before he arrived.
My phone started buzzing, so Alex pulled away, but from the collar of his shirt I got him back. «It's probably nothing important.» I said.
We kissed again, his hand beneath my back, as he used the other one to hold himself; my hands were on his shoulder. My phone buzzed again, this time, I checked it. «It's just Evie.» I said.
«Perhaps it's something important.» he said holding himself on his arms.
«She always spams texts.»
He got back kissing me, but not even a second after, my phone started ringing. I sighed annoyed and pulled out my phone. «It's Chase.» I said surprised.
«Take that.» he said.
He got sit and I did the same, as I answered the call. I could hear Chase's anxiety form his voice. «Jess did it again, we are at the hospital.»
His words slapped me in the face and Alex looked at me worried, not knowing what was happening, but only seeing my expressions. «Which one?» I asked.
«The nearest.» he answered.
«I'll be right there, how is he?»
«Don't know, the doctor won't tell us.»
Once I hung up, Alex looked at me puzzled. «Jess is at the hospital.» my voice broke.
His face was truly shocked. «Which one? I'll drive you.» he said standing up.
«The one down the street.» I said with my voice shaking.
He took my hand and made me stand up. «Okay take your things, I'll wait you in the car» he said. «and don't panic, everything will be alright.»
I nodded not convinced. He gave me a peck on the lips and walked away. I turned the TV off, grasped my keys, wallet and phone and rushed outside. As he told me, Alex was waiting in the car.
He drove as fast as possible and luckily the hospital wasn't so far. «Emergency department, top floor.» the receptionist told us, after we asked for "Jesse Anderson". After asking for other directions, we turned to the left and found Chase walking back and fourth and Evie, sat on a waiting chair, crying with her face in her hands. I quickly walked to Evie, kneeling to see her face. «You're here.» she said between the sobs.
«Why are you crying?» I asked her hugging her. «He'll be alright, I know he is fine.» I said, lying to myself. I was probably more devastated than Evie, but I had to pretend like I wasn't.
«I- I walked in his house... he didn't open up, but I had the keys,» she started telling me, as she wiped the tears off her cheeks. «he was on the floor, I called the ambulance and- then Chase- I didn't- I was panicking.»
«Evie you did amazing, that's all you had to do.» I tried to call her down. «Where is that cunt of Kristine?» I asked turning towards Chase.
He shrugged. «I called her five times and left texts and told her what happened in the voicemail.»
«Evie,» Alex said. «you want some water?» he asked.
She nodded and Alex left to get it for her. I sat next to her, trying to calm her down. «Excuse me,» an old lady approached. «you're in my seat.» she said.
I looked around and we were the only one sitting in the waiting chairs. «Oh I'm sorry, I just wanted to seat next to my friend,» I explained in the most kind way possible. «the other seats are free though.»
The lady looked around, in the mean time, Alex arrived with a bottle of water, that gave to Evie, who thanked him and finally stopped crying and sobbing. «But I want my seat.» the lady continued.
I looked at her annoyed. «And I want to seat next to my friend.» I said.
«I don't know if you noticed, but I'm older, I deserve that seat more than you do.» the lady said, bringing her hands to her hips, in a bossy way.
«It was hard to not notice to be honest,» I said. «but again, the other seats are free, if you need to seat so much, do it.»
Chase, Evie and Alex tried to cover their smiles as they saw me fighting with an old lady. At least I made them smile.
«You're very insolent young lady.» she said.
Before I could fight back, I saw Kristen arriving. I would have let go the fact the she was so late, until I saw how calm she seemed. I stood up already irritated by the lady. «There she is,» I said. «did you take your time, honey?»
«If you can just move,» the lady continued. «I can sit.»
I didn't listen to her, since I was too busy yelling at Kristen. «I came as fast as possible.» she said.
«Yeah right and I can tell you're so sad.» I noticed.
Luckily I wasn't the only one noticing how she didn't care. «You declined all my calls.» Chase said.
Kristen didn't even listen to Chase and looked at me. «You're just jealous I'm dating Jess.» she said.
I looked at her shocked. «What the hell are you talking about?» I said raising my voice. «Jess is my friend, that's why I care about him.»
«You clearly have a crush on him and hate me 'cause you're jealous.»
I rubbed my hands to my face. «Move so I can sit.» the lady continued.
A man with a white scrub approached. «Are you here for Jesse Anderson?» he asked. We all said yes. My heart started beating faster, as the thought of Jess in critical condition. «I need a person to talk to.» he said.
«I'm his girlfriend.» Kristen said.
«Chase,» I said. «he's his best friend since they were five.»
«See, you hate me, you're just a jealous bitch.» Kristen told me.
«I'll call the security if you don't move.» the lady told me, ignoring the whole situation.
I just had to take a step forward, so that she could seat, but I was too busy listening to the doctor and Kristen. «Ladies, I can't deal with your personal problems, I need someone to talk to.»
I wanted to say something, but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out of it. I felt pain coming from my chest, like it was getting tighter, from a band tightening around it. I tried to breathe and a wheezing sound came out. I felt like I was drowning as I started coughing. «She's having an asthma attack,» Evie said placing her hand on my back, as I bent over. «Chase talk with the doctor,» she said to him. «Alex can you take the blue inhaler in my car? It's in the glove box. I'll take her outside.» she asked him throwing him the car's keys.

We walked outside, on the roof of the building, since we were already on the top floor. She made me seat and told me to breathe slowly, following her. «Don't cry, Alex will bring you the inhaler.» She wiped the tear off my face like I did with her.
Everything happened so fast, but the seconds seemed eternal; I felt like dying for several minutes. The fresh air seemed to help me. It was dark outside and I was sitting on the cornice of the roof, with Evie standing in front of me. My breathing was still heavy, with a slightly wheezing sound, when Alex arrived. «Thanks.» Evie said to him. «I'll leave you two alone.»
I placed the inhaled between my lips and pressed the canister. Once inhaled in, I let out I breath of relief. I closed my eyes and paced my hand on my chest, feeling my heartbeat slowing down.

Alex's pov
After minutes of complete panic, I finally saw Arabella calming down, so did I. She was sitting on the cornice of the roof, being at my same height. I placed my hands next to her tights, looking at her. «That was embarrassing.» she said.
«No it wasn't.» I said.
«Yeah I fucking stopped breathing 'cause a lady was yelling at me and that whore wouldn't stop talking, then the other guy kept asking for someone to talk to.»
«It's plausible,» I said. «I didn't know you had asthma, I thought you were dying.»
She giggled a little. «It's not something I say to everyone.»
«It should be, like "hey I'm Arabella and I have asthma" so when you stop breathing, they know what to do.» I said.
She giggled again. «Thanks by the way,» she said. «I couldn't tell you before 'cause I was too busy suffocating.»
I smiled and approached to kiss her. She put her hands around my neck. She opened her mouth so I did the same, to let our tongues meet. I felt the usual electricity, that filled me every time I kissed her; even if it was an usual feeling, I didn't get bored of it. Her hands slowly slithered to my jaw, pulling me even closer. My hands arrived to her waist, surrounding it like preventing her to fall from the roof. She pulled away, remaining an inch from my face, and licked her lips. «Maybe we should get inside.» she said. Her hot breath was burning and tingling my lips.
«So you can keep fighting with the lady?» I joked.
She smiled. «This time I got the inhaler, we'll see if she has the defibrillator.»
I helped her getting off of the cornice, even if she didn't need my help, it was just an excuse to hold her by the hips. She stroke her fingers between mine and we walked back in the hospital.
As soon as we stepped in, I noticed the difference from the fresh air, to the suffocating air of the hospital. Once we got back to the waiting chairs, we saw Chase fighting with Kristen and Evie loudly laughing. «My name is Chase, Lase is not even a name.» Chase said. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed. He turned around and saw us smiling. «Are you okay?» he asked to Arabella.
«No I'm dead and now I'm a ghost that will hunt you for the rest of your days.» she said with a serious face.
Her sarcasm made me smiles, like Evie did.
Arabella looked at the seat next to Evie, that was free. «Oh God, she died for real.» she said.
«No, she just went to the bathroom.» Evie said.
Arabella nodded and sat next to her friend.
After a couple of minutes, the same doctor came back and told us we could see Jess. I was behind everyone, since I knew how much they wanted to see their friend. Arabella gave him a slap on the shoulder. «Fucking asshole,» she said. «you made me worry.»
He chuckled, laying on the hospital bed.

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