32 Trumpet

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Arabella's pov
After the makeup artists put on our faces translucent powder, to prevent the light from bouncing off of us, a young curly haired lady, from New Hampshire and with Senegalese origins, sat in front of us. With a big smile she shook our hands. «I'm Sarah,» she said. «it's so nice to meet you guys.»
We had two minutes to talk before a man yelled us they were about to start recording.
Suddenly from a big and sincere smile, Sarah got to a professional smile as the cameras stared rolling. «Hi everyone, I'm here with Major Mess,» she said. «Chase, Arabella, Jess and Evie, thanks for being here today.» she said our names, in order as we were sitting, from her right to her left. «Your music is great, your concerts are fun and you guys are all so talented, but mostly you're great friends,» Sarah said. «how long have you been friends? You seemed to know each other since forever.»
Evie was the one to answer. «It's almost six years now since we first met, but since the beginning we always had this great connection with each other.» she said.
«Although Jess and Chase knew each other since they were five,» I said. «'cause Chase's mom would always go in Australia during summer and then Jess came in Seattle for college.»
«It's very nice,» Sarah smiled. «talking about your music, I'll ask this question to Arabella for the lyrics, but then you can all answer.» she said, to then look at me. «What are your influences for the lyrics of your songs? Which by the way I love.»
«Thank you,» I smiled. «it's actually hard to find just one band or artist that inspires me, but for example, the seventh track of the first album, is completely inspired to Tame Impala's music;» I said. «but yeah, everything I listen to inspires me, such as: Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, The Strokes, Alice in Chains, Oasis, as I said before Tame Impala, Radiohead and many more.»
She nodded. «What about the bass lines? They're incredible.» she said looking at Chase.
His cheeks became red, as he tried to hide a smile. «Thanks,» he said looking down. «I love Flea's bass lines, he was my idol growing up.»
«Me and Arabella like to jam and find cool riffs to play, but we usually get inspiration from Jerry Cantrell, Kim Thayil or even Jimmy Page.» Jess said.
«I just smash the drums.» Evie said.
Everybody chuckled shyly.
«Arabella,» Sarah said. «you're finally on Instagram.» she said exited.
«Yeah, they kinda had to force me.» I said.
«I'm glad they did, I love the covers you're posting and all the acoustic versions of the songs.»
«Thank you, Sarah.» I smiled.
«The last one you posted: "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" was amazing.»
«Oh well, the song is amazing, I love it, probably one of my favorites by Tame Impala.» I said.
Sarah was very quick to pass from a topic to another.
«This is kinda a weird question,» she said. «but what's something you can't stand?»
«Chase.» Jess instantly answered.
Sarah softly giggled, meanwhile we didn't react since Jess bullying Chase was an everyday thing.
«Putting on jeans without socks.» I said.
«Hot ketchup,» Chase said. «you know when maybe you put something in the microwave and there's ketchup in it and it become hot? That makes me wanna puke.» he said.
«For me it's raw cotton,» Evie said. «I can't touch it or hear the sound that makes when you break it.»

After the lovely interview, Mark asked us to go to his office, since he wanted to tell us something. «I want you to record the process of writing your new album.» he went straight to the point.
We all looked at each other perplexed. «What do you mean?» Jess asked.
«We'll give you a couple of cameras and we want you to set them in your studio, or bring them with you, to show how you recorded the album, and that'll be a short movie, that'll come out with the album.»
Chase shrugged. «It's fine to me.» he said.
We all nodded. «Great,» Mark said exited. «easier then expected.» he said happily. «I'll give you everything and Chase, if you can set some cameras that will record 24/7 it'll be great.» he asked to Chase, who was particularly good with technology.
«Yeah no problem.» he nodded.
«I just need you to sign some papers.» Mark said pulling a drawer.

Chase didn't take much time to set everything up, so that we could start recording our album.
One song was already recorded and released, so we decided to record the other song I had already written and then, think of writing other songs.
We decided that if we wanted the work done as soon as possible, we had to concentrate only on it; therefore we brought all of our stuff in one of the room in my house, where we had everything we needed to record an album. «Okay so,» I said jumping on the couch. «I want this song to be the opening track,» I said. «and I wanted it to have one of those opening theme, with like a trumpet, that old movies have.»
«Do you play the trumpet?» Jess asked me, spinning on an office chair in front of the desk.
«No,» I said. «but we can find someone that does.»
«We'll think about it later,» Evie said. «let's decide how to play the song and then we'll record it.»
«But Jess... can you sing it?» I asked him.
He frowned. «Why?»
«Please.» I said.
He shrugged and I handed him the paper sheet where I wrote the song.
I didn't want to sing it since it was about Alex, I just changed the pronouns to make it look like it was about a girl.
«Fine.» he said after a quick read.

It took us five hours to record the song, without the intro. I smoked a whole packages of cigarettes, and I had to sit on the windowsill with the window open, so that the room didn't smell so much of tobacco.
«I think I might know someone that played the trumpet,» Evie said. «he was in the orchestra where I played the violin, but it's been ages since we spoke the last time. He used to have a crush on me.»
«Can you ask him for a favor? I'll talk to him and he'll be free to create the intro.» I said.
«I'll see if his number it's still the same.»
A text lighten up the display of my phone, that was on the desk where Chase was editing the song. «Who's Ben?» he asked me.
«A guy that Evie made me meet last week.» I said, taking a drag off my cigarette.
«You don't seem so happy about it.» Chase noticed.
«Oh no I am,» I lied. «happier than ever.»
Evie shook her head in disappointment. «She didn't want to meet anyone after... you-know-who,» she said. «so I figured she just needed some dick in her life.»
I frowned and looked at Evie. «Dick ruins you,» I said. «I should tell William to calm you down, too much sex isn't good for you.»

I wasn't looking for something with Ben, until I had the sign I was looking for, that made me change my mind. I was reading Daily Mail, when an article completely stole my attention:
"'This is like a new chapter': Alex Turner admits he's 'excited about his future' with model girlfriend Taylor Bagley" was written in bold and capital letters. Under it, there was a picture by paparazzi, of Alex, alongside of a tall and blonde girl.
"New chapter" those words tasted like venom in my mouth.
I stared at the picture so much, that Evie noticed. «What's so interesting?» she asked.
I shrugged. «Nothing,» I lied. «I just couldn't understand the meaning of a word.»
«What's the word?» she asked.
«Nonplussed.» I said, reading the first one that got to my sight.
«It means like confused or perplexed.» she said with a smile.
«Thank you.»

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