4 Scrambled Eggs (before)

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I rushed to my apartment, after looking at my watch. Followed by my dog, I stormed in the house. «I hope everybody's up,» I yelled. «it's twenty to eight.»
I ran to the bedroom and shook Evie's shoulders, to wake her up. «Hurry before they steal you the bathroom.» I whispered.
I left the room and went to the messy leaving room, to grab the things I needed: keys, earphones, wallet.
The door of the bathroom got loudly shut with a thud. «For fuck's sake.» Evie exclaimed.
I turned towards the bathroom, to see Evie holding her clothes and underwear in her hands, ready to go to the bathroom.
«How's that toothpick so fast?» Jess asked, leaning on the doorframe of the bedroom.
Evie sighed. «I'll make breakfast.» she said going to the kitchen.
«Scrambled eggs,» Jess shouted taking his shirt off, changing in the bedroom. «please.» he added.
«Make them yourself.» Evie yelled back.
I petted my dog and checked I had everything I needed, before leaving to work, after screaming "bye" to my friends.
I put my earphones on and listened to music whilst walking to my favorite Italian cafeteria: a small place between a grocery store and a pharmacy, owned by an Italian middle-aged man, Francesco, and his wife, Margherita (that everyone called Rita).
That was the only place where I could drink a real coffee, that wasn't just water. «Grazie, salutami Rita.» I said to Francesco, after drinking the coffee in a hurry.
I put my earphones back on and took the subway, to get to the mall. I went straight to the store I worked in, ready for another boring day.

Around noon I had my lunch break, so I left the store, and took the escalator, to get to the ground floor. Chase worked in a technology store in the mall, therefore, if I wanted to see him, I just had to take the escalator.
I entered the store and looked at all the employees wearing a blue polo, until I saw Chase's thick and wavy hair, that fell right above his green eyes.
He was using a computer, but he still felt my presence. «I'll be with you in a second,» he said without taking his eyes off of the screen. «are you looking for something in particular?»
I understood in that moment that he didn't recognized me, so I took the opportunity. «Do I need an adapter to ensure your wire is gonna plug me?» I asked with a dead serious face.
He turned around with his eyes wide open and I sneered at my own joke. «Day's over?» he asked me.
I shook my head still smiling. «Lunch break.»
«And you're wasting your free time here with me?»
«Oh yeah 'cause I love you so much and I can't stay for too much without you.» I joked.
«I know,» he played along nodding. «that's the effect I do to women.» he shrugged.
«Now you refer to your mom as "women"?»
He softly chuckled. «Today you're in the mood for jokes, uh?»
He went back to his computer, so I kissed him on the cheek and let him work.
After eating very quickly, while reading a magazine about the moment's music, I got back to work. I tried to avoid every costumer that could ask me something, by folding clothes and walking away as soon as they looked at me. I didn't take count of the fact that while escaping from a costumer, another could be around. «Excuse me miss.» a lady in her sixties approached, holding a grey shirt in her hands. «I can't find the bigger size of this.»
I looked at the shirt and then where she took it from. «That's the only one we have left.»
«Can you check in the back?» she asked.
I knew exactly where the conversation was heading. «No, I can't,» I said. «because it's the only one left.»
She squinted, pulling her eyebrow closer. «What an insolence,» she said. «call me your superior, I'll talk to them.»
I shrugged and called my 'superior'. She explained her it was the last piece in the store and that I couldn't check if there was another size, since it was the last one. Caitlyn, my 'superior', left us, after explaining to the lady why she was in the wrong.
«I hope you're happy, 'cause you just made the store loose a costumer.» the lady said.
«Please tell me it's you.» I said, acting hopeless.
«You won't fool around anymore, once they'll fire you for your bad behavior, what is your name young lady?» she asked pulling out her phone.
«Why? Wanna bring me on a date? 'Cause I'm already dating someone.» I kept teasing her.
«No, I'll write a horrible review about you and you'll loose this job.» she said, not caring about my sarcasm.
«Thank god,» I joked. «my name is Sara Bella,» I said. «S-A-R-A B-E-L-L-A,» I spelled. «you also want my birthdate? Oh and leave me your number so I can thank you when they'll fire me.»
«I wouldn't joke about this thing.» she said before walking away.
«Born in Italy, November 19, 1988, Scorpio-» I screamed while she left. «Damn it, I really wanted to tell her my rising sing.» I said sarcastically, making my colleague giggle.

At the end of the day, we all met at the music store where Evie worked. There, we could play in a small room in the back, filled with boxes.
I was holding my guitar case like Jess, while Chase had his bass. «We need to finish the song.» I said.
«I know,» Chase nodded. We were walking towards the store, in the dark and cold of the night. «I brought the computer.»
«Isn't eight songs too less?» Jess asked ringing the bell of the closed store.
«It's a demo Jess, we don't need a full-length album.» I said.
In the mean time, Evie arrived and opened the door. The lights were off, so we had to exactly follow every step Evie took, and of course Jess hit something and we all startled when a couple of tambourines fell on the floor. «For the love of God Jess,» Evie exclaimed. «we are literally walking a straight line.»
We arrived in the room, where the lights were on. Evie drum kit was ready, the amplifier were positioned in their place and microphone stands were indicating our spots.
«Let's get the night started.» Evie said.

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