40. goodbye, daryl.

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(goodbye, daryl)

VERONÍCA SOOTHINGLY rubbed Glenn's shoulder as the group sat beside a car. They had been patiently waiting for Daryl when footsteps ruffled behind them.

The sound made the entire group jump, Rick pointing a gun as Michonne and Aiden crawled out from under a nearby train.

While Rick could tell who it was. It didn't change his demeanor whatsoever. "Where the hell were you two?"

At the sight, Veroníca jumped up as well. Standing in between Aiden and the gun as she stared down the barrel. "Drop it."

Rick glared at the woman looking at Michonne before pointing his gun at that woman instead. "Both of you give me your weapons, now!"

While Aiden complied and handed the man his machete, Michonne stood in the same spot. Glaring at the leader.

Ultimately, Aiden pulled the sword out of the sling, handing it to Rick as well.

Rick nodded at the action, putting his gun by his side as Aiden spoke. "Where is Daryl.. Oscar?"

"They got Oscar." Glenn replied. "Daryl's missing. You didn't see him?"

Michonne and Aiden shook their heads while Rick spoke up again, softly moving Veroníca to the side of him so he could stare at the duo. "If anything happens to him—"

Michonne cut him off. "We brought you here to save them."

"Thanks for the help."

"You'll need help to get them back to the prison or to go back in there for Daryl. Either way you need us."

"We can handle it." Rick replied shortly as Aiden butt in.

"Even if I gave a shit—I—I'm not leaving Veroníca or Rory... We're staying."

At Aiden's words, Rick glanced at Veroníca before looking back at her brother. He shook his head a bit, obviously annoyed as he ultimately agreed.

Veroníca silently walked behind Michonne, the woman had promised to take Glenn further away from the town due to his injuries.

While Veroníca had no physical injuries, she didn't entirely trust the new member. She figured going along with them would have been a better alternative for the woman.

So as the trio walked quickly in the forest, Veroníca figured she'd try to become friends with the woman. "How'd you know my brother?"

"Meet him a few months back."

"Where'd you two meet?"

"Supermarket. Medicine aisle." Michonne replied, rushing forward to stab through the head of a walker before slowing down to the speed the duo was walking. "He talked about you alot."

"Probably about how cool I am." Veroníca said, forcing a smile at her half-hearted joke.

"He used the word immature."

At this Veroníca's mouth dropped just as the pair reached the familiar road. "I'm going to kick his ass."

Her words earned a smile from Glenn, which turned into a wince as the wounds on his face ached.

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