53. the radio speaks.

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(the radio speaks)

VERONÍCA HAD BEEN MOVED to isolation with the other sick members. Seeing as Dr. S was constantly down there, her needing a guard at all times was no longer necessary. In fact, it was discouraged due to the sick people throughout the cellblock.

She had only woken up three times, immediately going back to sleep the first time and having a fainting spell the second time. This time being the first time she had manage to stay awake.

None of her family had come to visit, which was expected. Veroníca had only gotten worse.

She could also feel a bandage around her neck, she tried feeling what she had been wounded but just ended up hurting it more in the process.

She didn't know how many days had past, or if any had gone by. All she did know was that she was miserable.

Dr. S came by alot, all times which she had been asleep.

He would came by the check on her wound, changing out the bandage and checking her temperature. Her temperature rarely changed, only increasing if anything.

Dr. S had a feeling the woman would die, he just knew it was a matter of when. He had informed her brother of her conditions. Thankfully only getting shoved aggressively once, appose to most of the other members of the group.

Aiden was always angry recently. For example if he thought your tone was even a little off you'd get punched.

Joshua had sustained most of the injuries from the Hayes brother, which wasn't strange seeing as Aiden had never liked him. In fact, even before his sister's sickness he had threatened to kill him.

With the illness, his threats just became more physical.

While Rick had a discussion with him, it ended in the two yelling while Daryl held Aiden back. Since then, they had dropped it. Knowing they had more important things to worry about.

Due to his current attitude towards everything, he had unknowingly began avoiding Rory. Not wanting to speak to the boy, seeing as he couldn't comfort him. Not when he couldn't even comfort himself.

Glenn had stepped up, constantly checking on how the boy was feeling with everything going on.

Unfortunately, as Glenn began growing sicker he dropped his conversations with Rory, opting with going to cellblock A and isolating. Unknowingly residing the cell right next to Veroníca.


  Currently Aiden sat in between Bob and Tyreese. Michonne and Daryl occupying the front two seats.

Rick had insisted that Aiden going would be safer than if he stayed at the prison, which Daryl agreed with.

Daryl was currently speaking to Michonne, the rest of the car remaining silent. "Hey, I know you weren't running off. The thing is, that trail went cold.. You know that, right? If it was any different, i'd be right out there with you."

Michonne stayed silent, sharing a look with her friend before Daryl turned on the radio.

The static filled the now-silent car, making Daryl speak up. "How 'bout you hand me one of them CDs right there?"

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