Chapter 27

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---*Third Person POV*---

     Both girls stood in front of each other, one tough looking which if paid close attention was actually a bit towering over Ayano, she did NOT showed any signs of fear in front of a yandere that was full of blood. The yandere herself was mad twitching with anger, her eye.. head.. even body, the amount of rage she has due to someone certain betraying her was immeasurable, or was it? unless having a planet like measuring tape. Even though she was angry she did not charged right away at the girl which name she mentioned Osoro, maybe our yandere knows who's standing right in front of her right now, or maybe she's just cautious.

     Though that did not lasted long as she made a run for it charging right at the blond girl, Osoro on the other simply slapped the knife from her hand away as she swang her whole arm towards Ayano, which simply ducked underneath and with jumping on the side she went for a punch right into Osoro's gut which simply grunt a bit "Hmph.. not bad girl, but you're far from doing any actual damage to me" within a blink of an eye she quickly grabbed Ayano's head, lifting her up in the air, as how much she wanted to crush her head with her bare hands she did not possed the necessary strenght to do so.

     So she simply threw her whole body as if it was a toy towards a tree, during the small time she had in the air Ayano quickly positioned herself in order to land on her feet at the tree's trunk, before launching herself towards Osoro as she swang her leg up in the air in order to hit Osoro's head. Though the brown eyed girl was getting more and more surprised by Ayano's fighting style she simply moved out of the away as she went to punch Ayano's cheek upon landing, though the yandere dodged it which made Osoro to finally give in and go at it with the punches.

     Even though she threw multiple punches towards Ayano she managed to dodge them with rather ease, ducking.. jumping to the left and right.. eventually getting tired of dodging she stepped up her game as with a final duck she ducked underneath for one last time before tackling Osoro right into the ground, trying her hardest to pin her. That was obviously out from the process so she simply started to punch the living crap out of Osoro's face, small grunts came from the girl, signs that Ayano's really doing little damage to her.

     With an enraged groan the blonde girl grabbed Ayano's chin and headbutted her, making the yandere fall on her back as she held her head, if she was feeling emotions right now that would be not only rage but also a bit of fear starting to develop too. Although she did stood up on her feet and started to look after her knife she quickly screeched a bit in pain as the other girl grabbed her ponytail fiercly, lifting her up before literally slamming her into the ground, not too sure if Osoro's toying with her or if she's serious...

     Ayano simply cried in pain as she was tasting the price of her own medicine, Osoro did not let her rest and bit as she, with ease, lift her up once more as she swing her whole body towards a tree, making small cracks into it.. signs of how powerful she really is "Not so tough anymore are you? is this what many fears for their lives? a pitiful looking girl whose guts are way too small for a tiny little confession? dissapointment" she grabbed the yandere's head as she slammed it over and over again against the tree with brutal force, she was having none of it.

     Though eventually Ayano's head was busted open badly she managed to slip underneath her grip and kneed her stomach before kicking Osoro's knee backwards, though she did not twist it in a way it shouldn't it was still painful for Osoro as she fell on the knee she was just kicked into, this made the Yandere to deliver multiple punches towards the face of the new swore enemy she just made, quickly ending the streak with a swing of a kick across the back of her head. However all of this wasn't enough for Osoro to fall just yet, she quickly rose up and grabbed Ayano's head, diving right up into her knee with the force right where the bust happened.

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