Chapter 32

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---*Third Person POV*---

     It has been two weeks since the soldier of God knows what country came right in and pulled Y/N's eye out from it's socket, even though Y/N was indeed saved by the army who happened to hear the child's scream he was in bad condition, well mainly his eye was the problem since it would take a long time to not only recover from the trauma he just went but from the pain too, to add salt on the wound his vision was really messed up and the air was killing his socket with pain, luckily almost his entire head was bandaged up to prevent that.

     At the moment Y/N laid in a military bunk, since he was at a military base, being taken cared of by a nurse who was currently reading him a story "..When is mama coming back?" his voice sounded weak and raspy, as the nurse couldn't help but feel more and more pity towards the child that went through hell, she stopped reading the story looking at Y/N "I don't know hon.. but you have to relax okay? take it easy on your body and don't stress about it, Nurse Courtney will take care of you until she arrives! I promise you that!".

     Giving the kid a smile he remained silent, that was his common behavior, being mostly silent and staring into the world of dreams "Would you like something to drink Y/N? or want me to continue the story?" Y/N slowly nodded, making the nurse a bit confused since she didn't knew what Y/N wanted from her, assuming though she stood up and walked outside the room "Why is she always here..?" asks little Y/N confused, but his main concern is about her own mother, what happened to her?

     On the hallway the nurse went to grab some orange juice and while waiting someone tapped on her shoulder "Yes?" turning around she was greeted by a soldier, who currently didn't had his mask on "Nurse Courtney? is Y/N at sleeping by any chance?" tilting her head, she decided to tell the truth, which was a simple shook from her head "Well there's someone that's wants to visit him.. and take him back, someone named Brody" "Who is this Brody? and the hell he's not taking Y/N back, have you seen the little guy's current status? No!" the soldier just sighs before handing her a document.

     She opens it revealing an identity card along with other papers "Y/N's Step-father huh.. looking at the reports here.. he left both his second wife and Y/N all alone in harsh times.. why is he here?" the nurse displayed visible anger as the soldier backed up a bit, what's wrong with showing pure affection towards kids? or signs that she wants to slice wide open fuckers throats that leaves their family when things get way too hard? "We don't know.. he wants Y/N back, that's all I know" "Go back at that mother fucker and tell him to leave, shoot him if you have to" with that she keeps the document before heading back with the orange juice.

     Upon entering the room Y/N was at she noticed him silently sobbing, which made her worry and quickly place everything she had at her disposal on the counter "Y/N what's wrong child..?" she sits on the bed and brings him into a warm hug, trying her best to calm him down "Does your eye hurt..?" only mumbles came out from his mouth, but she managed to understand one of his desperate words wanna be as -Mother-, so she understood what was happening "Don't worry I will try my best to find out where your mommy is, I promise you that.. and I never go back from my word".

     Eventually Y/N gave in and hugged the nurse as tightly as his little arms could "Come on little one I need you to calm down.. I want to ask you a couple of.. really personal questions, do you let me Y/N? no forcing or anything.." she rubs the back of his head, slowly but steady, calming Y/N down "I-I guess you can.." the nurse smiles at him before handing him the orange juice cup, which he instantly took a sip from, a small smile forming on his face "To start off easy.. do you have a step-dad-" "Yes and I HATE HIM!" Y/N's yells as he flinches in pain a bit "Control your emotions Y/N.. and I completely understand why.. after all I know the reason too.. no more screaming okay?".

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