Chapter 45

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     Y/N awoken from his slumber, sits up and takes a look around, only to see himself in a familiar yet unrecognizable place. Standing up he started walking forward "Where the fuck am I at.. did Osoro brought me to this unknown place by any chance?" Taking a left he found himself going through a gate and immediately fog started conquering all around him "Okay.. Osoro should be somewhere around here.." a short while later he bumped into a wall before holding into his head "Damn fog.." rubbing his forehead he inspected the wall, seeing a drawing on it.

     Upon taking a closer look at it he suddenly had a relevation "Oi this shit is done by Jeremy back in the day.. during a volley game he drew the mechanics of the game and explained them to the whole team.." the drawing also had small figures spread all around the wall having two differemt colors "And these are the teams.. it even has the members initials on them" reliving a small happy memory he turned around to see only fog. Sighing to himself he glued himself into the wall and started walking "Why would Osoro bring me to the high school I graduated from..?".

     Eventually he found himself a door, difference being was that the door itself was torn off from it's hinges and small bloody handprints were all over it "What the fuck happened here..?" Looking further from the door he noticed a blood trail, and because he's the main protagonist he decided to follow it. Soon enough he found himself inside the building and pure horror struck his face and future, up on the wall, chainned into it, only the upper body of a red haired girl was seen, blood still dripping into the floor creating a puddle "W-What the fuck.. whose mad man's creation is this..?"

     He also noticed how a pair of broken glasses were sitting in the puddle, making him gulp for his life "I must've got the wrong andress.." turning around he went running towards the exit, only to bump into a wall again, enhancing the head pain "How.. ho- THERE WAS AN EXIT SITTING HERE BEFORE JUST NOW!" Grunting from pain he looks back at the poor girl, then at the staircase, however he changed his mind taking them due to many limbs sitting on the stairs.

     Instead he walked down the hallway, hoping he will find a window he could break through "The atmosphere is so dread here.. the smell of iron is killing my nose.. am I in a human slaughterhouse?" His heart started accelerating into space time wrap, he could've hear his own heartbeat which made him more jumpy that before. The more he walked, the more dead bodies he found of each gender,Y/N noticed how all of them had a broken heart in half carved into them which made him more terrified, yet curious "O-Osoro..? Where.." he didn't had enough bravery to finish that sentence.

     Eventually he was met with fate itself, which was a broken bloody window "Seems like they had fun slicing open throats with glass shards.. God forgive them but I am out from this sickhole.." looking outside for any possible threats, not seeing even a bear lurking around he jumped out the window. Upon landing on the ground a strong magnetic pulse was sent off alongside with a small shake, looking around he noticed how the sky turned dark and everything in front of him perished away at a fast rate "Great.. what sort of entity is after me now.." looking behind him the building's walls slowly cracked open, spreading into millions on particles into all directions.

     Backing up as the walls collapsed in a extent, a red light slowly glowed between the cracks, looking for a way to run Y/N only noticed void and nothing else.. looking back at the impending doom he saw a bloody figure with it's hands behind, a torn bloody knife in the right hand. The person had a white coat with blue trims so Y/N couldn't tell who it was, wanting to run for his dear life.. yet Y/N couldn't, he seemed frozen in place by pure fear.

     The person slowly turned around and met with Y/N's eyes, which immediately shrink in horror "..I should've suspected that it was you..after all we went-" the air suddenly got cut in front of him as the knife cut his cheek, making Y/N flinch in pain as the knife dropped into the void "Silence, bufon" looking up the person now stood in front of him, out of instinct he threw a quick punch in order to defend himself, but his arm got quickly grabbed with a tight grip "That's no way to treat a lady, Y/N"

     "Let go you little cunt-" one rough punch was met with his chest, the noise of bone cracking filled the void as Y/N screamed in pain "I don't think you know who you're messing with, Y/N, perhaps since I let go of you.. your rebel phase kicked up.." Y/N looked up at his nightmare, which I am pretty sure you and I both know who she is "I miss these times where you acted as my doggy.. what happened to them? Didn't you liked when you brought Osana in for me to kill? to feed off of her soul?".

     Letting go of his arm Y/N dropped down holding into his chest "How.. you were.. a fucking.. ..I handled your ass before! How can you fight back now Ayano?!" A small, yet loud giggle filled the void "Do I look like that insignificant girl to you, dear Y/N? Want me to give you a proper explanation to this? hm?" Even if she killed the entire high school, she had a calm yet soothing voice, which made Y/N tremble even more.

     "You are an insane bitch after all..-" suddenly she grabbed into his neck with one hand and lifted him up in the air "No you dumbass, when will you learn that this is mainly your fault? If not all your fault? Say.. did you noticed the obvious hint on your journey?" She asks as a huge smirk forms on her lips "..T-the h-heart.. in h-half?" Spoke Y/N struggling for air, in response Ayano giggled "We have a winner.. that, my sweet doggy, represents your actions, how? Well.. you brought me and Taro together, didn't you? You are also the reason why we broke up..".

     Opening her coat Ayano revealed Taro's head dangling off her hip, which made Ayano laugh uncontrolably "You made me snap Y/N with your fault accusations, and so.. this is the result, if I can't have him then no one can" Y/N tried kicked her head in order to escape from her grip, but it only tightens "You should've never fuck around with a yandere, Y/N" reality slowly faded from Y/N as his eyes slowly closed "Oh dear
.. Y/N.." "Y/N!" "What will you do.. Y/N.." "Wake up, Y/N!" "Is it too late to change.. Y/N?" "You little shit wake up!" "Perhaps time is in your favor.. Y/N.." "Can you even hear me dumbass?!" "Maybe.. you can fix this".

     Fighting for his life Y/N managed to open his eyes to look at Ayano one last time, but instead of her there stood Osoro who was shaking him rather roughly "Wake, the fuck, up!" She yelled loudly before slapping him hard, which cut his sense of sight. Standing up suddenly opening up his eyes he looked around in a very defensive state "Y/N! Calm down!" Two hands grasped into his shoulders, keeping him in place. Gaining his vision from the foggy sight he noticed Osoro in front of him, having a genuine worry across her face "It's me bud, no one else to harm you.." she brought him into a hug as Y/N slowly calmed down.

     "What happened.. I.. there stood Ayano and.." Osoro cut him off quickly "You were most likely having a dream, you were screaming.. kicking.. punching.." looking around he noticed they were on a couch "Did I fell asleep..?" "Yes! you told me you were tired.. so you sat down on the couch.." calming down finally, he rubs his head in pain "It felt so fucking real.." "What did? What did you even dreamt about? Was it girls?" "Dead girls.." and so he explained everything that happened in the dream and how Y/N experienced the grim reaper itself, with a big sigh escaping from Osoro she spoke "Maybe you brain is messing with you.. maybe you are insane.. but what if the dream has an actual meaning to it? More.. of a warning? What if.. you'll manage to get rid of Taro, it will result into that dream coming true?".

---*To be continued*---

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