The Goblet of Fire

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Remus' reply came a few days later, along with a bar of chocolate to make me feel better and some words of encouragement. With that, came the news that he had got a new job in a local book store. He now had the finances to restore his family cottage for my return in the summer holidays and to say I was excited, would be an understatement. 

I served an evening's detention with Moody, but I felt he went a little easier on me than anticipated; merely asking I sort his things which he was yet to unpack, in his office. Our following lesson with him went as smoothly as one could anticipate, life at Hogwarts resuming some sort of normality.

However, I missed my broom. And Quidditch, in general. I hadn't played a match in several months, after all. And Snape hadn't helped me learn to fly at all, after the last incident in which my broom bucked me from it and I performed unsupported flight. I couldn't tell my fellow team members about my indisposition and I feared it would worry Harry were I to tell him. So, I would spend a Saturday morning or two down by the Quidditch pitch, alone, just to sit on the grass and look at it, wishing I could play just one game. It wasn't long before even that luxury was taken from me, the pitch being cornered off at Dumbledore's request, at the end of September 1994.

We entered October far quicker than I had anticipated the first month of school to go. With the arrival of the two other schools and my thirteenth birthday in short approach, I found my excitement brewing at what was to take place in the new school year, even without Quidditch. Alastor Moody kept his word, no longer torturing animals with his twisted teachings but, instead, practising curses on his students; our following lesson consisting of the Imperio curse being tested on each of us, so he could garner our strength. It was horrible, having to bend to someone else's will without reason.

To my surprise most of the Gryffindor students, Harry included, liked Professor Moody. I, however, found him almost as detestable as Gilderoy Lockhart. To my surprise, my grades were improving in DADA, so he must have been doing something right.

With time, came the unspoken forgiveness of my Potion's Professor. Our additional, weekend classes had now been put on hold, with the events of the Triwizard Tournament taking priority over extra-curricular activities. With that, brought more headaches as I found myself losing control over my Legilimency, once more.

Thoughts of my peers were seeping into my own mind, along with a very unfortunate event in DADA that led to Moody's thoughts penetrating my mind; images of torture and mayhem would flash through my thoughts, leading to a very embarrassing need to leave his room; the rest of the class shocked at my sudden outburst.

The remaining, few days in October were now upon the school; the air turning chilly as we awaited the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, in the Entrance Hall. I held my cloak close to my chest, standing between Draco and Gregory. Each Head of House was checking the uniform of each student, making sure we were pristine and ready to greet the other school's. 

"I heard a lot of the students from Beauxbatons are half-veela. Like we need anymore competition!" Pansy angrily cursed at her friend, Millicent. I merely scoffed, shaking my head dismissively at the girl before, "Look!" 

My gaze averted in the direction a Hufflepuff student had pointed towards, a small dot nearing in the distant sky. As it grew closer, I realised it was a marvellous, silver carriage; easily the size of a house, being drawn by horses. They, too, were abnormally large as they flew towards us, rearing and coming to a soft landing in the courtyard. The Beauxbatons Academy logo brandished the carriage, the doors opening as students began to exit. Boys and girls stood in pale, blue uniforms; more emitting from the carriage than physically possible. 

The last to exit was a woman, older and much taller than the rest; who had to bend her knees slightly in order to fit through the door. She might have even been taller than Professor Hagrid, yet she had a certain ere of royalty about her; adorned in the finest silks and materials and jewels I had ever seen; her image spoke of her immense wealth as she walked towards Professor Dumbledore, greeting her with a kiss to her hand.

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