Issue 14 - The Next Stage in Evolution

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If there was something I hated more than anything, it was the sewers. I mean, nothing ever good comes out from a place like this. Yet here I am chugging along, wanting to vomit with every breath. Clinging to the ceiling, I began crawling forward, seeing lizards going in a single path. 

Almost falling down, I gripped on tightly, sighing. "You don't see the Avengers crawling in sewers; I doubt Superman would be caught dead down here. Where's Aquaman when you need him?" Following the path, my phone began ringing as I spun around to grab it. "Ello?"

"Y/N? What's taking so long? Where are you?" Peni asked. "I can't stall them forever."

"Sorry, Peni, I'm following Doctor Connors through the sewers as we speak. Can't talk; he's turned into a giant lizard."

"Well, that is his quirk."

"No, no, I mean like an actual huge fucking lizard. I gave him my paper on bio fusion; he must have used it to enhance his quirk to regrow his arm. But I didn't expect it to go that far."

Peni let out a concerned sigh. "I don't like this Y/N; come back. We'll tell the teachers, All Might can handle this."

"No!" I shout, slipping. "No, this is my fault. I'm not going to put other people's lives at risk for my mistake. I'm going to get Doctor Connors back safe and sound."

"Be careful, yeah? If things get too dangerous, come right back, you hear me."

"Loud and clear, leader," I reply, dropping my phone watching it succumb to the sewers below. My heart sank as I lowered my head in shame. "I just paid off that phone..."

Webbing the two walls, I propelled myself forward, moving up and finding an opening to a large maintenance section. The place was used for fixing pipes and getting around the sewers. Crawling down, I saw all the lizards compile together. Holding my hand out, I shot a long web to the other side, ensuring it was held together. Once confident, I began walking along. I scouted down, seeing my worst fears.

Doctor Connors.

He was working tirelessly away to create something. That's when I saw the pipes holding the emergency water filled to the brim with a green liquid. I had no idea what it was getting a closer look, but I had my hunch.

"Don't tell me... This is the quirk enhancer he made? This much could be used on the whole city. What is he up to?" Shooting a web up, I began descending down silently to get the drop on Doctor Connors. I had to be the voice of reason. But, first, no one had to get hurt." Landing on the ground, I kept my distance talking. "Doctor Connors, Doctor Connors?"

Connors spun around, knocking me back into the wall with immense strength. Gagging, I fell to the floor as he slivered over. "Y/N Parker! It's too late; you cannot take credit for my invention. Take a good look; I'm perfect."

Coughing, I looked at him, a massive, hideous lizard with a long snout and sharp teeth. His green scales were rough and edged. "My God, what have you done to yourself?"

"I've evolved, Parker! We've grown from humans, but our quirks are not enough. They are holding us back from the next stage in evolution. I am proof; that I can change that. Soon everyone will evolve!"

Standing up, I looked at the canisters, horrified. "You're going to release it onto the city? But with the formula, it wouldn't grow their quirks; it would make them all like you!"

"It's my gift, and it's all thanks to you."

"I won't let you do this, Doctor Connors; this isn't what we worked towards. You wanted to hold your children, not this!" I shout, firing a web at him. Attaching Connors tore it off, hissing. "Oh... Crap."

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