Chapter eighteen

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"Good now shift again, maintain the speed." Leonix says while holding onto to the gripper thingy above the door.

He's teaching me how to drift and such like that. I know how to drive regularly now because him and Danika have been teaching me for the past few weeks.

I've been slightly busy with the Mafia and training.

Ethan and Danika have also been training me to shoot,throw knives,use daggers, and such. I must say I think I'm pretty good at this stuff.

It's been 5 weeks and Marcus still hasn't tried talking to me. I tried to speak with him but he just ignores me everytime.

I also got Leonix to agree with me to meet up with Faith tonight at his club. So he sent some of his men to inform Faith that we will be in the VIP section.

She has no clue I'm a new Mafia owner and I intend to keep it that way. She might get spooked.

I have already got my dress set out.

"Shift again love, you're doing great." Leonix tells me again.

"Now coming up to this turn slow down a little or we'll slam right into that tree."

I slow down and turn the wheel so we're now drifting the corner.

As soon as we get around the corner and I smooth out the wheel Leonix's phone starts buzzing indicating someone is calling him.

"What do you want now, oh. Shit. Fuck. Okay we're coming now." And he slams his phone in his lap.

Turning to look at me but I keep my eyes on the road.

"We have to go back something's wrong or some shit. It's Marcus." He say's and I immediately turn the wheel so now we're in the opposite direction we were headed.

Speeding up not stopping at any of the signs we speed our way back to the house and once we reach the gates they open and I drive inside.

I put it in park not bothering to turn it off I barge into the house filled with worry.

Anything could have happend

"Where is he, is he okay, what's wrong." I immediately start questioning when I see Ethan.

He points in the direction of the kitchen and I make my way there coming to a halt when I see what's happened.

No. Help. I- he. No he can't.

I just stand there. Frozen looking at the floor at his unconscious body.

Tears fall down my cheeks and I try to speak but I can't. It feels as if someone has sown my lips shut.

I feel a pair of arms shake me but I can't move.

I see people scattering around him in the kitchen picking him up and moving him trying to help.

"Get him to the ER, NOW." I hear a voice order.

I fall. I break down. I can't breath. Suddenly I feel as if the world went quiet. No sound. No movement. Just darkness consuming everything.

I feel arms swoop around my legs and under my arms and I'm suddenly picked up from the floor being carried somewhere.

I'm placed back down but I don't want to look. I just want to lay here. Wherever I am. I don't care about anything at all in this moment.


"HE'S AWAKE, GET UP HE'S AWAKE." I hear someone scream.

I open my eyes and rub them. I still have no clue where I am because this is not my room nor is it Danika's.

"Afternoon love. I'll leave you to get dressed,we're leaving to see Marcus. Don't worry about Faith. She understands and we've rescheduled it for a couple days from now." Leonix says calling from the doorway where he stands with his towel ruffling his hair.

I nod and swoop my legs off the bed standing up and picking out an outfit.

We were only going to the hospital so I decided on some blue leggings with a white Nike hoodie and my white converse.

I quickly brush my hair and teeth and put on the tiniest bit of mascara not really caring what I look like.

I'm gonna cry anyways so mind as well not even try.

I make my way downstairs where everyone is waiting. When i reach the bottom Ethan rushes over to me and scoops me up whispering in my ear.

"I'm sorry, I promise he'll be ok darling" Ethan whispers only for me to hear.

I nod and pull away wiping the tears that were ready to fall from my eyes.

"Let's go then, shall we?" Danika asks

We all hum as a response.

"WAIT!" I say quickly running back upstairs.

I forgot to bring the most important thing.

Our matching stuffies.

We hadn't gotten rid of them.

A/N: this is their matching stuffies

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A/N: this is their matching stuffies.

Even after all these years I still never got rid of it, and he didn't either.

I rush back down the stairs bolting out the door into the car.

"What did you forget?" They all ask at the same time.

Ew that's creepy..

"Our stuffies. We would take them everywhere if something ever happend to the other sibling." I say holding the stuffed animals close looking out the window while Leonix drives.

They all hum in return.


"Mar's, can you hand me that water" Marcus manages to say with a shaky voice.

I grab the water and open it, "open" I say so he'll open his mouth.

I pour some water for him and he swallows

"Mar's I know how to drink my own water, stop treating me like a baby" he says.

I close up the water and put it on his bed

"Fine, here. Do it yourself then." I reply with bit of an attitude.

I turn around and sit back down in my chair, I grab the remote for the tv in his hospital room and flick through the channels landing on paw patrol.

I hear a scoff from the chair behind me making me turn.

I stare at Leonix and try to figure out what his problem is

"You're really watching paw patrol? Mariah this is a baby show you're not a baby." He says

I shake my head and give me the evil eye.

"I can watch what I want, and for your info this was the only good thing on this dumb tv." I spit back

I cross my arms over my sloth stuffy and watch the tv.

Truth is this wasn't the only good thing on tv, I just so happen to like watching paw patrol.

And so there I sat, watching paw patrol in my brothers hospital room with all the others waiting for the doctors to come back with the test results to see if he's okay to leave.


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