Part 55

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Camilo's POV:

Danny held my head high. I saw the concern on y/n's face. I felt the blood trickling down from my neck.
"Please! You have to let me try to save him!" Y/n pleaded.
"Why would I want you to try to save him?"
"Why? His life is already a wreck.. What's the point in trying to save him? Have you read his journal..?" Danny gave an evil smile to me.
My eyes widened.
"Danny! P-Please! D-Don't!" I choked.
Danny pulled a journal out from behind her back. Danny flipped to a random page. She looked down at the first word on the page. She started to read.

"Page 105

I stay awake all night wondering if I should get high or drunk, I wonder if it'll be worth the sickness in the morning, the potential punishment.. Y/n get's mad when I do that stuff and I feel terrible when I do it in front of her, I know all she wants is for me to be alright... I know she would start a war for me. But something in the back of my mind makes me wonder if someday somebody else might take my place.."

Danny looks up at me and y/n. I look over to y/n, tears in her eyes.
"Y/n! Please, I-"
"Camilo.. I will never replace you.. I love you-"
"Ugh, ew, gross! Let's move on!" Danny says.
I look over to my brother. His hands are behind his back. He is on his knees, leaning over with his head to the floor. I started to get light headed.
"Y/n. It's alright!" I say.
"No, it's not! Please, Danny..!"
"Fine.." Danny rolls her eyes.
She unties y/n but not me. Y/n kneels in front of me.
"There's nothing around here for me to put on the wound.." y/n started to panic.
That's when I knew she had an idea. She took her shirt off, leaving her in her bra. She bunches her shirt up and places it on my neck.
"Everything's going to be okay, okay?" She looks at me with those eyes.
She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. Danny started up again.

"Page 96

Y/n always thinks it's so easy to just give up an addiction. She always tells me, 'let's throw this all away! Then, everything will be fine!' It's not that simple. Most nights I have to stay awake thinking about how I got myself into this. I lay awake worrying about Carlos. How did he get himself into this? And I wonder, why is Carlos always the 'bad guy'? Why does he always get the punishments?-"

Carlos cut Danny off.
"I think about that too. Why is it always me? Danny and Bella don't even like me, they like you, Camilo. But I'm the one getting raped, sexually assaulted, getting into trouble by mom and dad, our parents are afraid of me being near Antonio because of my past. It's not my fault I'm living through this shit. It's not fair.."

Danny took a moment but then continued.
"My brother just wants to be apart of the family again. He's not a bad guy. He's a guy that's had it so rough to the point where he has no other option but to do this stuff to himself. He's a guy that's afraid of showing himself. I care for my brother, I just want him to be happy again. There's a reason why people say 'villains aren't born, their made.'" Danny laughed.
Carlos looks over to me. I look over to y/n, who was still dabbing her shirt on my neck.
"Wow! You really know how to tell a story!" Danny says sarcastically.
I saw Carlos with a menacing look. It scared me to see how a person can have so much anger built up. There was a loud bang. I seen four large men charging at us, carrying overly sized weapons in their hands. Danny dropped the journal. She tried to make a run for it but was stopped. She stood in front of the men. I recognized one of them... Bones! Carlos had a smile from ear to ear on his face. Bones put Danny into a headlock. The three other men came to untie me and Carlos.
"Hi! I'm Charlie! This is Rage and Miko!"
Y/n backs away to let them untie me.
They then ran over to Carlos.
"Hey KK! You look rough.." They untie him.
Bones clears his throat to get their attention. The guys ran over to Bones and Danny. They held Danny there while Bones went over to Carlos.

Carlos' POV:

Bones picks me up into a hug. It feels like he is crushing my body. He whispers in my ear,
"You scared the living hell out of me, Kid!"
He places me back on the ground.
I smile, I then realized something though.
"How'd you find us?" I ask.
"Bones always finds a way..!" He patted me on the back.
"Ow!" I lean forward away from his hand.
"What's- what's wrong-" Bones looks at my back, "DID SHE DO THIS?!"
Bones points at Danny.
I nod. Bones whips his head towards Danny.

Camilo's POV:

Bones marches up to Danny. He whispers in her ear, I can't tell what he's saying but it must be really bad because her face looked as though she had seen a ghost.

Danny's POV:

"You did this to him? You hurt him? I'll pound you alive..!" His deep grumbling voice faded as he stepped away.

Camilo's POV:

"Carlos? Would you like to do the honors?" Bones pulled out a switch blade.
Carlos was hesitant.
"Oh c'mon! You've killed someone before! How bad can this be?" Rage says.
Carlos walks up to Bones and is given the knife. His expression changed in an instant. He smiled and held the knife in stabbing position.
"The time I've waited for this moment.. I'll finally get to have my revenge..!" Carlos was excited.
I couldn't believe my brother was going to actually kill someone.. I realized y/n was still watching. I turned her away as fast as I could. I covered her ears. We both closed our eyes as tight as possible. But nothing could muffle the screams of Danny's... brutal killing...

Carlos' POV:

The knife plunged into the flesh of her stomach.
I twisted the knife out and I stabbed her again. She screamed.. I don't think I've heard anyone scream like that before. She screamed... I've hurt someone.. I kept taking the knife out and stabbing her arms and legs and torso. I wanted her alive for as long as possible so she could feel the pain she deserves.
"THIS ONE IS FOR-" I stabbed her deep into her flesh, "RAPING ME!"
Danny was weak and in pain. I started to quickly jab her body with the knife, making deep wounds everywhere. Danny fell out of the guys arms. I started to stab furiously over and over again. I screamed and started to cry which was slowing me down. I stab her chest.
"Okay, okay! CARLOS! THATS ENOUGH!" Bones yelled.
I didn't stop, in fact I went faster with the stabbing. Bones snatched the knife out of my hands. I looked down at my hands and the rest of my body. There was blood dripping everywhere. My vision went blurry and I blacked out.

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now