55 Brat Trap

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"Earth to Izzy," Becca calls. I blink away my fog and turn my attention to her as she stands there in a pink schoolgirl outfit. Her brown curls are tamed into pigtails and paired with soft makeup leaving her looking far more innocent than she is.

"I'm here," I mumble.

I may be but my mind is once again a million miles away...

"Bullshit." She puts a hand on her hip and frowns at me as she waits for her drink order to be filled. With the club closing down soon to move, it's been packed every night, running us ragged as we work to train the newbies.

"Watch out for Lyla, she's getting extra fresh with the clients." I look over at the tall blond helping out in my section. She's once again lost in banter with a table, ignoring the others.

"I'll see what I can do."

"We'll she listens more to you than she does me." Becca crosses her arms not fond of the new waitress. Her switch energy seems to clash with Becca's making it best for them to be separated. "You sure you're good? You look like you're a million miles away."

"I'm fine, I just can't get her out of my mind." After having it out with Jonathan I've tried really hard to put Loni out of my mind but she seems to have set down roots. He has been very vocal about how their relationship ended but doesn't like to talk about her... which just feeds my imagination.

"Tell me you're not talking about wonder cunt again?" Natasha asks. Her green eyes bore into mine and a frown takes hold, knowing her answer. "Izzy, you know better!"

"I know," I groan, sinking into a seat beside her.

"Viktor says she has nothing on you, and he would know. He's been friends with Jonathan and Anne long enough to be the three musketeers." Natasha arches a brow as if asking me to dispute the fact.

"They must have had something to have been together as long as they had been... The things she knows..." I sigh and palm my face, trying to push away the mental images that my mind conjures of the two of them together.

"What? That Jonathan is an ass man?"Becca chirps. "Girl, the way he salivates and spanks you every chance he gets, a toddler could figure that out!"

"It's not that!" I breathe deep trying to keep myself under control. "She knew more personal things..."

It's as if she was waiting in the washroom to catch me. Natasha was of no interest to her but as soon as I showed any weakness she went in for the kill. What's worse is she cast doubt.

"Ever wonder why a man as consistent and careful as Jonathan would change his mind so suddenly? How he could go about promising to never leave me, then at the drop of a hat, leave town and act like we had nothing?" Her whispered words still haunt me. I can't stop thinking about them and wondering if I'm just next.

When I tried to call her on it, saying she was a liar and that she didn't know him as well as she thought she left me speechless with one simple phrase. Loni leaned in close so only I could hear and repeated the words he once said to me that sent my heart fluttering. "I like control, I like to overpower you and hear you beg..."

I can still see her triumphant smile as she moved away, knowing she won this round. Becca showed up and chased her off with Nat as I stood there utterly shaken. She said just enough to leave me wanting more, wanting answers that Jonathan doesn't seem to give.

As far as he's concerned, his chapter with Loni is over and gone. At first, he indulged my questions but then they seemed to hit a nerve. All he says is that they were together for several months, but that it was different. He always stressed that they were play partners and that was it. Jonathan ended things when she pushed for more because he was too busy and didn't want to bring her with him.

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