The song

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Time skip

Mina had already asked for Izuku's number, before catching up with her friends. Jut as the group were heading to Todoroki's place for a sleep over, one of Katsuki's ex decided to talk to Katsuki. "What is it that you want from me Miller?" Katsuki questioned in an unamused tone. "Kat, please take me back, i am so sorry for what I did to you in the past, please-." Miller started, but he  was interupted by his ex. "Miller, when did we start dating?" Katsuki asked folding his arms.

"Middle school, wh-?" Miller was about to question Katsuki, but didn't have a chance to complete his sentence. "Right, and when did we break up?" Katsuki questioned again ignoring Miller's question. "5 years ago." Miller stated. "So what happened was the past right?" Katsuki questioned. At this point Mina already had her phone recording. "Yes." Miller stated again confused.

"Right, so just like how our relationship is in the past, that means you are my past as well, and there is no future in the past, so in simple words, you.don'" Katsuki stated, before walking past Miller, brushing his shoulder against him in the process.

Katsuki's friends followed giving Miller the stink eye and bumping into him on purpose before running off to their friend.

They were all just chatting away in Todoroki's room, before Katsuki spoke up. "Guys I made a new song, can we go to the recording room?" Katsuki questioned, earning nods from his friends.

In the recording room, Katsuki placed head phones on his head and stood in front of the mic. Mina called Izuku, in which he answered. "Hey Mina, hey guys." Izuku greeted. "Hey Izuku, look we will chat later just listen to Katsuki's singing." Mina stated earning a nod from Izuku. Mina flipped her laptop so that Izuku could have a good view.

Katsuki had his eyes closed ready to start. Once Katsuki nodded Denki played the music.

🎶Maybe you don't like talking too much about yourself. But you shoulda told that you were thinking bout someone else. You're drunk at a party or maybe it's just that your car broke down. Your phone's been off for a couple of months, so your calling me now🎶

🎶I know you, you're like this. When shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it. And like me, I did. But I ran out of every reason.🎶

🎶Now suddenly you're asking for it back. Could you tell me where'd you get the nerve. Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had. But I don't really care how bad it hurts. When you broke me first.🎶

🎶Took a while, was in denial when I first heard. That you moved on quicker then I could've ever, you know that hurt. Swear for a while i would stare at my phone just to see your name. But now that, it' there, i don't really know what to say.🎶

🎶I know you, you're like this. When shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it. And like me, I did. But i ran out of every reason🎶

🎶Now suddenly you're asking for it back. Could you tell me where'd you get the nerve. Yeah you could say you miss is all that we had. But I don't really care how bad it hurts. When you broke me first. You broke me first🎶

🎶What did you think would happen? What did you think would happen? I'll never let you have it. What did you think would happen?🎶

🎶Now suddenly you're asking for it back. Could tell you tell me where'd you get the nerve. Yeah you could say you miss all that we had. But I don't really care how bad it hurts. When you broke me first. You broke me first🎶

At the end of the song Katsuki did not notice the tears that ran down his beautiful face.Everyone else did even Izuku who was mad. Mina excused herself to the bathroom. "Mina can you tell me what happened?" Izuku asked in a tone full of worry. "Mina placed the laptop down not the counter. "Listen, please don't get mad Ok." Mina stated. Izuku nodded reluctantly.

"Kat met his ex today, Miller, Miller Craig is his name. We bumped into him and Miller begged Katsuki to take him back. Kat kept refusing and in the end Kat just left. I guess he was thinking of a song and Kat came up with the lyrics." Mina said with a sigh at the end.

Silence filled the bathroom, until Kat was knowing on the door. "Mina, are you in there?" Katsuki asked with a bit of worry in his voice. "Yea, coming." Mina stated, before turning back to Izuku. "Listen Izuku i am going to end the call now-." Mina whispered before Izuku stopped her. "Can I please talk to him, please?" Izuku asked in a sad tone. Mina contemplated on whether or not to let Izuku talk to Kat.

"Sure." She state reluctantly, before opening the door for Katsuki. "Mina, you alright? You disappeared all of a sudden." Katsuki questioned with worry. "Yea, anyway, Izuku wanted to talk to you." Mina stated changing the mood. "Turn around." Mina ordered her friend, who gave her a confused look before smiling at Izuku.

"Hey Katsuki." Izuku smiled while waving at Katsuki through the screen. "Hey Izuku, wassup." Katsuki responded with a sweet smile. "i heard you singing, you got a beautiful voice by the way, and noticed how sad you were, Mina explained everything to me, but I want to hear it from you, are you Ok?" Izuku asked with a worried and sad tone. "Yea I am Ok, and thank you for checkimg up on me, there is no need for you to worry, I am Ok, I promise." Katsuki stated with a sweet reassuring smile. "You promise you Ok?" Izuku teased. "Promise." Katsuki stated holding out his pinky.

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