The Proposal

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Millions of thoughts ran through Izuku's head, playing and pulling on his thoughts of how she managed to execute all of this. How long has she been watching them? How long has she been keeping track of his every move? Surely she wasn't doing this on her own...


Mei's father was and still is Izuku's rival and nemesis in both the business world and the mafia world. Izuku was awfully quiet the entire ride home. He was still processing and taking in the information he had received. Eijirou noticed the deep scowl that settled on Izuku's face. His fist clenched, knuckles cracking and turning a wonderful shade of white.

His phone rang, as he was twenty minutes away from his house, teleporting him back from depths of his shallow thoughts. It was an unknown number. Heaving a sigh, he answered it only to hear the lowly, sickeningly sweet voice of the one person he absolutely despised with every single bone in his body. "Miss me Izuki baby!" Mei's voice rang through his ears. A growl escaped his lips. " And why would I miss a slut like-" "Ah, ah, ah, let's not get so worked up now. Let's cut to the chase and let me tell you why I called you after so long." A giggle reverberated from the other line.  

"And why would I want to listen to anything you have to say?" "Because I have my daddy's men placed around your house, waiting for my signal for them to attack and murder you beloved boyfriend and your pup." "Mei, you wouldn't-" "Dare? Oh but Izuki baby, I would and I will, if you do not agree to meet me." ...Send me the address and I will be there." A dramatic gasp could be heard along with an annoying high-pitched squeal of delight. "Oh I just knew you would come around. I am sending you the address. See you soon Izuki baby!!" A growl left his lips as he aggressively hung up.

"What are you going to do?" Eijirou asked after hearing the whole conversation. "I  am going to see her of course." "But are you really sure about meeting her? She sounds like she is up to something." "I don't really have much of a choice now do I? Luther turn the car around and take me to this address immediately." He said through gritted teeth. The car had taken a U-turn, heading the said address. Izuku clenched and unclenched his fists as well as his jaw. The same scowl still settled on his face. 

'Why would Mei want to meet him at the same Cherry Blossom Tree where proclaimed his love for her?' 'What is going on that little conniving head of yours Mei?' 

Heavy foot steps could be heard from the distance. Mei had her back turned to the figures, watching the sunset where the red, yellow and orange colours danced in the sky, locking and forming one beautiful colour, that similar to a flame. Her flowy baby blue sundress flowing along with the cool breeze. The foot steps had stopped two feet away from her. Slowly opening her eyes and turning around she was met with the same lovely deep, dark emerald green eyes she first fell in love with. 

"You actually came." She mumbled audibly before a grunt was heard from the tall man. "I only came here because my boyfriend and pup's lives are endangered because of you." The smile she had fell after hearing his words. Right. How could she forget that he has already moved on with his life. He has a beautiful omega by his side and an adorable pup that recently came into this world. She frowned deeply. 

"Why did you call me here? Because I am certainly sure it wasn't to sit down and gaze at the sunset." Izuku seethed. Clearing her throat and replacing her frown with a wide grin, she strutted closer to him, not too close though but close enough for her to smell his cologne and a little lingering scent of his omega on him.

"I called here for something you can't back out of or say no to. I have a proposal for you." She grinned even wider causing her cheeks to hurt, but she didn't let that show. Izuku raised an eyebrow  at her. " And what would that be?" As soon as those left his mouth, she grinned even wider, almost inhumane before bursting in fits of giggles. "You are going to take me back home with you and let me live with you or your precious family gets it." Izuku's eyes widened in absolute shock. "HELL NO! I AM NOT TAKING YOU TO MY HOME!?" "Oh but Izuki baby, you don't really have much of a choice now do you?" It was rhetorical question, yet he still wanted to object. What would Katsuki think If he saw him bring home a girl, and not just any girl, his ex? The same ex Katsuki slapped will live under the same roof as him.

"Fine, but you will not touch me or anything. Katsuki is not sleeping in another room, he sleeps with me, in my room got that?" She nodded. " And don't even think about laying your filthy, disgusting near my pup." 

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